I have a Dream – A Wet’suwet’en Dream

To the editor,

“In loving memory of a Wet’suwet’en princess, may you dance on the clouds as you once did on earth.”


Thanks Martin Luther King, I too have a dream, a dream where our children feel no need to commit suicide, they have direction, and parents with jobs that allow the children to get good educations.

I have a dream of where Wet’suwet’en can hold their heads up high, no need for welfare checks, unemployment rates run below 5 percent.

I have a dream of Wetsit having its own recreational center, its own hockey arena and hosting First Nation’s hockey games.

I have a dream that the settled land claims allow our people to operate one of the best tourism centers in all of British Columba, working with people of all races and color with pride.

I have a dream that united with other First Nations we can not only reap the benefits of pipelines and industry, but where we also become an asset to all Canadians.

I dream that we can be the ones who regulate industry, we will get the training, we will get rights to insure the highest standards of environmentalism, and standards we will study and set. I dream we will teach our people to be the caretakers of Mother Earth, not by trying to own her, but by educating ourselves in such a way we can protect her using science and technology, that we help build on.

Instead of leading the province in poverty, we can lead the province to wealth and prosperity for all.

I have a dream that women become equal in leading our nation, in which the days of being the doormat are over.

So what is standing in the way of that dream?

Education and hard work, will get us there, what is standing in our way is the people who want us to warrior up, use our brawn, to hell with our brains. There are those who as always in the past will shun those who quit drinking and drugs. There will be those who do not want us to advance, to keep us down. And they will if we let them, time will tell. It did on the past, fighting wars we cannot win, drinking our way into oblivion, fetal alcohol syndrome, all ways of the past, and it’s time we change.

There is a saying that the height of stupidity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results that’s what protesting and blockades have done for us.

I have a dream, we do not need to keep repeating history, we can be the change, but to do that we must embrace change, and not fear change.  We need to change, and its entirely possible to guide change, to work for us and our people.

This cannot be done if non-elected leaders, hold us back to chauvinist rules from the stone age, we need to vote on what we do, we need to use education to guide us, not the dreams of old men.

I mean no offence, you are my people, and you are my dream as well.

inspired by an angel in the clouds


(name withheld by request, I know what happens to us if we stand up)


1 Comment

  1. I should have added a prologue with a tissue alert warning, or maybe I am an old sentimental fool that appreciates a letter from the heart. I give this one 5 stars as one of the best letters in the past 18 years I have been here.

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