Molly and her gang once again occupy the drill pad site.

Molly and her gang once again occupy the drill pad site.

Updated: Dec 22nd – 6:30 AM Tuesday

There is still not a lot we can add, we do know that the same people that are behind the Fairy Creek blockade in Victoria are also up here breaking the law, and or participating in breaking the law. We have now identified 3 of those reeking havoc on the Morice West Forest Service Road. In addition to Molly Murphy, we have now also identified Arvin Singh and Camilo Ruiz are known professional protesters from Fairy Creek Blockade. Its like a hardened criminal invasion of the peaceful Wet’suwet’en yintah.

Note: These people are very similar to known criminals, using fake identities Arvin Singh and Ronin Swanson are one and the same people. Demon Papa and Arvin Singh are one and the same people. Both Arvin Singh and Camilo Ruiz travelled together to get here and now are bumming the public for gas money and funding.

And a note of caution, women be on your guard if you are out there, we do not have evidence but there were many rumours swirling around the Fairy Creek Blockades about some predators being out there, and they were not your traditional wolf or coyotes.

Also we now have the return of CBC/Submedia (A CBC/Terrorist) collaboration with Michael Toledano back up there again as well, and rude as hell to our RCMP officers.

It was really appreciated to see the RCMP doing their jobs, thank you.

Updated: Dec 21st – 7:00 AM Tuesday

Not much to report other than the reporter/photographer on the scene is the former chairman for the Skeena-Bulkley Valley NDP Association and was in that position during Nathan Cullen’s run for public office, so there are some deep connection there.

As evidenced by this screenshot from theTyee website.

Updated 3:30 PM Monday

We have unconfirmed reports that one of the blockaders is Molly Murphy a Caucasian female who has been here previously this year and comes from the Fairy Creek Blockaders camp.

Other than that we have an updated report from CGL website.

Updated: Dec. 20, 2021 – 12:45 p.m. PST

On Sunday, December 19, 2021, a group of approximately 10-12 camouflaged and masked opponents took over the Marten Forest Service Road and Morice River drill site. The opponents threatened Coastal GasLink security officials with violence, damaged trucks with clubs and fired flares and bear bangers. The security officials subsequently left the site for fear of their safety and RCMP have been notified of these illegal activities.

Coastal GasLink is increasingly concerned about the safety of our workforce and the public following this escalation in unlawful and dangerous activities by opponents that have put people, property, and the environment at risk. An enforceable B.C. Supreme Court injunction is in place to address illegal activities and allow Coastal GasLink to continue with our fully permitted work.

As this situation evolves, we remain in close contact with our prime contractor and workforce. Our work is lawful, authorized, fully permitted and has the unprecedented support of local and Indigenous communities and agreements in place with all 20 elected First Nation councils across the 670 km route. Coastal GasLink is almost 60% complete, and construction is active throughout the remainder of the corridor.

Coastal GasLink continues to actively monitor the current situation and will continue to provide updates as they become available. Our primary concern remains for the safety of everyone involved.

Updated 3:30 PM (Sunday)

We have unconfirmed reports that up to a dozen people took over the camp that was being monitored by one or more security guards who did call the RCMP. If we hear anything new we will share it with you. Everyone working there already went home for Christmas vacation and time off with families.

Sunday 1:15 PM

We will bring you any updated information as soon as we get it. So far the only information we have is what they are putting out.



#buildthatpipe #Wetsuweten #TidesCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPstanddown #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #NoTrespass #WedzinKwa #DefendTheYintah #RCMPAreMercenaries #WouldYouShootMeToo #LandDefenders #WaterProtectors #RiseUp #LightYourSacredFires #landback #blockade #takeaction #istandwithwetsuweten #decolonize #landdefenders #protectthesacred #gitxsanterritory #yintahaccess #pipeline

"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"


  1. Just a thought. Don’t send the RCMP in this time send in 3 or 400 Wet’suwet’en. With global (biased news). And just see what happens. Its an internel struggle that needs fixing . And in my mind they are the only ones that’s can end this bullshit, not the RCMP court orders or anything else, stand up to the hooligans. Just my thought and have a safe and happy Xmas.

    • The Gidimt’en is the only clan that should be involved, but if they follow custom they are forbidden to do anything for a full year, and so many matriarchs lost their lives due to Covid. So why do the people who are doing the devils work, why are they not subject to their own customs and rules? So you see they will not take action, at least that was the rule they followed till now, so maybe they will vote for change? I do not know, but we cannot allow these hoodlums free reign of the territory that hey do not own. The police need to step in and protect the real Gidimt’en Clan.

  2. Why shouldnt she go back? This group has no regard for Canadian law and knows that eventually people like Nathan Cullen will tell the RCMP not to show up, which will kill a $40 billion project. The NDP are working on killing all industry outside of Vancouver and are prepared to give the Bulkley Valley to John Risdale and the Office of the Wet’sutwet’en as they do not get hardly any ridings outside of the 604. Risdale last year inferred as much when he said that non natives will not notice any changes in government, except that FN will be running the show

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