The other day someone burned some of the junk left behind from the standoff, at the 27km mark of the forest service road, it consisted of several lean-to structures, tarpaulins, firewood, chairs, traffic cones and signs.
It was part of Molly Wickham’s protest camp, now renamed Chief Gisday’wa‘s (Fred Tom’s) cabin or camp.
Jennifer Wickham (also not a Wet’suwet’en) 1/2 white colonialist and the other half consists of 1/4 Gitxsan and 1/4 Stellat’en like her sister Molly, neither one of them are from the Gidimt’en clan and they are also not Wet’suwet’en. First it was Molly who made the following racist declaration, trying to incite race hate.

“It’s absolutely racist. I think it’s white supremacists in the local communities. This isn’t the first time that we’ve been burned off the territory. It’s a well known fact and a well known history and experience of Wet’suwet’en people to have been burned out of their homes and out of their cabins off the territory. This happened all throughout the 50s, this has been happening since contact, when the Indian Agents would come in and move people off the territories so that they didn’t have a place to live,” stated Molly Wickham, Sleydo’, spokesperson for the Gidimt’en Checkpoint.”
Listen to the venom by Molly against the RCMP in the video below, by a woman who is nothing more than a squatter on Wet’suwet’en territory.
We also know quote “RCMP notified Chief Gisday’wa that they were informed of the fire by an anonymous phone call at 9am. RCMP informed other Gidimt’en clan supporters that they had arrived at the site of the arson at 8:15am.”
In a nutshell if you are local and white, and you oppose or take action to oppose radical protestors, according to Molly and Company you are now a white supremacist. The venom spits out of their mouths in an effort to create a hostile environment among united locals who oppose these radicals, mostly consisting of imported (white radicals from outside of British Columbia, and some as far as from the USA.)
There are very good possible explanations, lets review a few.
1. These hoodlums have been flaunting race based hate to generate money via GOFUNDME since the start, with COVID getting all the headiness it would make perfect strategy to burn it down and cry wolf. Lets not forget the headlines about the abandoned camp and the embarrassing mess left behind.
2. Also very plausible is that the real members of the Gidimt’en fed up and embarrassed by the mess decided to take action to clean it up, that would be legal and legitimate.
3. Fred Tom (Gisday’wa) was never part of this camp during the days of occupation, he was just another ordinary member of the Gidimt’en clan and only recently tried to gain media attention after he was made a HC under very questionable circumstances. So he too would benefit greatly from a fire there, and the attention that could be gleaned from the situation. (By questionable we are referring to his well known past struggle with alcohol addiction)
4. Or it could have been done by Wet’suwet’en members completely fed up with the BC Governments complete failure to uphold the law, requiring them to take legal action against those camps. This is 100% the fault of Doug Donalson the minister of Forests failure to uphold the laws he is mandated to follow.
5. Last but not least it could have been done by a black man or woman, and Asian man or woman, or a Ukrainian, or a Polish, or a Mexican or anyone of a dozen shades of humans who these terrorists call white supremacists. Instead of building on unity, they seek to divide people for personal profit.

It could have been done by Wet’suwet’en members completely fed up with the BC Governments complete failure to uphold the law, requiring them to take legal action against those camps. This is 100% the fault of Doug Donalson the minister of Forests failure to uphold the laws he is mandated to follow.

Omg there is some good fuel for the fire. No pun intended. That so called plastic camp has not been a gathering place since the 50s i never seen anyone camped at that spot in 40 years. The people involved in the fire have been found . She talks about nobody reporting or seeing anything. Funny
nobody reported anybody that tried to destroy a bridge that evetyone uses at 44. 5 last winter when they live right beside it. How do you win its all propaganda as we all know. Sadly you we don’t have the TV networks or press to state the truth or the money to rebutt this crap. I’m like you I have a rant to but for another time. But here’s a sneak peak. Freda in her vid refuses bottled water because it fills landfills. Whos landfill? Ours in Houston same place they bring all their garbage not dealt with at the hooligan hotel or any other place. My fav though is as she is talking and walking in her vid you hear her clothes make a swish sound. That sound is synthetic clothes made from oil products not furs lol. I just don’t get how you can say yes my life depends on oil and gas. But I will do everything to stop you from providing it for me to use.
“But I will do everything to stop you from providing it for me to use.”
That doesn’t even make sense. Am I taking this wrong? If you don’t want to use it, then don’t. My goodness. Nobody is forcing you to use gasoline or natural gas or propane or electricity or food from the store or clothes. Nobody is forcing you to live in a house or use a phone. Nobody is forcing you to get medical care, welfare or other help from the Government or the Band. Nobody is forcing you to drive on the roads or even use a metal knife and fork. Nobody. WOW.
Sorry if I babbled Del was just trying to say is that they are protesting against something that they use and depend on to support their cause.
My apologies for taking so long to respond, TP. You go right ahead and babble all you want, as I do. In a democracy it is called freedom of speech. It is beyond disgusting that Horgan has turned into a fat ugly trudeau clone. Power hungry, walking over anyone in his way and sidestepping all kinds of precedence and laws, making crooked deals with his Union donors. Horgan claims to have done so much for BC with the Chinese Virus. He hasn’t. Dr. Henry has done some although she has been sending confused and even contradictory signals. Horgan still allows flights full of diseased passengers into BC. How effective has his ignorant Horgan Carbon Tax been?
What was the outcome of the guys that started the fire. Is Wickham still claiming racism and white supremacists did this?
We have not heard anything, its still a wait and see who did what.