BC-North – The voice of the Bulkley Valley

Thanks – Amanda Follett Hosgood

Looking back, social media was the primary game changer, the mainstream media for the first time in history took second place to social media, the truth and the fiction could get out with or without goverment consent or media interference. Well sort of until governments pushed media into censorship mode, where the left decide what is fact or fiction on Facebook.

Facebook Quietly Admits Its Third-Party ‘Fact-Checks’ Are ‘Opinions’

What was lacking in our case was a connection between local residents, community and the internet, that is where we came into play. We meaning a large number of local both aboriginal and non aboriginal saw a need to keep each other informed, even if the rest of our nation was being led like pork on its way to a slaughterhouse. The media went into a crash and burn right alongside the COVID  medias role it was playing in the Liberal/NDP  “Great Reset.” We meaning locals never really cared if the Eco Cult belived anything we wrote, outside of our own Valley it did not matter who belived us, what mattered is getting our message out to locals, and that we did.

Desperate for survival media started unloading its costs (mostly reporters) and begging government for handouts. All to eager to take advantage of this dependency on goverment, the media seemed all to eager to please its new masters. The goverment we now know was playing both sides, activists of every kind, and funding a nation falling apart at the seams. In regards to the Coastal GasLink Pipeline, the provincial NDP needed this project to pay for its ever growing expenditures, while simultaneously trying to pretend it opposed the project. The NDP provincially is the same as the Federal, all the same people. same membership appeared to have control of the press, they even were using tax payer funded reporters “Local Journalism Initiative” inside the illegal blockade. In hindsight with so many good reporters unemployed one has to get very creative to find any employment at all, even if they have to work for left wing rags.

While the left-wing press is still promoting the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs, the real aboriginals continue to support those voted into seats of responsibility and most have distanced themselves from a group that is hardly Wet’suwet’en. The left wing needs these phony chiefs to back up their hot air theme of “Global Warming.”

First  Nations, the people have a right to cash in on a much cleaner source of energy, and the world needs it, and will buy it from elsewhere anyways, be that Russia, Australia or the United States and even Mexico is leaving Canada behind in the ever growing market. Now that First Nations have a steak in energy the Liberal/NDP coalition has decided we need to keep ours in the ground? The lying left will not tell you the truth, that not selling LNG will not reduce world dependency on it, quite the opposite, more and more of the world is and will continue to use it, with or without Canada.

We were the monkey wrench in medias plans to control public knowledge in regards to what was happening at ground zero. We started providing almost daily coverage and updates as to what was really going on, locally researched, and written by locals for locals while the world watched in amazement. Watch they did, its no accident that our page views are close to hitting 3/4 of a million reads, that is not local traffic, much of that was international eyes on the Bulkley Valley, looking for unedited, non blacked out, non-redacted information in regards to what was happening at ground zero.

We were the only online voice for First Nations while mainstream and leftwing media ignored the real Wet’suwet’en people, and put all their marbles into a group of phony chiefs. A prime example is this video, did you ever hear this voice on mainstream press?

We can talk about the mega millions wasted, that could have put food on peoples tables, or roofs over the homeless, but when it come to criminal activity, none of that matter but the end game, that they still ended up losing. None of these criminals ever participate in community building, but are front and centre with both hands out for the take. The only reason this goverment cares is they got caught playing both sides, how embarrassing. So now they (left wing media) intend to try humiliate the same NDP to get them to slap the faces of industry, in order to get re-elected. Well people its a case of too little too late for that, the question today is how badly they will lose the next election. They have proven they are not worthy of leading our province. But here we have it, the Tyee also goverment funded, better known as the voice of BC NDP still focused on protecting the villains instead of the public.



Witset First Nation Youth Healing Lodge

Funny how the same Amanda Follett Hosgood can speak so eloquently about the Unist’ot’en Healing Center in  the TYEE promotion of the blockaders, yet make ZERO mention about the  Witset Health Centre or the Healing Lodge in Witset? You would think that should warrent a headline story from the north that she is representing on behalf of the Tyee. Somehow I wonder why she expects protection from the RCMP while simultaneously making a career at attacking them, as she so often is seen doing.


The Tyee and Amanda Follett Hosgood proved our website to be a valuable source of information. They intentionally tried to make the story “BC Illegally Collected Personal Info Tied to the Wet’suwet’en Conflict” a slam dunk for Eco Terrorists, but it was just a cover for trying hard to discredit the truth, none of which she challenged by providing facts. Like it or not she was only sending more people to our website, so they can decide for themselves, if or not the media had it right, or locals knew the truth all along. In my books she lives local but is still a plant from outside, based on her very left wing bias and the absence of the other side of the story.

What was amazing in the story was how goverment relied so heavily on our website to provide details on what these criminals were doing.  What I did read also poses some serious questions, the very same goverment that is supposed to protect your rights, is heavily curtailed in its ability to collect information on people who are actively engaged in denying citizens rights. Kind of like criminal rights trump public rights. It’s clear that future legislation must put the public’s rights ahead of criminal rights.  The goverment must research everything, however the line seems to be drawn when it comes to radical groups that promote division and hatred under the guise of activism. “These so-called ‘activists’ who refer to Canada as ‘KKKanada’ have no respect for Canadian values of decency, unity, and respect for all.  They are weaponizing a foreign conflict to sow discord, disrupt our communities, and attack the very foundations of our society.” and yes I stole most of that last sentence from the BC Conservative leader who is smack on, when it comes to both the Tyee and the NDP giving free reign to the criminal element in British Columbia.



The privacy breach occurred in 2021, as members of the Wet’suwet’en Nation and their supporters occupied a work site where Coastal GasLink was preparing to drill under the Morice River, known to the Wet’suwet’en as Wedzin Kwa. “


Good God People! the Tyee defending criminals occupying a worksite that they have NO right to be in?

I want to remind people that this site was the one where criminals were never charged for the attack on CGL employees and equipment.  Why did Amanda Follett Hosgood never publicly asked Molly Wickham who was involved in the attack on CGL employees and equipment? Molly was in charge of that camp at 44k was she not? Aslo what did Amanda Follett Hosgood not ask Molly who did the attack at Sunshine Inn, after all she was in touch and in control of the fight against CGL? Does it come to could not ask, or a case of would not dare ask? See our article   A law for them and a law for us. is this what Canada has degraded into?

It appears that the TYEE is way more focused on criminal rights than the rights of local citizens living in the Bulkley Valley, yet Amanda lives among us enjoying the same rights as the rest of us while bestowing condemnation of the very people defending her rights.

Absolutely Disgusting – Not a word about the evil deeds they committed, not a word about their attack on workers, who cares their agenda fits left wing ideology.



Clearly the Tyee is more focused on criminal rights than the public’s rights, all in the name of Eco Worship.








Staying with our policy to remain honest, we can only speculate that they are referring to an article that proves Molly Wickham aka Slaydo, is not even Wet’suwet’en. ( “Molly Wickham is not a Wet’suwet’en”) and the public comments below it, regarding Molly’s ancestry.

Then here is the kicker Amanda Follett Hosgood said Internal emails released to The Tyee show that provincial employees also exchanged information obtained online, including from an anonymously authored blog known to make false and inflammatory claims about the pipeline conflict.

Without ever giving a single shred of evidence to support her claims.  Amanda Follett Hosgood had a live in relationship with the very people who were breaking the law, she had to agree to the following. (see screenshot) Who does this as a journalist?

Click to Enlarge You need to see this to believe she agreed to this.




This resulted in this response from a real journalist who read the same article.

Ian Harvey has written for The Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Macleans, Readers Digest and many other publications.




Going back to Amanda Follett Hosgood’s comments about our website, if she was worth a lick of salt, she would have addressed each issue where we failed to tell the truth, but for obvious reasons defending criminals rates higher in left hand press. why is it that she does not have the guts to ask Molly, or any of the others we have exposed on our website for not being Wet’suwet’en? Why has she not dared to ask the million dollar question? Any good reporter would take on that challenge in a heartbeat, unless their agenda was a cover-up of facts.

Why has Molly or her sister, or those we named on our website, never offered to prove us wrong when its so easy to show the public that you are indeed Wet’suwet’en? Just show us 3 or 4 generations back and we will concede our point.

We have seen this before, mouths dropping open wide and exclaiming how dare  you even ask that question? Let me boldly suggest, that your attempts to suggest “how dare you ask” is a cowardly attempt to hide the truth. To their credit, the same how dare you ask stopped the question dead in its tracks in the courtroom. Look at how the press screamed how dare you question an aboriginal? Geez your only in there for contempt of court, but how dare you ask if I am really a Wet’suwet’en!


We dared to ask after finding evidence in each instance that proves they were not Wet’suwet’en.

If they refuse to answer, maybe it is the duty of our courts to ask.


As I see it if they really do follow the matrilineal system, Molly’s ancestry goes back to Gitxsan, by way of her mother, who is the daughter of a Gitxsan woman.  The same goes for all the others that we exposed.  Here is my open challenge to them all, show the public you are Wet’suwet’en, by showing the lineage on your mothers side, the matrilineal system, and we will post a public apology and retraction in each case you prove us wrong. If you do not have the guts to do it here, do it in the feast hall so the real Wet’suwet’en can challenge what you say.

The ball is now in your court Amanda. Game on!

"Now you know the rest of the story"
brought to you by
"Two Feathers"




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