The next Federal Election looms ahead

American interference in Canadian elections and national policy by the Tides Foundation.

What it means for us locally and nationally, in particular with regards to our local pipeline hardliners.

First I want to say thank you to all those who follow this old man’s journey with a pen, it’s you who keep me going, for those who hate what I have to share, also good news, like most writers we get periods of what is more commonly known as writers block. However we are on a roll since we came back.

Predicting the future is somewhat of an art, like looking though a very dirty glass ball, but that said there are powerful indicators as well.

We do know that if Justin wins the next election, it will not be on account of people wanting to keep him on, but rather coming up the middle between the Conservatives and the People’s Party of Canada, with mad Max tearing a massive chunk out what would have been an easy victory for the Conservatives.

The NDP and Greens will also slug it out and determine which one will be the very distant third party, they have now become so irrelevant MP’s are quitting and in turn that will not help our local MP Nathan Cullen.

Our own riding might also not be as easy win, it really depends on lot on what Nathan Cullen says and does between now and then. Why you might ask? Nathan has back to back massive wins in the Skeena-Bulkley Valley so why might things change?

Well right now it looks like the next election will be that all roads will lead to pipelines, our backyard will not be an exception.

Before we continue in regards to local elections, lets take a deeper look at the Federal Election about to happen. Without a doubt all of the Conservatives from both Conservative Parties, will likely ignore all cries that oppose any pipeline, dilbit or natural gas. That’s an easy prediction, few would disagree.

Second is the most sympathy for First Nations standing in the way of progress comes from the NDP, it always has and always will, so my warning to some fools out there, do not bite the hand that feeds you. Next in line would be what looks like outgoing Liberals, so all the attacks made my local shit disturbers is only going to help insure the Conservatives will win the next election.

The conservatives will use whatever means they have at their disposal to push pipelines though while using whatever laws they can slap together to remove opposition.

With very obvious divisions within aboriginal groups, for and against, it might be more than just natural gas that they ram though if elected. They will back each other in parliament on issues on energy, to think otherwise would be insane.

Justin on the other hand could give up on Alberta oil in order to keep his flock from running to the NDP, as he did last time on the issue of proportional representation.  The NDP might have nailed the last election but for the theft of their swan song.

Funded in part now by the American Tides Foundation

So Justin might just run with a natural gas only theme as he enters the next few months.

So we go back to our backyard and why it’s no longer a safe riding for any politician.  Without a shadow of a doubt the number one reason for winning or losing the next election in every riding along the CGL gas line will depend on supporting it to win.

Any politician who will dare oppose the pipeline, might as well kiss any chance of winning goodbye. Its not a case of David vs Goliath, its more a case of a freight train bearing down on a defiant mouse.

Even the bands all along the path can see this coming, it’s not only futile to stand against it, it will result in the loss of billions of dollars to First Nations, regardless of how loud some chiefs become over the issue.

Regardless of if or not you are or are not a status Indian, hate it if you like, protest it all you want, but the bottom line is if you want to control aboriginal land you need to do so in court, or at the negotiating table.

Regardless of what Chief Namoks says, the Supreme Court of Canada will uphold that all land not won in courts or negotiated is, was and shall remain crown land.

Well that’s about it for now, other than one very critical item, it’s only a matter of time before the Government of Canada, passes a law that makes it mandatory for all protester groups to declare if they are being funded from outside of Canada.

U.S. funders have contributed in the neighborhood of $40-million in recent years to hundreds of Canadian environmental and Indigenous groups.

Rightfully they may take it a step further, these organization in order to remain legal will be stripped of the right to use foreign funds to manipulate the future of Canada. That law is way overdue to become part of a new age Canada needs to enter, in order to survive.

"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

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