Proceeds of crime is the term given to money or assets gained by criminals during the course of their criminal activity.
Considering that the activities of the Wet’suwet’en blockaders are illegal, the question is, is the money they raise during those activities considered proceeds of crime?
Likewise when you cause law abiding people considerable financial harm, why would you be allowed to profit from doing so? Should the victim have the right to sue the assets, in this case the Gofundme accounts for compensation?
The numbers below were numbers from back in June 1019, they have raised considerable more since then. The Molly GoFundMe account was all withdrawn, and now a new Gofundme account that has taken its place of the old one. Likewise the Unist’ot’en have multiple ways to have funds sent to them, there is no public or private audits on just how much or what was done with the money.
Unist’ot’en Camp Legal Fund $363,592.83
Justice for Unis’tot’en Land Protectors $76,751.00
Indigenous Life School Fundraiser $1,127.00
Wet’suwet’en Access Point on Gidimt’en Territory (Molly GoFundMe) $230,378.00 (this was the old account, they now have a new one.)
Support the Likhts’amisyu spring build $3,920.00
Tsayu Land Defenders $1,024.00
It would be so very unjust if domestic terrorism is permitted to become a profitable means to make money by the perpetrators of a crime.
The RCMP’s comments on this was as follows.
“The use of force
deployed by the RCMP during this event has been labeled by some as extreme violence.
The review concluded the following facts:
- RCMP members did not punch or kick any of the protestors,
- RCMP members did not deploy any intermediate weapons. This would include pepper spray, Taser, batons.
- Of course, firearms were not used.
- There were no injuries sustained by the protestors or our police officers. One protestor complained of shoulder soreness but was promptly checked by medical personnel and released.”

You raise very good questions on this. Its something that definitely needs to be looked into.
If the Wet’suwet’en and the Unist’ot’en are so strongly against the use of natural resources, why are they still using those resources and why are they still being supplied with propane, natural gas, electricity and automotive fuels? Why haven’t their accounts been discontinued? They cannot be forced to use those resources and utilities, and they cannot force others to provide them. Shut down their utilities. Show support.
This is the same point I’ve been making. This group has been raising hundreds of thousands through GoFundMe and The Action Network. I’ve documented these efforts and collected them at https://www.happydiver.space/?p=1382. I’ve sent fraud alerts to both sites but haven’t heard anything back. In addition, to further hide their funding, The Action Network has hidden the money raised section on the fundraiser. Good thing for screenshots!
Reported this fraud to FINTRAC Canada, Canada Revenue Agencies, GoFundMe and last but now least the RCMP Canada Fraud Division.
Please use the links below to stop these impersonators from pulling the heart strings of the world, report the lies from the GoFundMe page that motivate honest & innocent people to donate.