The Office Chiefs have lost their Wet’suwet’en way

Stolen lands, stolen titles, the tragedy of the Smogelgen legacy continues.


“The Office Chiefs or Office of Wet’suwet’en are in reality just another anarchists & obstructionists group, they do not speak for the people or the Wet’suwet’en Nation.”

The Office Chiefs have bitterly failed to lead as both elders and Hereditary Chiefs. You keep hearing them speak about tradition, about how the Wet’suwet’en fought for their land in a Supreme Court landmark ruling, that ruling was known as  Delgamuukw v. British Columbia.

So who is Delgamuukw? 80-year-old Muldon is also known by another name: Delgamuukw. That name is a symbolic ancestral chief name passed down from generation to generation of Gitxsan people; it is also one of the most well-known chief names in the rest of Canada. Delgamuukw was the lead plaintiff in a historic court case that confirmed that Aboriginal title, ownership of traditional lands had not been extinguished by any colonial government of the past.

“Chief Delgamuukw is also one of the primary signatures supporting the LNG pipelines in their territory. Odd considering how the Office Chiefs make so much noise about the need to protect the environment.” One might think he put his own people “first”.

The very same chiefs that protest the LNG the loudest also claim First Nations people are the protectors of the land and waters? So what gives? You have this group of Office Protestors telling every nation from Alberta to the coast that only the Office Chiefs are following First Nations tradition of protecting the lands and waters?

Or is this a case of not understanding LNG? Ignorance?

The question divides completely two conflicting opinions regarding the virtues of LNG, to the point that the Office can only maintain its authority by brute force as in the case of the Wet’suwet’en Matrilineal Coalition.

There is just over half a dozen Wet’suwet’en Office Chiefs that claim to protect the land and water, there is roughly 65 chiefs in the neighboring Gitxsan territory alone, then take into account the number of chiefs from all of the other nations between Alberta and the coast and you have well over 100 chiefs who are being told by the Office of Wet’suwet’en that their desire to see the pipeline through is being denied.

Let’s pin the tail on the donkey. To be precise, its only the Gil_seyhu Clan that opposes the LNG pipeline, and when your even more precise, its only one house within the Dark House that opposes LNG and have named themselves Unistoten. So we have really one family holding both the aboriginal and non aboriginal nations hostage to their selfish demands.

In fact when it comes to LNG, almost every First Nations Chief supports the pipeline as a means to bring long overdue prosperity to their nations, inclusive of close to 50% of all Wet’suwet’en chiefs, and most certainly a vast majority of Wet’suwet’en people. So do the Office Chiefs know something about LNG that escapes the rest of us, or is this a case of a smaller circle of ignorance?

The Wet’suwet’en nation has more hereditary chiefs than the Office Chiefs are willing to admit to, likewise they have never been able to do much more that verbally challenge the chiefs they so called stripped of authority. The sad fact is they do not have the authority to strip anyone’s title but that of one of their own clan, and only once they have followed a said set of protocols.

The Supreme Court ruling included proof that the Office Chiefs are not the final say in aboriginal matters, the closing comment by the chief justice ruled that aboriginal title is held communally, so it’s the people not the chiefs who have the final say.

“Aboriginal title is sui generis, and so distinguished from other proprietary interests, and characterized by several dimensions. It is inalienable and cannot be transferred, sold or surrendered to anyone other than the Crown.  Another dimension of aboriginal title is its sources:  its recognition by the Royal Proclamation, 1763 and the relationship between the common law which recognizes occupation as proof of possession and systems of aboriginal law pre‑existing assertion of British sovereignty.  Finally, aboriginal title is held communally.”

Take that to your lawyers and learn the meaning of the words “aboriginal title is held communally.”

The Wet’suwet’en nation as a whole do not support the local Office Chiefs repeatedly the same gang of anti-pipeline protestors have run for positions in band counsels and lost. Despite claims made by the Office Chiefs the ruling clearly shows aboriginal title is held at the community level, not at the Chiefs level.

We see ourselves as simply Canadian however it is the radical aboriginals that make so much hay of half-breed bloodlines, they show complete disrespect for their own blood unless it has a DNA cash in value.

Somehow the mainstream media is infatuated with the Office Chiefs and what they say, so for the record we will run another correction on a new video starring a settler/immigrant/colonizer by the name of Molly Wickham. As radical protestors love to make an issue of Canadian birthright we felt it our duty to let you know Molly gets to play both sides of the fence with the other half of her genetics coming from, no NOT Wet’suwet’en, but again from ¼ Stellat’en and ¼ Gitxsan.

We needed to mention the above in order for you to understand the following, in speaking with a number of Wet’suwet’en elders, we see there are some firm rules in place in regards to adoption, a category that Molly falls into.

“Molly Wickham is not a Wet’suwet’en”

“Molly Wickham is not a Wet’suwet’ten” she is just an anarchist & obstructionist.

“Molly Wickham may not even speak for the Gitdumden clan”

The first rule is they can never inherit title to land or otherwise known as a position as hereditary chief. The second is the can never become the spokesman for their clan, or be involved in decision making for the clan. The Office Chiefs have positioned Molly to violate both those rules, in addition these is one more breach of rules, she cannot jump from one clan to another clan by way of someone’s request.

Molly Wickham not a Wet’suwet’en at all, Molly is part Gixsan and Stellat’en, and has a husband who is Haida. She comes from the House of Spoox a Gitxan house in Hagwilget. Her settler/immigrant/colonizer and 100% white father still lives in our area, and goes by the name of Don Dusty Wickham who fully supports his daughters actions.

Molly’s “colonizer” father says he supports her actions.

So whatever Molly says on behalf of the Wet’suwet’en or on behalf of the  Gitdumden clan is just token comments made by an outsider that has been elevated by the Office Chiefs, she does not and may not speak on behalf of a nation she is not part of.

Below is the latest “GoFundMe” video from Molly

"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

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