Sklyer Williams – Blockader Profile

Sklyer Williams – Blockader Profile

Skyler Williams  is one of four Mohawk (Haudenosaunee) activists seeking attention outside of Six Nations Indian Reserve. They self proclaim they are here as representatives of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations) however there is no record of them ever being asked to come to the Bulkley Valley by either the Mohawk Nation or by the larger body of Six Nations of Grand River. None of these four ever served their communities in any capacity at the Six Nations Indian Reserve.

He is one of four people from Ontario that are role playing as “Land Defenders” for Franklin Lopez with his company subMedia, and subMedia is funded by the Canadian wing of the American Tides Foundation and in coordination with its media wing National Observer. The Canadian Tides Foundation has now been renamed MakeWay Foundation to hide its connection with the American Head Office.

This entire stint had more to do with promoting a not so successful musical career and putting a spotlight on themselves. Continued support came as a direct result of Cory Jocko and Josey Alec becoming a couple. Most people in the Bulkley Valley never knew Josey Alec as she grew up in Ontario with another one of Alec’s x-wives. Frank Alec is the man that has the stolen title of Chief Woos that in reality really belongs to Darlene Glaim. The other two are Logan Staats and his wannabe journalist sister.

These people are professional liars, claiming the RCMP put them in these cages, that claim on December 20th 2021 see the image below and the rest of the story.

Skyler narrates in the video regarding how he and others were forced into these cages (question is where did they get the pictures, I doubt these exist in Canada other than for transporting police dogs)

This story evolved from this one the day before where they told the rag National Observer ( a subsidiary of the Tides Foundation) the following contradiction.

“The trio say they were transported from an RCMP detachment in Houston, B.C., to Smithers in enclosures about the size of a “dog kennel” in the back of police SUVs. They also say they were forced to appear before the judge in their long underwear and put in hand and ankle cuffs, even though none of them were armed at the time of their arrest. “The police officer motioned for me to go around to the back of the SUV where you open the hatch. Inside the hatch were these two cages that were bolted to the floor,” said Skyler Williams, a Haudenosaunee land defender from Six Nations and spokesperson for 1492 Land Back Lane, who travelled with siblings Layla and Logan Staats to Wet’suwet’en territory last month.

The photo they used above is not in the back, its in the side, but its not as blatantly different as the story they told the day before when they said quote

“The Staats siblings and Williams spent the night at an RCMP detachment in Smithers, BC. They were charged with civil contempt for breaching the injunction. “We were transferred to the courthouse, where we were paraded through open court in our underwear, shackled from our ankles to our wrists, and brought out for a bail hearing,” said Williams. “Out of all of it, that was probably the most degrading.” He compared the SUV that transported them to the courthouse to a dog kennel. “To be treated, I would say, like animals – degraded – for me it just felt like this is not right,” said Staats.

More lies included being forced to attend court in their underwear, they wore prisoner jump suits and anything more than their underwear underneath would have been far to hot, but note how the story evolved from “He compared the SUV that transported them to the courthouse to a dog kennel” to “Inside the hatch were these two cages that were bolted to the floor,” said Skyler Williams


Next comes a story that might better explain who this man really is.

We need to stop making radical bullies our heroes and place them where they belong, either in jail or in rehab.

In this instance we are talking about Land Back Lane spokesperson Skyler Williams who spent a fair amount to time here preaching to the people of the Bulkley Valley, the following is a quote from Two Row Times In fairness keep in mind its still allegations, not a conviction.

The year-and-half-year-old land rights reclamation on McKenzie Road in Caledonia has been rocked by serious and disturbing sexual assault allegations after a TikTok user named Charlie Cruise came forward last week, alleging Williams was a sexual predator who used his position as spokesperson for LandBack Lane to coerce them into a polygamous encounter.

Following Cruise’s viral videos, an indigenous podcast Red Truth, White Lies from Credible Mohawk Entertainment (CME) broke additional accusations from people across several provinces, claiming Williams has exhibited a pattern of similar behaviour at other land reclamation sites — using his position as a land defender and spokesperson for LandBack Lane to coerce people into sexual relationships.

Click here to read the full story. Keep in mind “WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC AND TRIGGERING CONTENT”



Important Related Articles

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October 9, 2021 RCMP arrive at drill pad site access road.
October 15, 2021 Invasion – Our local communities under attack.
November 3, 2021 Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) in the Bulkley Valley – Welcome Back
November 8, 2021 Our Sacred Headwaters – a Human Portable Outhouse
November 14, 2021 Yintah – a documentary film about the Wet’suwet’en Nation
November 19, 2021 Anarchists and Warriors – A confession by Molly Wickham
November 22, 2021 Insurrection – List of players in the Bulkley Valley
November 26, 2021 Screaming roosters or loud chickens?
November 29, 2021 War in the Woods – Daily Update
November 29, 2021  War by Anarchists on Society
December 3, 2021   Taylor Bachrach sandbags RCMP in Parliament  Cody Molly Logan Colin
December 4, 2021   Memory Lane – Like peas in a pod.
December 6, 2021   Did CBC just team up with a terrorist?
December 11, 2021   Violent RCMP Raid on the Wet’suwet’en? When and where?
December 14, 2021   Nathan Cullen’s letter of concern regarding RCMP Violence
December 17, 2021   The fallacy of “Land Back”
December 20, 2021  Where are our Wet’suwet’en leaders?
December 21, 2021  The case for a permanent RCMP station on the Morice West Forest Service Road
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December 28, 2021  Anarchist Stool Bus – We uncover the down and dirty – Dec 2021

The rest of the story can be found in our 2022 articles, check there for more related articles.

January 6, 2022 Mohalks – Landback – Sexual assault


#buildthatpipe #Wetsuweten #TidesCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPstanddown #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #NoTrespass #WedzinKwa #DefendTheYintah #RCMPAreMercenaries #WouldYouShootMeToo #LandDefenders #WaterProtectors #RiseUp #LightYourSacredFires #landback #blockade #takeaction #istandwithwetsuweten #decolonize #landdefenders #protectthesacred #gitxsanterritory #yintahaccess #pipeline

"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

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