First of all there is no such thing as a Wet’suwet’en Land Defender, they never existed in past history, they do not exist in present day history, they are the name given to domestic terrorists in the name of aboriginals. Simply put, it is due to Canada having recognized a previous injustice to aboriginals, that now have anarchists, domestic terrorists, and eco radical environmentalists doing the proverbial hiding behind the aboriginal skirts of First Nations., In most cases the majority of so called Land Defenders are not even aboriginal.
So how did the term “Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders” come into existence?
History is always fascinating, in this case its particularly so. If you have not heard of him before, let us introduce to you the man not only behind the so called Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders but also the man who orchestrated most of the American Antifa riots in Canada. He is the owner and creator of subMedia and is an integral instrument of the Tides Foundation His name is Franklin Lopez.

A primer on who this man is.
subMedia is also the primary producer of videos for the local blockaders and the Office of Wet’suwet’en. This man has very deep pockets as of 2017 the Tides Foundation had $313,456,165.00 in assets, but its more of a funnel through where even more money pours both in and out. Tides Canada now is renamed as MakeWay in Canada and has $49.7 million in net funding reserves.
It may come a shock to some people but it’s more than just a mime that the Tides Foundation. Franklin Lopez is secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family. . Franklin Lopez is the son of Franklin Delano López and was appointed Deputy Campaign Manager of President Carter’s national campaign.
One of Lopez senior’s co workers in the Carter administration was Joel Solomon Senior. Solomon’s daughter is Linda Solomon Wood editor in chief of the crass propaganda rag the National Observer. His son Joel Solomon Jr would move to Canada in the 1990’s to create and head Tides Canada which among other things would fund Lopez junior’s media creation of the phony Wetsuweten “land defenders”, and the rest as they say is history, but in OUR back yard.
“In Canada over the last 10 years he was instrumental in creating the myth of the astro-sage Indigenous band in order economically sabotage Canada. He organized and helped deliver the training sessions that created the Montrèal Antifa in 2016 and is implicated in the riots in Hamilton in that year. He runs and provides content for a string of “Antifa” websites calling for murdering police, and anyone else who disagrees. These sites even contain recipe’s for Molotov Cocktails. He created alot of the call-out and provided a platform for the mostly white “blockade” activists.”
"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

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