Who has the authority?

We oppose fossil fuels

Editors Note: The following story was gleaned from Facebook, written by William Michael, we felt it was too valuable not to share it. The sheer number of people now stepping forward is really heartwarming, people who love the Wet’suwet’en enough to defend it from an internal and very corrupt institution that has parted ways with the nations culture.

Who has the authority?

Check this article and others from around the same time with the statements made. The misrepresentation reported way back caught my attention then and Warner Naziel claims to be a cultural expert? An expert at using his culture to serve his own and his anarchist friends needs?

Here are some paragraphs from a Houston Today Article Aug, 5 2012 (check link) to show how wrong things were back then….. No one questioned this or saw how this man got away with using the Unist’ot’en name back then and here we are today in this very messy situation instigated by an individual who relished with getting into “another clans business”……

Consent to cross came from two leaders of the Unist’ot’en a Wet’suwet’en clan that broke away from the OW in 2008 to assert their own aboriginal title.

(spokes persons wielding chiefs and communal clan/house members authority?)

For 3 summers now, Unist’ot’en leaders Freda Huson and Warner Naziel have led the week-long camp out of a riverside cabin that they say is built on the exact route of the PTP .

“We” will stop these pipelines from going through said Naziel, who introduced himself by his chief name, Togestiy.

“They have to be mindful that there’s not just Canadian law. There’s traditional law that exists, and that was long before Canadian law existed.”

(masterful at making up his own laws)

Starting with 60 supportes in 2010, Naziel said this years camp grew to about 160. Nearly two-thirds bused or drove from Victoria, Vancouver and places further afield.

On thursday, Naziel and Huson agreed to give the Houston today a tour of the camp and to introduce a few of its LEADING MEMBERS.

(Zoe Blunt is a career anarchist/activist).

Ask yourself, why would someone push so hard to advance their own traditional laws while begging for support from a lawless movement? SMH

Zoe Blunt, an activist with Victoria’s forest action network, was brewing coffee by a school bus bought just for the trip from the island.

“This has been great.” Blunt said. “We brought a lot of really enthusiastic people.” Many have never been in the BC back country or really talked to indigenous people before. ?

Now ain’t that some shit and I’m not being disrespectful to anyone but just trying to point out the facts that have me making noise today.

With the power of social media at everyone’s fingertips, everyone that has come out of the woodworks to show support from your phones now… where the heck were you all back then? I raised my concerns back then within a letter…. did you?

Why now? Maybe all the sensational and tactically orchestrated media reports are catching your attention?

I’m just pointing out the dark side in all of this……

Outsiders weighing in and leading the charge right from the start telling them, showing them how to disrupt the Canadian economy, fulfilling their own agenda, hijacking the clan decision making processes, all the while using the Unist’ot’en name……

Sorry not sorry.



"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"


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