Knowledge is Power – Must see Videos by Aaron Gunn

Knowledge is Power – Must see Videos by Aaron Gunn

Introduction:  Mostly I do not promote other peoples work, the exception to the rule is when they have presented material that is extremely valuable or informative to the people of our communities here in the north. The interviews include local people, and it is very important that we recognize what they said. I did not include episode 2 as it was about a different topic and was not about locals. Everyone living here in the north has a responsibility to learn the facts, stop allowing the Tides Foundation via local environmentalist groups to brainwash your opinion on our own backyard.

Knowledge is Power



Do First Nations Actually Oppose Pipelines? | Politics Explained Ep. 1

Do First Nations in British Columbia, and across the country, actually oppose pipelines? Or is this media driven narrative part of a well-orchestrated distracted? I went to Northern B.C. with a film crew to investigate what actual Indigenous Leaders have to say about pipeline projects in their communities. Here’s what you need to know

Meet the Activists Opposing Pipelines in Canada.| Politics Explained Ep. 3

Ever wonder who’s behind the anti-pipelines protests in Canada? The illegal blockades? The steady stream of activism and campaigning that never seems to end? I went to Northern B.C. with a film crew to try and talk to some of these “so-called” protesters and those they claim to represent. Here’s what you need to know



"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"


  1. Excellent article!
    Very impressed with the Wetsuweten people that ARE speaking out. It’s not an easy thing to do. There needs to be more dine to help these people have their voices heard. This publication and thanks to Aaron Gunn, that is starting to happen.

  2. Very well done Aaron. Would love to watch that on something like W5. The best comment was the last one. “Hopefully our people will stand up and say no more”. In my mind things won’t change until they do, and I’m hoping that’s soon.

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