If this turns out to be just another tactic to block CGL its time to remove everyone from Hooligan’s Hotel.
Should the inspection conclude that this was a deliberate hoax intended to do further harm to the project, everyone should be removed from the camp until after the projects completion.

First things first, the so called healing camp by design was intended to not only stop pipelines from going through to the coast, it was also designed to stop BC Citizens from enjoying one of the most pristine parks in British Columbia. I am referring to the Morice Lake Provincial Park. Established on July 11, 2008. So there was never any danger to the property that is included in the park in the first place, contrary to what the fear mongering hooligans were stating.

Almost immediately after the park was declared 2 couples used 1 of 2 prefabricated log houses gifted to First Nations by taxpayers, for the purpose of being used by all of its members. These 2 couples not only stayed there for almost 8 years, they build without permits the equivalent to a commercial estate that can house many dozens of people.
All paid for by way of public donations under a campaign of fear mongering the environmentalists.

All without a permit to build on that location, no certification of buildings, sewage system, and a water system that according to some required a backhoe to go into the river.

Next we deal with the issue of blockades, for anyone who is not aware, they are 100% illegal, not just in blocking pipelines, or violating court injunctions, but interfering with the public going to our provincial park. (the western portion of that park (west side of Morice Lake, chrystal Creek, Herd dome) and prohibits any access to the Burnie-Shea Lakes Park.

ALL of this is “tolerated” in the name of claims made by people who refuse to negotiate for the land they are claiming. Unlike all other First Nations who first show proof of ownership and settle disputes about conflicting claims, these hooligans are demanding the key to the castle along with an apology for taking too long to hand it over, even if they are not the rightful owners.
Next we have the court injunction that is ignored, then in a last ditch attempt these hooligans decide to trick the system by adding another blockade under the name of another clan. Let’s not forget it’s one of the two couples that head the second new also illegal blockade.
So then another court order, on that illegal blockade is made, meanwhile online we are reading this will be the next Standing Rock, and it will we a repeat of the Oka Crisis. Then for the press they stand, wide-eyed with amazement, then accuse RCMP of over reacting to a peaceful group of loving hooligans, who only want to love the police. Meanwhile they are all yelling their love to the police, then later complain that they work for CGL.
They claim they were the victims of military type of brute force they that they so were traumatized by it. Was it the love falling of deaf ears?
What a load of bunk, the only trauma they suffered was from the cold weather, as it took only a mere minute and a half to end this blockage, maybe the trauma was the embarrassment of their futile resistance, after all their online bragging. The best part of that day was entering a nice comfortable heated police van, after surviving the frigid cold.
After the dust settled and all but the tears remained, we hear the hooligans complain that a proper archeological assessment needs to be done before CGL can proceed. Next we see it in press releases that CGL did not get proper archeological assessments, so CGL proves that they did everything they could possible do, and the got the clearance needed to proceed.
“Feb. 14 Unist’ot’en release cites the Heritage Conservation Act as an overriding authority to the permits and condemns CGL for not completing on-the-ground studies.”

Considering CGL works till just before sunset, and the hooligans arrive right after they stop working, you do not have a lot of time before dark, but after looking for artifacts in a very short time they found the evidence they needed to permanently end CGL from proceeding with the pipeline. I really need to hire these guys to buy my lotto tickets for me.
Now given that it was the hooligans who demanded the archeological assessment, are also the same hooligans who prevented a team from doing so in 2015, if I recall right, by refusing them access.
Then in 2016 let me quote ““experienced licensed archaeologists from northern B.C. assessed the potential for artifacts at the site. The assessment determined low potential and no further work was required. The AIA was approved by the BC Archeology Branch”
Now the hooligans are angry again, because the experienced licensed archaeologists arrived onsite, without informing the hooligans. Do not forget, this is claimed land, not just by one First Nation’s group either, I will include a visual map to show you what other nation has also claims to this land.

Below is a copy of their most recent complaint, and I would suggest this should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, it’s time to shut down the hooligans camp until work has been completed, and proper permits exists for the building they put up have been obtained. As for permission to be on that land, until the land claim is settled and decided on who owns the land, it has since Confederation been the property of the crown, ceded or unceded, regardless if Freda Huson agrees or not. Canada does not need permission on land that has no recognized owner, claims do not equate ownership. There are 63,459 eligible voters in this area, everyone deserves representation not just those who oppose development.
The Canadian and Provincial Government until defeated by the hooligans remains the only legal authority here. The hooligans have every right to contest it in our courts, and abide by its decisions.
Where is our Federal and Provincial Government in all of this? Have representatives of both now decided to ignore their mandate to uphold the law? Are they more concerned about opinion polls than the lives of all of its citizens? Step up or step aside, we need leaders, not followers.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Archaeology Branch and BCOGC trespass on Unist’ot’en territory, steal artifacts
On Friday, February 15, inspectors from the Archaeology Branch of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations along with the BC Oil and Gas Commission trespassed on Unist’ot’en yintah (territory). They did not stop to go through the required Free, Prior and Informed Consent protocol, and thus had no consent to enter the territory. At no point did they inform Unist’ot’en spokespeople or chiefs of their presence or intentions. We were not able to witness their inspection of the site or notify professional archaeologists advising us on this matter. According to a member of the police Division Liaison Team,
“they [OGC and Arch Branch archaeologists] did take items from the site. […] What they advised us is that they had a ministerial order to take the artifacts”
While unattended and unobserved by Unist’ot’en members and hereditary chiefs, they removed stone tools that Unist’ot’en supporters had left in situ. They trespassed, tampered with an archaeological site, and stole gifts from the ancestors of this territory.
While The OGC and Branch archaeologists have not communicated the purpose of their trespass, we suspect it was for a “heritage inspection”. Section 15(2) of the Heritage Conservation Act states that
“the person conducting the heritage inspection or heritage investigation must make a reasonable attempt to notify the owner or occupier of the land and, if requested, present proof of his or her authorization”
"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"
Hi, just so you know its has not been 18 years but more like 8 years they have stayed out there ( sustained occupancy more or less) and bothered and harassed the citizens of this province from enjoying a large piece of beautifulness, it reminds me of the Monty Python Skit Quest for the Holy Grail when they had to answer the questions prior to crossing the bridge, they are a Joke, I bet they didn’t do an archaeological assessment prior to building anything of theirs.
Typo noted and corrected, thanks.
Should consult a map and note that this healing centre does not interfere with the road to morice lake. Nice inadequate research and consistent inconsistencies in your stories, along with many typos and mistakes always makes for an entertaining read.
Keep your soap opera type articles coming!
Hope you learn something, nice to see your monitoring what we are sharing. We never expected that you would agree, I believe miracles do happen, so when you get a job, remind me again.
As Much as I hate to say it…. Mr Merriman is correct the protest camp ( I dunno can’t call it a Healing centre as I’m not sure how Barbed wire fences help with healing LOL)does not impede access to morice Lake provincial park ( the piece that is accessed from the eastside of Morice Lake) but does impede access to the western portion of that park (west side of Morice Lake, chrystal Creek, herd dome) and prohibits any access to the Burnie-Shea Lakes Park.
Thanks for that info, and helping point out what I thought was already obvious, it was an illegal obstruction a public road, that is denial of rights. I will amend it to insure others will understand.
Copy paste from our inbox
Subject: Taxpayers are funding the Healing centre at blockade?
Message Body:
so if you go onto the Wetsuweten check point facebook you will see a post from Jan 15 from Ridsdale saying the healing centre out there is valued at $2.5 million and is getting grants for the healing centre for $400 K annually from the First Nation Health Authority…..anyways thought you might be interested in this. I tried to send a snapshot of the post but I suck at computers.