Above is John Ridsdale (Chief Na’Mox) who has still to answer for criminal charges against him in regards a shooting incident in early February that occured in the Hagwilget village near Hazelton.
Today we pick up where we left off yesterday with ‘Wiggus Tset At’awt At’en’ Respect First” In order to have respect, the obvious question is who is respecting whom? In this instance it was used when the two party’s goverment and a group of Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs led by Chief Woos (Frank Alec) who locals all know is the title that was stolen from Darlene Glaim. Now the man with the talking stick, is something akin to the chairman or president of a group, his name is John Ridsdale, always seen in the official Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs photos as the man with the talking stick. (the official speaker)
Is this the ‘Wiggus Tset At’awt At’en’ they refer to?
Keep in mind that those leaders elected by the Wet’suwet’en people, were never invited to, or were part of those negotiations between Federal and or Provincial Governments, and on that side the public, yes you and me, never knew who was representing us, was it Horgan, was it Nathan Cullen or was it Murray Rankin? In perspective the opening salvo was done prior to the NDP election and both Cullen and Rankin were on extremely lucrative contracts funded by the taxpayers and appointed by Horgan. Both of these two men took the money and quit before the jobs they were hired to do were completed. Both men had tons of tax payers money to win their respective riding’s and it resulted in Nathan Cullen becoming Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations, and Murray Rankin becoming British Columbia’s Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation both were handed their lucrative appointments in November 2020.
So who are we dealing with? Nathan our elected MLA? Or Murray Rankin British Columbia’s Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation? Or John Horgan? Who is giving away the birthright of every citizen of British Columbia?
Is this the ‘Wiggus Tset At’awt At’en’ they refer to?
Now we have another body called the Office of Wet’suwet’en, who have been rumored (a pretty substantiated rumor) that John Ridsdale was fired from the Office of Wet’suwet’en along with a few other long time serving members and was replaced by Chief Woos (Frank Alec) ? It seems the members (born with Wet’suwet’en blood) have to wait to hear what white mans press is saying, due to the silence by both the Office of Wet’suwet’en and the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs.
Is this the ‘Wiggus Tset At’awt At’en’ they refer to?
So the question all of us are asking is who represents the members (born with Wet’suwet’en blood)? Obviously the white mans goverment run by Horgan does not respect the elected citizens of the Wet’suwet’en people. Obviously the NDP feel no obligation to tell non aboriginals who is negotiating OUR money, lands and rights, and likewise the NDP shows complete disrespect for all non aboriginals by not allowing the citizens affected, any say at all in the negotiating process. So who got the $7.2 million was it the Office of Wet’suwet’en or the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs?
So who got the $7.2 million was it the Office of Wet’suwet’en or the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs?
Is this the ‘Wiggus Tset At’awt At’en’ Respect First Horgan and Ridsdale refer to?
"Now you know the rest of the story"
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"Two Feathers"
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