Heart to Heart – First Nation to First Nation

Ellis Ross and his wife, committed to serving the people of British Columbia

The following video was obtained without consent or permission, gleaned raw from the Facebook page of Ellis Ross. His bio below was taken from the legislative assembly, and the video is a message everyone needs to hear, please share this video widely, after watching it I am sure you will agree its a message everyone in British Columbia and Canada needs to hear. This is a very powerful, heart to heart message, it should inspire all of us to work harder at helping each other with a hand up.




Ellis Ross was elected MLA for Skeena in 2017. He currently serves as the official opposition critic for LNG and Resource Opportunities and is a Member of the Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives.

Ellis served as the Minister of Natural Gas Development and Minister Responsible for Housing and has worked in both the private and public sectors, and has business experience in hand logging, beachcombing, and construction.

Ellis worked full time as a taxi boat operator until the Haisla Nation Council requested that he become their first full-time councillor. Ellis served in this position for eight years, from 2003 to 2011. In 2011, Ellis was elected Chief Councillor of the Haisla Nation, and was re-elected by acclamation in 2013.

Ellis has been recognized as a business leader by both BC Business magazine and Canadian Business magazine. In 2012, Ellis was appointed the inaugural chair of the Aboriginal Business and Investment Council. In 2014, he was the only First Nations leader among 25 Canadians invited by then-Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to a public policy and budget retreat.

In recognition of his community service, Ellis was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal in 2013 and the Order of BC in 2014.

Ellis actively enjoys golf, soccer, and basketball. He has a passion for seeing people succeed in athletics, school, and life, which drove his coaching style. One of the highlights of his coaching career is coaching the Mount Elizabeth Secondary School senior girls basketball team to a zone championship.

He is a proud father of two daughters and a proud grandfather.


"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"


  1. A talk from the heart!
    80% unemployment is unconscionable and we feel for you.
    As an immigrant here (45 years ago) I have done well here with very hard work and would like to help in some way without being patronising, condescending or judgemental. Many of my friends feel the same, but do not know how to do it. Is there a better way we could help other than donating?
    In Africa, donations have not worked very well,, whereas some “boots on the ground” together with the locals have been of help.

  2. It dumbfounds me the road blocks that consistently hinders need to improve many First Nations living conditions in Canada? I sincerely believe that the Canadian Government is the root of the problems and have the Constitutional Power without delay to erase the problems. Minimize the politics and and get on with making for First Nations equal to all Canadians.

  3. Well said Ellis Ross, You are absolutely right!
    We need these projects for our FN people & communities, BC, the whole of CANADA!! We need to get out of poverty and into prosperity! How else are we going to be independent to pay for our communities education, training, affordable housing, health care, infrastructure improvements, water treatment plants, efficient treatment plants, etc.
    Personally I‘m in favor of the LNG project in Kitimat, as I was with the PNW LNG in Prince Rupert! I was in support of District of PE signing an agreement with PNWLNG as we were going to benefit enormously as it would have paid for our future capital improvements of our aging water & sewer lines, roads & sidewalks, etc. They consulted us and all surrounding communities! We had numerous meetings and they ensured it was going to be constructed in a environmental safe matter and the highest toughest standards! But they decided to walk away, blaming it on the market conditions! I think it was due to the paid environmental protesters misleading and fear mongering our First Nations communities! We lost our chance to prosperity! But Sunny Port Edward will survive because we continue to be in support of economic developments that are done environmentally safe and creates jobs for our people!
    Continue what you are doing Ellis Ross & Chris Sankey because you two have the right voices and vision for the First Nations!

  4. The basic problem is that we have a country that is composed One people and some 640+ so called first nations claiming independence. This concept is doomed and will insure nothing except division.

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