“The problem or dispute originates from either an unwillingness to accept the verdict of the Supreme Court decision “DELGAMUUKW V. BRITISH COLUMBIA” or the refusal to follow the judges’ decision that considering ownership of the land was not yet established that they would have to come into an agreement with British Columbia OR proves such ownership to the court.”
There are so many out at Hooligans Hotel that are not Unist’ot’en, they are not even Wet’suwet’en and in many instances not even First Nations. They lost the legitimacy to say they represent the Unist’ot’en families. There are now more Unist’ot’en families in favor of the CGL gas line than opposed to it.
Above is an example of a “white female colonizer” from Victoria doing the dirty work for Freda to protect Freda from arrest.
Hilary Somerville is a full time career activist (jobless) anarchist & obstructionist, dedicated to the destruction of our Canadian way of life. She is from Victoria BC, does not have a job, so this is how you can freeload society. Hilary is known around the camp for over 6 years and is deeply embedded into this not so aboriginal family of trouble makers.
To call her a “guest” is an absolute farce.
Freda and her teammates have become so desperate, as locals refuse to be part of a fight against their own people, it’s no wonder they have to now call on “COLONIALISTS” or colonialists sons and daughters to man the front lines of this illegal camp.
Getting along with each other became so difficult that it resulted in Parrot Lake and 44K Camp. It was not that long back when Cody wrote in social media about the help arriving wanting to be treated as guests as opposed to picking up their share of the workload around a camp. Remember this not so nice ending Pictures worth a million words
Then you have the end of Freda and Warner, he ran off with another woman and helped start another camp at Parrot Lake.
There is one and only one reason that camp exists today, because they are using their DNA as grounds to break the law. The irony is there are probably more legitimate “Unistoten” opposed to this kind of dirty politics built around sensationalism and personal ego building than from any sense of justice.
They are brainwashing vulnerable kids who have become adults, making them believe history one day will make them immortal heroes. Hilly Somerville is no new guest here, she has been canvasing for the Hooligans Hotel going back several years now.
She is also involved with the associated disturbances happening in universities and lower mainland. These are the core of corruption within society, by people who want to destroy the civil process and replace it with violence, also known as anarchists.
The problem or dispute originates from either an unwillingness to accept the verdict of the Supreme Court decision “DELGAMUUKW V. BRITISH COLUMBIA” or the refusal to follow the judges’ decision that considering ownership of the land was not yet established that they would have to come into an agreement with British Columbia OR proves such ownership to the court.
We are seeing repeated attempts by both the Office of Wet’suwet’en and Freda and Molly to simply ignore the Supreme Court and declaring they already own it.
Below is an example by Freda Huson;
“It clear that they will target Unist’ot’en people and our supporters under the guise of the injunction, even when Coastal Gaslink has not made any complaint. The RCMP will affect arrests any time we assert ANY control over our SOVEREIGN territories.”
From the perspective of law abiding citizens of Canada, let me correct her, the hearing that determined who or what First Nation owns the land has never to date be held. The only time police will target Unist’ot’en members or supporters is when they break the law, the injunction IS THE LAW. The RCMP have a mandate to stop anyone from seizing illegal control of land under Canadian jurisdiction.
At no time has Freda, Molly, or the Office ever established ownership of the land. To assert control, you must FIRST PROVE YOU OWN THE LAND, and that has never been done.
In regards to the above, you do not have to like, or agree with the law, but the only solution is to have it changed, banging your head against a wall will not make it change.
On the issue of ownership, unlike the Office of Wet’suwet’en, the local municipal governance, meaning the Wet’suwet’en villages are entering talks and entering contracts of understanding into mutually beneficial advancements in regards to the ownership of the lands. The Supreme Court justice said neither side can completely ignore the others demands, and like grown adults its good to see the leadership of Witset stepping forward on behalf of the people.
Stand behind your real leaders your elected officials, they are using the educated solution to the problem.
So yet once again its the Band Office that has and continues to follow the recommendations made by Supreme Court of Canada in the DELGAMUUKW V. BRITISH COLUMBIA Hearing.
Contrary to what the OFC chiefs claim, it is the elected chiefs who have the jurisdiction over unceded lands, the justice never handed over power to the Office of Wet’suwet’en chiefs, it handed over the rights to the people, as the elected leadership is the party speaking for the people.

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