Claim; Wet’suwet’en are asserting their right to protect their lands also known as unceded territory.
In 2009 the Office of Wet’suwet’en ended negotiations of land also claimed by other First Nations. To date they have not proven it is actually their land to claim. As they do have some legitimate claim we will call this half true.
What they mean by “asserting their right” is they intend not to bother to negotiate by simply saying they already own it, with a complete disregard and even hiding from the public they are not the only First Nations to be claiming the land.
Unceded means nothing more than making a statement that somewhere out there between two oceans that they own land they never surrendered. Its intentional vague in order to cover the real intent to claim land they might not have a right to. Thus leaving Canada and British Columbia in dealing with the legitimate claimants who will probably want compensation.
Below are contested claims of territory, there is no reason to suggest the Wet’suwet’en have more right to this land than other First Nations.
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It is not your land, it belongs to the Canadian people, not 3000 campers waving their welfare checks.