Remember this headline?
Unist’ot’en not joining hereditary chiefs’ provincial reconciliation
We just were notified (but we cannot confirm this information) So its really all about the MONEY!
The so called Smoke feast meeting, has a mind blowing lineup. We will post it verbatim.
“The Laksilyu Clan are hosting a Smoke Feast on March 16, 2019 to formally annouce the commencement of discussions between the Province of BC and the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs.”
Negotiator for the OFWC is Peter Grant
Negotiator for BC Goverment is Murray Rankin
Occupation/Relation to land: Freda Huson
NR Technical: David Dewit
Recorder: Judy Walton
.5 Legal Counsel: Karenna
Translator: Ron Austin
This group will be the ones having the discussion with the province about how to implement our title, receiving feedback from the chiefs table, the clan members via the Clan Reps, as well as technical working group. The technical working group consists of:
Project manager: Unfilled
Teck 1: David Belford
Teck 2: Molly Wickham
Researcher: Smogelgem (Editors note; this person is actually Warner Naziel)
There will be a facilitator to work with the clan reps and the discussion team. That person is Marvin George.
The smoke feast will be entering these discussions and who has (we did not get the rest of the transmission)
Remember this headline in Terrace Standard
Three out of four of the primary blockaders from the Unistoten Camp are on the team listed above.
In response to the joint announcement between the Province and Office of the Wet’suwet’en, the Unist’ot’en camp on Saturday posted on social media that while it respects its neighbours’ right to negotiate for their own clans and house territories, the Office of the Wet’suwet’en “does not represent the interests or position of the Unist’ot’en.”
The statement from the Unist’ot’en goes on to lambaste the provincial government for authorizing “CGL’s [Coastal GasLink] violent invasion of our territory by militarized RCMP.”
“We do not believe reconciliation is possible when our Wet’suwet’en people face the barrel of a gun. The Unist’ot’en continue to abstain from these discussions, as meaningful negotiation cannot occur under duress,” reads the Unist’ot’en statement.
Chief Na’moks (John Ridsdale) told The Interior News Friday before the Unist’ot’en statement came out that all the chiefs were on board. Dark House Chief Knedebeas (Warner William) was not reached before Monday’s print deadline.
"Now you know the rest of the story"
brought to you by
"Two Feathers"
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