Extremely rude tirade at John Horgan

Disrespect breeds disrespect.

If I recall right this video dates back to June 4th 2019. and we missed covering the story back then. After reading in today’s news  I thought this blast from the past was an appropriate reminder that respect is a two way street.

“It’s disrespectful that Premier John Horgan won’t meet with five hereditary chiefs who oppose a natural gas pipeline while he is touring northern British Columbia, says the highest-ranking chief. Chief Na’moks, who also goes by John Ridsdale, said the chiefs have asked the premier for a face-to-face discussion about the Coastal GasLink project.”

It is important because the press did not cover it in a fair manner. Left unsaid was this tirade was done by a Vancouver hip hop artist. Its by no means an endorsement of Horgan and the NDP, its purely about respect, or the lack of it by aboriginals who do not have a shred of decency left in their heads, is it because of the way they were raised or lack of being raised in a decent home?

Its now so socially acceptable for some Wet’suwet’en, inclusive of its leaders, to slander the premier of the province, then demand respect in return.

Stealing another quote The first rule is to remember that respect is a two-way street. It shouldn’t matter where the other person has been, where they come from, or who they are. If your interactions with them are filled with nothing but contempt, a lack of courtesy, and any hint of disdain, then peace out.

Jerilynn Webster, aka JB the First Lady, is a member of the Nuxalk & Onondaga Nations, she is a Vancouver-based hip hop and spoken word artist, married to Jerilynn Snuxyaltwa Webster from San Francisco, California. The event was a feminist event called Feminists Deliver, and Horgan was asked to be a speaker at this event by organizers. Note the hip hop artist was NOT a speaker, she was there as a guest.


Listen to the vile, and uncivilized rant from a woman who appears to be borderline insane. And given the way she became an instant hero to so many aboriginals, it makes me question the morals of this younger generation. Not only have they a very high suicide and drug addiction rate, look at their moral behavior, or the complete absence of it.

They demand respect, seriously? How can anyone respect kids that behave like this?

"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"


  1. Hypocrite. She is ranting in an insulated building heated with natural gas and lighted with electricity, likely traveling there in a gas or diesel vehicle. Where was her watch made? How about the metal chairs? Show her resolve by giving all of that up. Seriously, walk away. By the way, it is not Wet’suwet’en land, it belongs to Mother Earth. Who lived there before the Wet’suwet’en? Give it back.

    Work with, not against.

  2. The tirade seems to have worked. John Horgan appointed Nathan Cullen to be the liaison between the Wet’suwet’en chiefs and CGL. Now CGL is outnumbered 2 to 1 as Cullen is the most strident environmentalist and anti-industry person in Canada outside of Tzeporah Berman. Its like going to a rigged trial now for Coastal Gas Link as Cullen never gave them the time of day when he was MP and protested the pipeline from the beginning. IF Horgan listens to Cullen, the pipeline will be dead ASAP

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