Aug 26th 2020
I have been asked why an old non-Treaty, Status Indian takes so much interest in the 11 numbered Treaties that were signed between the Crown and the First Nations of Canada.
I could tell you that every single Canadian citizen should understand the Treaties, because every Canadian is bound by them.
But that is not my answer.
It just happens that my wife (Muskwa Mamakwasew) is a direct descendant of Chief Big Bear and his war Chief, Wandering Spirit.
The Dominion of Canada negotiated a signing of Treaty Six with The Confederacy of Treaty Six First Nations, 144 years ago.
The pipe ceremonies began on the 18th of August, and the final negotiations and signing process took from August 23 in Fort Carlton with the Assiniboine and Ojibwa leadership until September 9th when the Chief and Heads men of the Woods Cree and Dene signed the agreement in Fort Pitt.
Chief Big Bear arrived after the Treaty had been signed.
As many of you know from the history books, Chief Big Bear and Wandering Spirit, refused to accept the Treaty as signed, and this; among other events, eventually lead to the Frog Lake Massacre in 1885.
Sometime when you get tired of Covid19, Liberal lies, and politics, feel free to take a few minutes to Google this important event in Canadian History.
Treaty Six included all the accepted terms of the previously signed Treaties, but also included the Medicine Chest at the Indian Agents house on the reserve, Protection from Famine and Pestilence, On-Reserve Education, and Agricultural tools so that the First Nations could cultivate and harvest their reserve land.
I want to take the time to wish all my friends and relatives in Treaty 6, the very best, and tell them that I miss the annual Treaty Days celebrations.
Just because we cannot get together in person does not mean that we cannot think of each other, and what the Treaties mean to our people.
Hiy, Hiy, Mikwec, Marsi tchogh, and in my Nlaka’Pamux language; KwuKwSteyp. Thank you
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