About – The Final Chapter

Every few years I find it necessary to update this page, to reflect the changing times and the change in time. In today’s world we see history not only being made, but being re-written, facts become fiction and fiction becomes facts. I and we originally planned to shut this website down on the completion of the pipeline, then delayed it due to numerous requests to keep it online, the reason being is the absence of any historian willing to write the truth, no matter how much it will hurt many ego’s.


This page is likely the least important page on this website, let me explain why. About 25 years ago, plus a few years I found that writing my thoughts and feelings, was read more times than I could ever tell the same story to people one on one, and I am no fan of speaking to a crowd. So I posted my first website over 25 years ago. At that time I had to choose, to use or not use my real name.The conclusion I came to was that people write using their names for a number of reasons, the first is money, then fame or recognition. I did not want either, I just wanted to share a story as truthfully as I could, and willing to make corrections when I found I had erred in what I wrote. I have always had the policy of “prove me wrong” and I will correct it.

Over the years I needed something more than webmaster or admin, as a name to write under. For a number of years we owned the website JLSReport and used the signature line of JLS.  When we decided to move the site from one host to another and change domain name, somehow someone took over the ownership of that domain name “jlsreport.com” It remains there to this day, broken and full of errors that need correction, but nobody replies when you ask about ownership. So we just started a new domain bc-noth.com and we have been here ever since. We did however drop the identity of JLS and chose to use “Two Feathers” the website (JLSReport) is an illegal copy of a website we closed when we opened BC-North. We also feel there is too much distraction based on the name we used so we will change that name once again. And if I had to make a confession, doing this will annoy detractors to no end, that puts a smile on my face.

We chose “Two Feathers” as our pseudonym, there is a story behind this name Two Feathers, in the Wet’suwet’en culture if ever you get a nickname, you get stuck with it for life. I was once told I will never make it to chief, I would never get more than “Two Feathers” so here we are.  “Natni bita” in Wet’suwet’en.

This brings me to where we are today, that nickname was given to me by a close friend, and to that end I dedicate this website to his memory.  His life was tragically cut short, his father was one of the original litigants in the original Delgamuukw Gisday’wa trial. This Hereditary Chief treated me like i was his own son. If not for the tremendous amount of input from this chiefs daughter, we would not have documented so much history in this website. At this time I also need to thank all the other Wet’suwet’en matriarchs as well as respected Wet’suwet’en elders, and gentleman (Chiefs) from the Wet’suwet’en Nation for their knowledge and contributions.

Next I wish to thank the artist who allowed us to use his painting as our site logo. To protect the copyright we will not publish the painting in whole, but want to add context to the child pointing at a spirit forefather watching over them, the mountain is the Rocher Déboulé in Hazelton as seen from the Hagwilget Reserve.

The entire website was a learning process, the more we were involved, the more the website evolved with us, as more information and truthful history was brought to our attention. No we did not always get it right, but we were always will to make corrections.

If you truly see something not right, let us know and if what you present can be proven true, we will correct what we have.