Latest Update: Wednesday – Nov 29th 2021
The latest from the front lines, most (not all) of our information comes from the hooligans bragging or wanting more funding. They are so desperate to fund the GoFundMe accounts you can count on it, they will brag daily about their criminal actions.
Please demand our MLA’s and MP’s work towards legislation that does 3 things to those who violate court injunctions. a) add their names to a no fly list, b) fine them somewhere between 20 to 100 thousand dollars and revoke their drivers licence until its paid off. Today so many people still think its worth it to violate a Supreme Court Injunction. c) bar anyone from outside of Canada who violate court injunctions from ever returning to Canada, have them declared as persona non grata. If we ground these people they will not be so mobile to commit crimes across our nation.

Nov 29th 2021 1:00 PM
Just when we all thought this was over, other than the tears and accusations, this comes along two more arrests. From the hoses mouth.

We went from War in the Woods to war with lies
Nov 25th 2021 1:00 PM
Also not so well covered was that someone (rumour said it was a journalist) Pipeline protester accused of assaulting sheriff resulted in more charges being laid.
“One of the pipeline protesters released on conditions Monday found herself back in custody for a time after she allegedly assaulted a peace officer at the Prince George courthouse, according to Prince George RCMP.”
For the record, we felt we needed to respond to this, according to Molly herself 20 of the people arrested were not Wet’suwet’en so that means her so called kids are all outsiders, she executes her lies with precision, in our opinion Janet Williams is knowingly being deceitful.
Nov 24 2021 1:00 PM
Now that everyone is out of jail and all on conditions, it looks like all the non local shit disturbers will have to leave to do battle elsewhere in Canada. We do want to share with you just how stupid these people really are. In an effort to boost GoFundMe they are now releasing more videos. The humour in all of this lies in Toledano’s own video confirming what the RCMP said all along, neither Amber Bracken or Michael Toledano declared they were press until after the words you are under arrest. The RCMP stated “Police can confirm that among those inside the structures were two individuals who later identified themselves as independent journalists. ” and that is exactly what this video proves.
One of the rules is “He or she is not actively assisting, participating with or advocating for the protesters about whom the reports are being made; ” reading what these two have published and posted on Twitter, both are guilty as hell when it comes to advocating for the protesters. On our part we are sorely disappointed with the revolving doors our courts continue to have in wasting tax payers dollars on what we all see as a abortion of justice.

Nov 22 2021 1:00 PM
Cody Merriman is released upon undertaking of court conditions. Cody now asking court if he can travel to gather firewood if signs conditions. Exclusion will relate to travelling along MSR & won’t impact him travelling outside of it says judge. Promised to appear on Feb 14/22
Amber Bracken, promising to appear to court & promising to apply with terms of injunction. Judge releasing Amber- Feb 14/22 promise to appear in court
Nov 22 2021 11:00 AM
New Update from the Supreme Court Hearing in Prince George, below is a slanted opinion from a biased writer the sister of Molly Wickham, but the letter does provide some very interesting observations. The question of the legitimacy of Molly and her sister Jennifer as members of the Wet’suwet’en Nation. Likewise the question is rightfully posed again for Jocelyn Alec the daughter of Frank Alec who has the dubious distinction of holding a stolen blanker (Chief Woos) They are not the only people asking this question, how many nations can you justifiably claim you belong to? See our article “Molly Wickham is not a Wet’suwet’en”
Nov 22 2021 7:00 AM
Yesterday (Sunday) was another day of reaction by people who mostly have very little issues with CGL but historically have issues with police. These people will get on the bandwagon with any cause that allows them to feel like they are getting even with authority, that is why with four First Nations, three of which are the Gitxsan people (Gitanmaax, Glen Vowell and Kispiox) and one who are the Wet’suwet’en people (Hagwilget) there. Out of the population of over 5000 Gtixsan, and another 800 Wet’suwet’en that the number of protesters that showed up in Hazelton was only a very tiny fraction of their total population.
Clearly a few dozen screaming idiots does not constitute the reaction of the 4 communities living in that region of Hazelton. Not surprising, Adam Gagnon, Sabina Dennis, and Kolin Sutherland-Wilson, all of whom were under bail conditions (likely violating conditions) were all there. (We have videos but we feel sharing their rants were not worthy of posting so we just kept them on file for legal reasons)
There were also protests led by the insane maniacs called Extinction Rebellion, a bunch of no good misfits from society that would serve society better if they were in prison, they were blocking the Patricia Bay Highway in both directions late Sunday afternoon.
Our politicians better learn fast we need laws protecting society from these misfits, with laws making it a criminal offence to block public highways, rails and or air traffic. Protecting the right to protest is important, but it should never be allowed to exist at the expense of the general population.
There were other less noteworthy incidents across Canada, again mostly by people who are anti everything anyways and this was just another excuse to rant publicly.
Nov 21 2021 7:00 PM
We have both more names and more incidents yesterday, so in case you missed them here they are. The first story is that on the call of Molly’s sister Jennifer, some radicals attempted to block the RCMP transporting the prisoners arrested at the blockade, on their way to Prince George. Police refused to be stopped and drove through the protesters. One person who they claim was an elder, fell down or claims were made he got knocked down, and instead of helping him the so called victim, the same people with him used the occasion as a photo opportunity to submit to the press.

Next is the name of another person arrested her name is Miranda Black also from Ontario, and publicly states her partner is Nahum Mann the failed NDP candidate for Davenport Ontario, who was also at the blockades as part of a group called Christian Peacemaker Teams a group run by the Mennonite Church

Nov 20 2021 2:40 PM
We have identified two more people who were arrested in the first batch of arrests, Layla Black calls herself Layla Staats in court, is a Mohawk from Ontario
and Joshua Gosky (name based on phonetic spelling) if anyone who knows who this person is, please send us a note.
Also from the media MyPG Now
“The individuals failed to comply and officers broke through the doors, entered the structures, and arrests were made without incident. Police can confirm that among those inside the structures were two individuals who later identified themselves as independent journalists.
A total of 11 individuals were arrested at this location, among them were Molly Wickham, Chief Woos, and other Indigenous land defenders
Those arrested were transported to the detachment for processing and will be held in custody until their next court appearance.
On Thursday, 14 were arrested, one was released with no charges and with respect to the remaining 13 – 8 were released on conditions and 5 have been transported to Prince George for their next appearance on Monday.”
Nov 20 2021 9:30 AM
As news tidbits come in to us, we will share them with you. Looks like someone was able to define why Amber Bracken and Michael Toledano were arrested, it looks as if they were correctly so working as embedded journalists, working for the cause as opposed to being independent. Considering both of them have offered their work to this band of criminals by way of their own work on the documentary these criminals are making called YINTAH.
Nov 20 2021 8:30 AM
It’s mostly a quite day, all the hooligans that were arrested on Friday will be held in jail until earliest possibly Monday for their bail hearings. As for the ones who had their bail hearings on Friday, they are in every likelihood under a signed agreement not to talk to the public or forfeit their bonds and risk spending the rest of the time in jail until they have their case heard on the charges against them.
There were two more posts that are worth sharing, both concerning the radical media who may or may not have also breached the Supreme Court Order, either way they are in jail till at least Monday. Also we have some footage out of Molly’s cabin before she was arrested.
Nov 19 2021 5:00 PM
Cody Merriman arrested at the 44 KM blockade (husband of Molly Wickham)
Nov 19 2021 3:15 PM
Looks like Molly has been decommissioned along with Eve Saint one of daughters from one of the women Frank Alec lived with over the years. Frank Alec now uses the stolen title of Darlene Glaim.
Also an earlier post indicating more arrests the 44 KM blockage.
Nov 19 2021 3:45 PM
We finally have some live footage of the raid by RCMP on Molly’s Blockade at the 39 KM Blockade. Just for the record, that elder there is Janet Williams who used the tactic of heart pains to get out of her arrest. You watch, you decide if or not this woman is a player or a victim. Its really a load of fictitious bullshit the part about being in ceremony, they are using 100% made up bullshit and attributing it to the Wet’suwet’en culture, insulting the entire Wet’suwet’en nation to cover up their lies and real intentions.
Very few there are actually Wet’suwet’en, in fact we are not aware of anyone other than Janet Williams and her husband were the only Wet’suwet’en in that group of blockaders. The lady beside Janet is Sabina Dennis a repeat offender from the Lheidli T’enneh First Nations Band, from Fort George Prince George.
Nov 19 2021 12:20 AM
Yesterday the people below were in such bad shape police has to provide medical care and send them to hospital, today they are healthier than ever protesting out the Smithers Courthouse. Can you believe these people? How incredible shameful some so called aboriginal elders, its an insult to the Wet’suwet’en Nation.

Meanwhile in Hazelton the RCMP were one step ahead of “CN Rail Blockaders” and showed up in full force to halt any illegal rail blockage.
Nov 19 2021 9:50 AM
Nov 19 2021 9:20 AM
Based on claims made by the Tyee it looks like the now “Criminal” John Ridsdale aka Chief Na’Moks is still running the show at the Office of Wet’suwet’en. So the issue “Office of the Wet’suwet’en inciting Domestic Terrorism” comes as no surprise.
“Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Na’Moks said he and other chiefs were in the midst of planning a meeting with provincial and federal governments just as dozens of RCMP arrived in Smithers earlier this week.”
Nov 19 2021 8:30 AM
Looks like we made an incorrect assumption that it was all over, while true for the road to the CGL Camps the so called Coyote Camp (The Drill pad site) was the fallback location for Molly Wickham and some others who will likely be arrested very soon or as we speak.
The following message just came from their camp.
URGNET UPDATE: November 19, 2021 8:00 am PT 3 buses, 3 vans, 20-30 pick up trucks, some marked, some unmarked, trailers of snow mobiles and a surveillance truck travelling on forest service road between KM 44 and KM 66
Nov 18th 2021 9:00 PM
We are going to make this last update, as the RCMP have officially terminated the “War in the Woods” with a resounding victory over lawlessness.
We will leave with the last words from the RCMP
A total of 14 individuals were arrested today for breaching the injunction. They were transported to the Houston RCMP Detachment for processing and will be held in custody to appear before the BC Supreme Court tomorrow on Friday, November 19, 2021.
Today’s enforcement was dictated by the actions taken by protesters that blocked the Morice River Forest Service Road that jeopardized the safety and wellness of hundreds of people whose provisions were at critical levels,
says Assistant Commissioner Eric Stubbs, Officer in Charge of Criminal Operations – Core Policing. We have made significant efforts to facilitate meaningful dialogue between all stakeholders, and specifically with the group opposing this pipeline project, to no avail. It was no longer possible to delay our efforts to rescue the workers. As such, our enforcement operation had to proceed immediately.
“There are a number of allegations circulating online that the RCMP are preventing food and medical supplies to be brought in to the Healing Centre or to individuals at the various protest camps established in the corridor, and that we are not permitting Hereditary Chiefs and Elders to cross the Access Control Point (ACP) at the 27.5 kilometre mark of the Morice Forest Service Road. These claims are completely false. Medical supplies and food items can be dropped off at the Access Control Point and individuals may arrange for them to be picked up by others already on the other side of the ACP. Anyone wishing to travel through the ACP will be assessed based on their requirement, and at the discretion of the officers stationed at the ACP in consultation with the commanders in charge of the operation as well as the Division Liaison Team.”
For the full message click on this link.
Nov 18th 2021 updated 5:30 PM

As we predicted they would we now see that their pictures are copyrighted to their new documentary Yintah, so everything was staged, even the police raid was part of their master-plan to obtain video footage for their new film Yintah that in turn will generate a ton of GoFundMe money. Note the screenshot below from CBC. Chances are very high due to their history of deception that Yinah Film LTD has to date never been registered as a company. When it does I hope someone has the brains to sue this company for the costs uncured by the pubic.

Nov 18th 2021 updated 4:00 PM
Coastal GasLink has been advised that the Morice Forest Service Road has been cleared by the RCMP and can now be safely utilized to bring water, food and other critical supplies to over 500 workers who have been stranded for almost four days.
Nov 18th 2021 updated 2:30 PM
The first people that were confirmed arrests was Janet Williams and her husband (her picture is below where she is giving police the middle finger.
Nov 18th 2021 updated 11:30 AM
and again

Nov 18th 2021 updated 9:30 AM
A clearly delusional man who stole the Woos title narrates from a script he may or may not have written himself. Like all phoney leaders he sits in the safety of his home while other go to jail on his behalf. What is clear is they think that they do not have to negotiate for land, that they can just unilaterally grab any land they wish without any consequences. His speech is near unbelievable, it is most certainly not from the heart, its a script, he does a lousy job of reading it. Frank Alec is the phony head of the Gidimt’en Clan who also released their own statement this morning. Much of what he claims he fabricated (or his script writer) fabricated.
Pay attention to the 8:27 mark, then listen to him say the Bulkley River flows into the Stikine River and the Stikine goes into the ocean, say what? What planet did this guy grow up on? I am starting to think this was written by someone who does not know this region at all, someone like a newcomer (Jennifer Wickham) its bazaar that Frank does not even notice when he reads it, listen to him when he rumbles on 9:09 on the video”why we are devastated that this pipeline goes though such an incredible Eco-system, the last of its kind in the world”. Then he looks down to read, “It sends a dangerous signal to the wildlife and to the river that there is going to be a disaster.” Then again go to 10:02 where he says “When the drill pad was constructed” “they were going to drill under the river” “That is when we intervened” There was no drill pad constructed, there was a clearing made to prepare for a drill pad.
Nov 18th 2021 updated 8:00 AM
The police raid is underway at this time.
Rescue and enforcement operation underway near Houston, BC
Houston, B.C.
2021-11-18 07:40 PST
A group of protesters opposing the Coastal GasLink project have been blockading outside a worker’s camp on the Morice Forest Service Road near Houston, BC for several days. The RCMP has been called in to assist with the situation as several hundred workers have been illegally blocked in by the protesters, who have also been preventing essential supplies and services into the camp.
Despite repeated attempts by the RCMP to reach a peaceful resolution with the protesters, our efforts have been unsuccessful.
“We have serious concerns that a number of individuals from out of province and out of country have been engaging in illegal activities in the area such as falling trees, stealing or vandalizing heavy machinery and equipment, and causing major destruction to the forestry road, all in an effort to prevent industry and police from moving through,” says Chief Superintendent John Brewer, Gold Commander of the Community-Industry Response Group. “Our primary focus is on everyone’s safety, particularly the camp workers, who are nearing the end of their essential supplies. We were hoping that a solution would be reached without the need for police enforcement, however, it has become very clear to us that our discretionary period has come to an end and the RCMP must now enforce the orders given by the BC Supreme Court on December 31, 2019. We are now mobilizing our resources for a rescue mission.”
Nov 18th 2021 updated 6:40 AM
In the video below Molly’s Wickham sister named Jennifer claims to want to bring heart medication to a person we know quite well by the name of Janet Williams, also they confirmed it in an Instagram post. We have seen photos of them on snowmobiles so its inexcusable for them not to come get the heart medications, or its just a ploy against the RCMP. If her health was a medical concern they could bring her to the police checkpoint to get a ride home, so this game Jennifer Wickham is playing is a media ploy.

Nov 18th 2021 updated 5:30 AM
In the video Logan Staats claims they are putting their lives on the line, why do they plan to have a shootout with police? That followed by a cryptic way of asking others to block railways and infrastructure, keep in mind this guy is not a Wet’suwet’en but a radical extremist from Ontario, he is not sent here by the Mohawk Indian Band, but likes to pretend he is here representing them.
Other Wet’suwet’en – First Nations members also spoke out against the blockaders from inside the CGL Camp, like the following comment, verbatim
Molly must be excited, their documentary now is almost assured it will get new footage making her the hero of this plot.
Nov 17th 2021 updated 4:00 PM
Looks like all hell is about to come down on these criminals and they will be learning a lesson about who is actually the authority over the lands they now occupy.
Also read this new article Wet’suwet’en Elected Chief and Council Condemn Wedzin Kwa Blockade
Nov 17th 2021 updated 2:00 PM
Please refer to our article for most of today’s update Office of the Wet’suwet’en inciting Domestic Terrorism
Today its become a war of telling the most outrageous lie and see if the press will buy it. Yesterday Molly was bragging that they have effectually destroyed the road between her Pallet City and the the Unist’ot’en Healing Centre. Watch the video in the article we posted today.
Then see what Molly is posting today, in a fit of rage against the RCMP look what she posts. Before you do look at the map, they destroyed the road to the Unist’ot’en Healing Centre, look at the map, then try figure out how the RCMP are to blame? Molly had the road between 39km and 66km effectually destroyed was her claim.
Nov 15th 2021 updated 7:00 PM
Just a head up about lies from the Molly’s camp. We refuse to call it Gidimt’en Checkpoint, because it was never authorized by the Gidimt’en Clan.
Two links with news Minister’s statement on Coastal GasLink project and Coastal GasLink not complying with ‘eviction’ notice
Note we will be away till tomorrow afternoon so no updates until we are back.
Nov 15th 2021 updated 2:30 PM
The following is a copy pasted update directly from the CGL website, or you can view it there by clicking here.
Coastal GasLink is concerned for the safety of our workforce due to three new illegal blockades on the Morice River public forest service road blocking all exits and access to two lodges housing more than 500 of our workers, including Wet’suwet’en members. There are safety hazards on the forest service road resulting from felled trees. Project vehicles and equipment have also been vandalized in the area. These unlawful actions have put our people in danger, stranding them at work lodges where supplies will run out in the coming days and limiting their access to medical care in the event of an emergency. We have made the RCMP aware of our concern about the safety of our workers due to these unlawful actions, the latest in a series of illegal opposition activity.
An enforceable B.C. Supreme Court injunction is in place, allowing Coastal GasLink continued safe access in the area. This project is fully authorized and permitted by the federal and provincial governments and has the unprecedented support of local and Indigenous communities and agreements with all 20 elected Indigenous groups across the 670 km route.
Multiple efforts by Coastal GasLink to engage in dialogue with the Office of the Wet’suwet‘en and Hereditary Chiefs have not been responded to. We are committed to dialogue and are actively monitoring the situation to make every reasonable effort to support lasting resolutions.
The project is over halfway complete, and construction is active throughout the remainder of the corridor. Almost 100 per cent of the route is cleared, with 200 km of pipe being installed to date and reclamation activities are already underway in many areas.
Aerial footage of safety hazards at KM 39 on the Morice forest service road, including felled trees. View the photo and download here.
Aerial footage of safety hazards at KM 63.5 on the Morice forest service road, including felled trees. View the photo and download here.
Nov 15th 2021 updated 10:00 AM
Our sources say otherwise, all work is proceeding as per normal from the workcamps, it seems the game plan of the hoodlums is to run a misinformation campaign, trying to fool workers into playing into their hands. Just in case I was not clear, all scheduled work is continuing regardless of the road closure. It is the duty of the RCMP to reopen the road without prejudice, because it is their job. As to the time and date, we were not notified.
Nov 15th 2021 updated 8:30 AM

Looks like the event in Hazelton was a flop (shutting down the CN rail line) no word yet as to if those who did it will get contempt citations. Around 8:00 PM it was reported that nobody was there anymore and CN crews were left to cleaning up the mess left behind.
Of note was Kolin Sutherland-Wilson who was probably violating his conditions of release from his arrest with Adam Gagnon a few days back. Imagine this so called spontaneous event and he shows up with a sign obviously made at least a day ahead of the event. Yes that is him behind the mask.
In regards to Molly’s Roadblock, it looks like they retreated from the drill pad site, too cold and miserable out there, they retreated to the comforts of the original location at the 39K roadblock, aka as Pallet City, where they had their last standoff with police. Clearly they want a showdown now as they do not want to be out there all winter again. So they are forcing the RCMP to act.

Nov 14th 2021 updated 5:30:PM
We were able to confirm that the statement purporting to be from CGL is false (posted below)
Reports that CGL is complying is also inaccurate.
Coastal GasLink statement on worksite access
“Updated: Nov. 14, 2021 – 3:45 p.m. PDT
Early this morning, Coastal GasLink was informed by the Gidimt’en Checkpoint that they intend to evict Coastal GasLink from areas around the Morice River and block public forest service roads. An enforceable B.C. Supreme Court injunction is in place, allowing Coastal GasLink continued safe access in the area. This is in the same region where the group has illegally blockaded a Coastal GasLink worksite, in defiance of the B.C. Supreme Court injunction, since Sept. 25. Our primary concern continues to be for the safety of our workforce and the public. Coastal GasLink has continued to seek dialogue to resolve this situation, however, to date these offers have not resulted in any response. We are actively monitoring this evolving situation and will continue to provide updates as they become available.”
Nov 14th 2021 updated 2:PM

Using kids as blockaders should be grounds to have your children put into protective custody. If that bridge goes out due to a derailment, note the railway tie placed on the tracks, it would close highway 16 and possibly cause a bridge collapse and possible deaths.
Nov 14th 2021 updated 1:PM
Molly acting as though she is GOD and laying down her Royal Decree on CGL and the RCMP this woman is sadly delusional if she thinks this will not land her in jail, hopefully this time until all work has been competed. Imagine the delusion in your head when you can get on the companies own radio frequency and make such a broadcast to all CGL employees. Thta is exactly what Moddy does in this video, that will in no doubt be used against her in court.
This woman is really begging for some serious jail time.

The Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is actually from the Mennonite Church Canada, (a cult religion) see our Nov 2nd report.
Nov 14th 2021
In a move of what we expect is desperation before everyone heads home, Molly has declared war on CGL and the RCMP and the Government of Canada.
“Get Your Boots on the Ground: Enforcing Wet’suwet’en Law, Day 50”
“This morning Cas Yikh enforced the eviction to Coastal GasLink that was originally issued January 4, 2020. Coastal GasLink was given 8 hours to evacuate the yintah. CGL has been trespassing and violating our laws for too long. We will continue to uphold our laws!“
We really feel that nobody there really wanted to stay out at that drill pad site for the entire winter, they have one very crude living shelter, nothing compared to Freda’s Hotel not so distant but out of reach if your blockading the drill pad site. We suspect it has a lot more with need new footage for their upcoming documentary that will propel their GoFundMe accounts.
They are forcing the hand of the RCMP who have no choice other than to enforce the Supreme Court Injunction.
“On December 31, 2019, the British Columbia Supreme Court confirmed that interlocutory injunctions, which can include police enforcement clauses, are an available remedy to restrain protesters from blockading pipeline projects that have received all required governmental and regulatory approvals (Coastal Gas Link Pipeline Ltd v Huson, 2019 BCSC 2264). ” For the full article read the following reference.
Contrary to the argument Molly makes “The Delgamuukw v British Columbia did not say that aboriginal rights and title supersede the rights of the Goverment of Canada. What it does say is that rights and title were not extinguished. The problem with Molly is that courts will to refuse to pick a choose the portions of that case as per fits Molly’s version of that truth, as I outlined below.
“The Chief Justice reiterated his view that substantial legislative objectives are those directed at the purposes underlying the constitutionalization of Aboriginal rights, i.e., recognition of Aboriginal peoples’ prior occupation of North America, and reconciliation of that occupation with the Crown’s assertion of sovereignty. The latter purpose is particularly relevant at the justification stage: because Aboriginal societies are part of a broader community over which the Crown is sovereign, limitations on Aboriginal rights will sometimes be justified in the pursuit of objectives of importance to the community as a whole, and are a necessary part of the reconciliation of Aboriginal societies with the broader community.”

Nov 8th 2021
Today was a rare breath of fresh air, the mainstream media woke up, and don’t get me wrong, its not a complaint, its a thank you.
I am hoping this is the day we were waiting for, the terminal end of a band of hooligans, from the top down, the Gang of Five (Office of Wet’suwet’en) and the vindication of the entire Wet’suwet’en Nation who have endured so much, and lost so many matriarchs over the past few months.
From all of us here, thank-you to Barbara Kay of the National Post
Please click on the link, even I could not have said it better than this professional journalist, something I most certainly am not.
Let me pass on one small part of here article that can be read here. Please read it and share it with everyone who cares about our Bulkley Valley, and please don’t forget our neighbours and friends the Wet’suwet’en people, the members who endured this with all of us.
““CGL has signed impact and benefit agreements with 20 councils along the pipeline route, including five elected band councils from the Wet’suwet’en nation, who are solidly backed by their band membership. But several unelected hereditary chiefs — mostly men — chose to dissent, and are bent on its obstruction. Pro-CGL female hereditary chiefs have complained of being arbitrarily marginalized and disempowered by those male chiefs, but that’s a whole other story.”
Nov 4th 2021
7:00 AM update
Outsider interference marks the start of the next wave of controversy. We have new GoFundMe material up again from the Drill Pad Site on the Morice River.
With Adam out of commission and under legal agreements to not interfere, and very likely Molly is under those same terms (we are unable to verify) it seems we are now down to people who are not even Wet’suwet’en on the front lines violating the Supreme Court Injunction, and flaunting it in the faces of the RCMP.
The start of this video has an American citizen screaming at RCMP C-IRG officers. Her name is Donna Siversmith, her history includes a war with and against her own people in the Cayuga Nation, in the USA. Maybe due to that fight coming to an end Donna then joined the fight in Caledonia, Ontario joining Skyler Williams, the 38-year-old has become the face of this Six Nations “land back” movement. If the name Skyler Williams sounds familiar it is because he too came to Molly’s blockade on the Drill Pad site. You hear her screaming about talking to Chief Woos, referring to the illegitimate takeover of the name by Frank Alec, stolen from the real Chief Woos Darlene Glaim who approved this CGP pipeline.
Remember people the claim that this is a Wet’suwet’en issue is now run by people who are not even Wet’suwet’en.
Next you hear Corey Jocko from Ontario screaming at police, screaming we are the people of this land, seriously? From Ontario comes the following “TYENDINAGA — Four of the 10 individuals arrested and charged on Monday when OPP cleared the camp that led to the closure of the CN Rail mainline earlier this month. The OPP statement read, in part, “when faced with aggressive actions by some individuals, officers responded with a minimal use of force to facilitate the arrests and maintain officer safety. The four identified as being from Akwesasne are Corey Jay Jocko (no need to add the other names here) Each was charged with mischief over $5,000; disobeying a court order; and, the Railway Safety Act charge of entering land where line work is situated.
Corey Jocko is also a wannabe Hip-Hop/Rap singer and aspiring song writer, musician, who will never get into other parts of the world with a criminal record, does he really want to go there? Here he is telling the RCMP to quote “Fuck Off” is already grounds for a contempt citation.
These outsider clowns are like chihuahua barking at wolves, fearsome actors, but useless in any kind of combat other that of their mouths.
Nov 3rd 2021
7:00 AM
Looks like today is the pause before a storm, it gives us a chance to reflect on where we are at. Most locals know by now that other than the core groups of Molly and Freda, there really is little if any local support for these radicals, only outsiders, mostly people who are full time professional protesters who have empty plates right now to garner attention, so they are up here trying to build a wave of outcry. If your asking how will it affect the enforcement of the court injunction in removing people out of the construction zone, I would suggest they will be as effective as a mosquitoe trying to stop a logging truck.
If the Fairy Creek protesters could not block police from doing their job, “RCMP say they’ve made 989 arrests since enforcement began around the Fairy Creek watershed, and 110 people have been arrested multiple times.” were no problem, then a dozen people here are not even a blip on the radar. “The Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) was created in 2017 by the Liberal Goverment to provide strategic oversight addressing energy industry incidents and related public order, national security and crime issues.” So expect little sympathy from the same government that approved this project.
It seems that the mainstream press has finally figured out they have been duped into believing the Wet’suwet’en people are behind the protesters, are slowly now understanding that they support the project.
All the bragging by Molly they shut down CGL for a month is a bit of a joke, but while we laugh with her, let’s remember that the cost of policing should be passed on to Molly’s GoFundMe accounts.
Nov 2nd 2021
7:00 AM
More outside interference and more intruders on traditional Wet’suwet’en territory, taking sides in this dispute against the very people they claim to be here to support.
After reading this next story from the Mennonite Church Canada my own thoughts of respect for that religious group took a major landslide. Especially after reading that they are here, and have them say “they will spend time listening, learning and supporting at Unist’ot’en Camp in Wet’suwet’en Territory. So by listening to a renegade faction of the Wet’suwet’en they will do what? Ignore the wishes of the nation as a whole? Just what will they be supporting? Please fess up unless you have something to hide?
Read this biased bullshit from them (pardon the slip of my tongue (pen) In essence what they are saying is they do not give a damn what the Wet’suwet’en people think or say, they stand behind protesters, is this the work of their Mennonite God? Seriously it must be a demented religion that has entitled itself to stand behind radical protesters. Its time to unwelcome this religion as anti-Canadian. Is this a religion or a cult?
“While many communities and workplaces have been in a form of lockdown for over a year, the work of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline has not stopped. Settler colonialism and land theft continues. But so too does Indigenous resistance. Part of the resistance is the Unist’ot’en Healing Centre which nurtures connection to the land, cultural and spiritual wellness, and ensures Indigenous presence on sovereign territory. Five members of CPT and Mennonite Church Canada will be joining the site for approximately one month. Updates from the field will be limited, but we look forward to sharing our journey with you upon our return.”
Before I post their pictures and identification let me welcome them to the Bulkley Valley with the following video statement. So this message is for you “Mennonite Church Canada and Christian Peacemaker Teams” and all OUTSIDERS who are coming here to protest. A message from Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Helen Michelle of Skin Tyee Nation
The team members are:
- Rachelle Friesen, Canada Coordinator, Christian Peacemaker Teams;
- Allegra Friesen Epp, MC Canada-CPT intern and member of Home Street Mennonite Church (Winnipeg, Man.);
- Emily Green, CPT reservist;
- Steve Heinrichs, Director of Indigenous-Settler Relations, MC Canada;
- Josiah Neufeld, member of Hope Mennonite Church (Winnipeg, Man.).

Also arriving in Smithers, (below) taken at Smithers Airport yesterday. We have identified some of them, as we find their name we will add them here for the public record.

Sam Riot is another piece of work, “I was arrested (and released with a minor charge) on Wednesday at lamport stadium.” July 23rd 2021 and is now here, I wonder why? Must be when your jobless you can afford to be a protester and get funded to be disruptive.
Nahum Mann was the unsuccessful NDP candidate for the NDP in the last federal election. “I’m seeking the nomination to be Davenport’s federal NDP candidate. We need socialist activists in Ottawa to fight for:” “We can’t spend another minute waiting for career politicians to act on their promises! Like never before, we need strong socialists & organizers in Ottawa to fight for the kind of world we want to live in.“
Now he is here on the unceded NDP territory of Taylor Bachrach, doing his best to disrupt working Canadians. I wonder if he has the approval of Taylor Bachrach and the Skeena—Bulkley Valley NDP?
Nov 1st 2021
4:00 PM
Now this is a fine piece of work, Lillian Wilson travels back to the same location where they were stopped a week ago, and is told this is an active construction zone. Now only someone with a very ability can convert this story into one where this equals residential schools. You have to watch this to believe it. Then another line really floored me, she says “we consider the land a very spiritual entity” seriously, have you looked at your own back yard? “Not allowing us to live the way we once did.” Seriously the construction zone is very temporary, in fact all of the construction zone is temporary, so how is it that when you have not been here for decades, now its a human rights issue? Oppression all over again, seriously? Oh there it is, we are now experiencing by way of stopping us here is the same as what little children experienced when taken away to residential schools.
OMG this must be another case for the Human Rights Commission or the BC Environmental Assessment Office.
7:00 AM
More outsider interference on its way. Brent Patterson a lifetime activist opposing damn near every development in Canada from coast to coast, and international as well, is on his way to Molly’s camp. He has been the Political Director at The Council of Canadians for the last 22 years, he recently also joined the Peace Brigades International both are large activist groups funded by the Tides Foundation. By observers they mean when on camera they default to non active roles. Even Molly’s husband Cody has complained in the past about people coming out and expecting tourist treatment roles, so I doubt he will be there long.

Oct 31st 2021
The video below is also posted on Twitter on October 27th and it contains some very erroneous misinformation and outright lies that need to be challenged. Lillian Wilson claim she holds the title of Ts’ake ze Tsebesa is not only false, there was never a feast that occurred where she was given that name. Second point is Lillian Wilson is of the Owl Clan the property in question belongs to the Sun House. We will provide the evidence below. First we will prove Lillian Wilson is from the Owl House. The name and blanket belong to the Sun House, that of the legitimate Smogelgem (Gloria George) as does the hereditary name of Tsebesa. See evidence below.
The only thing she said that is correct is that the land belongs to Tsebesa (deceased) and now is under the authority of Gloria George the legitimate title holder, and name holder of Chief Smogelgem. Watch the video then examine the evidence we have provided. Please observe her comment “The bottom line for all of these pipelines is to get them out of here” So it was never about access,it was about stopping the project. Another lie is that CGL snuck in, when in fact the the Office of Wet’suwet’en has been dealing with CGL started around 2012 or possibly much earlier.

Evidence that proves Lillian Wilson is of the Owl Clan, page One of the Owl clan documents submitted to the Delgamuukw land claims trial, submitted by the Wet’suwet’en Herditary Chiefs is the genealogy of the Owl House. Note page one. Then see Lillian on page two.

Oct 30th 2021
We shift the focus from Adam who for all intensive purposes is at least temporarily shut down. Unresolved is the camp Molly set up at the Morice Drill Pad site.
As we said we would expose anyone who is part of this attempt to break the law, circumvent the law, and or show their contempt for our laws, as without our laws there is no civilization, only chaos. Most of these hoodlums freely admit they are pro anarchists. So it begs the question why should Canada allow an American activist by the name of Beyon Wren Moor shown in the image below to squat for almost a full month on the drill pad site in defiance of our Canadian Courts? Please call on our government to have him deported and banned reentry into Canada.

Next we have a man who is about 75% or more Caucasian (settler), who hails from Victoria BC, but has distant roots in Haida Gwaii and is father of Molly’s children, she is (Stellat’en/Gitxsan)and also 50% Caucasian (settler) are at it again. In an ridiculous plan to thwart the Supreme Court Injunction. Seriously where did these kids get their education, no SC Justice will tolerate their scams used primarily to feed their GoFundMe bank accounts. His name as shown below is Cody Merriman. PS June Wickahm is Molly’s mother and Jen Skin is her sister, both are listed as members of the Stellat’en Band Office.

Oct 29th 2021 update 7:20 PM
Footage of the police raid on Adam’s rampage on Shea road leading to the CGL camp. The video shows that Adam was charged with criminal mischief and breaching the Supreme Court Injunction, so it leaves us to believe the other party Kolin Sutherland-Wilson was the one that had outstanding theft and mischief files, as well as breaching the Supreme Court Injunction. If it was not so serious it would be funny, listen to Sabina Dennis from the Lheidli T’enneh First Nations Band (Fort George, Prince George) acting like she runs the place in Adam’s absence. Demanding that the police allow Lillian Wilson to attend the camp here to instruct them on what to do after Adam was loaded into a police vehicle. Its rather humorous as police advise her its not possible as protesters blocked the road with trees and set those trees on fire. Listen to Sabina, quite the actor knowing she on live camera putting on a show.
Oct 29th 2021
We have no way of knowing at this time if Adam’s latest video is a breach of his bail conditions, but it sounds to us as if he is making veiled threats about his and our future. This is a video he posted around 8:00 am this morning.
Oct 28th 2021
2:00 PM
7:15 am
7:05 am
The latest information is that last night, only two arrests were made. Kolin and Adam, and Lillian Wilson chose to agree to leave the restricted zone, as did the rest of Adam’s gang of mostly Gitxan outsiders and Sabina willingly left the area as well.
7:00 am
Michael Toledano who pretends to be a reporter is doing his best to incite more illegal activity. His credentials as a reporter should be revoked. No Hereditary chiefs were arrested yesterday, only a wing chief who carries a “temporary name of Dtsa’hyl ” according to the Henry Alfred who became the lead role in the Delgamuukw land claims trial.
6:45 AM What we are posting now is what happened after Adam Gagnon and Kolin Sutherland-Wilson (a Gitxsan radical from Hazelton) and one more still unnamed person were arrested. So below is more a recap of what when down since our last update yesterday.
At or around 7 PM yesterday Warner Naziel posted the following video. Always so convenient, he never gets arrested but is always trying to take the credit. Once the RCMP walk away, there is nothing worth watching, Just Warner trying to find something to latch onto. Only the first 1:30 minutes have anything worth watching.
At around 5:30 pm Coastal Gaslink made the following public statement.
Molly Wickham and Eve Saint do not want to be left out of the action and media attention.

As young man think he can rewrite the law, make a speech and it clears him of taking the law into his own hands is Kolin Sutherland a Gitxsan from Hazelton trying hard to be a hero. Bragging about getting arrested. He sure knows how to play the media, this guy also deserves an Emmy award for his performance.
Earlier Adam’s webpage showed the following video of Adam taking the law into his own hands, in essence breaking the law.
Oct 27th 2021

4:40 PM –
12:20 am – Our most recent update: We have been able to confirm the road is open between Kitimat and the CGL camp, so Adam is blockading the Shea Road for nothing. The employees are no longer being held hostage by Adam and his Gitxsan warriors.
9:30 am – From the man who claims to be an independent reporter comes the following screenshot. Clearly Adam and his Gitxsan gang of thugs are on a vandalism spree and both government and the RCMP keep encouraging them to do more damage by pretending nothing is going on. Both the RCMP and Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Nathan Cullen are doing nothing. Michael Toledano makes a public statement incriminating Adam Gagnon for vandalizing 10 pieces of heavy machinery worth millions of dollars. If that should not garner an arrest warrant just what will?
10 machines worth millions of dollars have been vandalized by these thugs.
It should never have been the duty of any company to negotiate with these goons, that should have been 100% done by government, unless it has been established that this small band of hoodlums own the land in question. Nobody has ever proven this as per the Delgamuukw desision, instead of doing that they walked away from he table and started a war in the woods. CGL only has an obligation to obey the law, and government has an obligation to protect CGL and insure its ability to complete its work based on what it has been permitted to do. Its 100% the obligation of government and police to protect the rights of CGL, as well as that of the citizens of our country, they are not doing that.
The only people that did stay at the table are the actual voting members of every First nation along the pipeline path and they voted in favour and are getting the rewards for that by way of thousands of First Nation jobs, both “male and female”, so “mancamps” is a slur from a bunch of drunks and drug addicts.

Note on the following video the man with a mask and beard holding a folder and previously hiding his identity and part of Adam’s gang of outsiders is Kai Nagata the energy and democracy director at the Dogwood Initiative. This is a pretty major revelation when a man who pretty much heads the BC Dogwood environmentalist organization. Kai Nagata is also on the board of directors for the Eco-radial environmentalist group called Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition. SWCC is funded by the Tides Foundation. But its bigger than that as Shannon McPhail is front and center of this Eco-radical organization. But it extends further. Shannon is also an executive director of Rivers Without Borders a group dedicated to killing mining in BC. They are also connected to and work with Raven Trust, and Conservation Alliance, the Swift Foundation and the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative. All connected to the Tides Foundation) As well as being a director of SWCC, Todd Stockner also sits on the executive steering committee of Friends of Wild Salmon.
Oct 26th 2021
Adam has pushed an already tense situation into that of critical, its time the Wet’suwet’en reigned him in before this escalates to bloodshed. Its most unbelievable that government and RCMP stand by doing nothing while workers are left to being hijacked by a gang of thugs. What point is there in have WCB for workers if there is zero protection from being hijacked on the job?
People you need to be calling on MLA’s and MP’s to bring this insane behaviour to a halt.
The blockades were started by Adam on Sunday October 24th 2021. According to our sources two members from Adam’s group jumped in a rock truck on Monday, with an operator still in that truck, the operator of the truck was forced out and they took control of it. This was followed by people from Adam’s camp taking a cat that did not belong to them, and used it to push the truck off the road. At this point there are no known injuries, however hijacking heavy equipment requires the full force of the law to come down on these goons.
Meanwhile hundreds of CGL workers are now trapped inside the camp and being held hostage to Adam’s demand.

The lady without the mask blue jacket and walking pole is Janet Williams, who loves to get into it with police. (Watch the video on that link) She has become quite the actor in some of the hoodlum film clips used to whip up their GoFundMe accounts. In the videos they always hide her name and use the word “Matriarch” and she does a great job on the crocodile tear clips. If only they had Emmy awards for protesters she would certainly be in the running. Watch the video and ask yourself if this is the behaviour of an upstanding Wet’suwet’en matriarch that the younger generation should look up to?
Oct 25th 2021
The six million dollar question, why is Adam still on the loose, why is he not already in jail? How much can one man get away with while our government expects the rest of us to obey the law?
We noticed a sharp dip in the the amount of money heading into the GoFundMe accounts, so its no surprise Adam and his gang are ignoring the call by Wet’suwet’en matriarchs to stop fighting, even if his sister-in-law and Hereditary Chiefs and even (Timberwolf) Mabel Forsythe Adams brother Alphonse’s mother-in-law are among those fighting COVID. Alphonse Gagnon is Adam’s Hereditary Chief. (Kloum Khun)
Adam now complains that CGL won’t let him and his so called followers or gang of thugs through on the Shae FSR past Unist’ot’en Camp. Adam Gagnon and Lillian Wilson appointed themselves to be Enforcement Officers. Just the other day Adam and Warner publicly stated they ran CGL and their equipment off Likhts’amisyu Territories, yet here they are posing for more pictures.

So Adam? If you ran all the CGL equipment off Likhts’amisyu Territories then whose territories are you now pretending to protect? When you told CGL security you want to access “her territory” meaning that of Lillian Wilson, who is also Likhts’amisyu, so it begs the question was it simply oversight on your part or an outrageous lie when you claimed you ran them off Likhts’amisyu territory? Lies to increase the GoFundMe accounts are fair game eh Adam?

The Gitxsan Chief, Adam refers to is Rosaline Gawa (Gitxsan) In the red jacket standing beside Rosaline is Christie Brown from the Nisga’a First Nations. Christie is also known as a Lulu Island protester, a Fairy Creek protester, and a former Unistoten Camp protester in 2019. Another full time professional protester. Clearly there is so much interference in Wet’suwet’en affairs by outsiders who have NO SAY in Wet’suwet’en affairs.
Adam does not have enough support from the Wet’suwet’en people so he makes “Canadians” think he does by borrowing radical neighbouring agitators.

Listen to Adam, we are not subject to the injunction, we are not part of British Columbia or Canada, this guy has serious ego issues. In regards to the “her territory” is that of the yet another stolen blanket by Lillian Wilson, one of Adam’s props. NOTE: Standing behind Lillian Wilson is Kolin Sutherland-Wilson another radical from the Gitxsan Nation, pretending he is a local.
Oct 24th 2021
Updated: we did discover one more protester abandoned camp, Shawna Knight was not getting the attention she had hoped for and has fled the Northern weather for a much more moderate climate back at Fairy Creek. Below was the last video she made here in our valley.
Nothing really new today at this point yet, more might show up as the day progress. One point we would like to share is that about the “Haudenosaunee guests” as Molly likes to call them. They claim to be here representing their nation. Seriously? Not one of them has a track record showing they have done anything for their own people, like Molly here, they are loud mouth warriors who never served their own nation. None of them ever served as councillors, committees or sub committees, they have never been representatives of their own people, just a bunch of loud mouth kids wanting to go from nobody to fame using a short cut of fame though violence or threat of violence. That is why they are here, to build their macho reputations. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council did make a declaration of solidarity, however they did NOT send these protesters here as their representatives to breach the Supreme Court Injunction. I am issuing a challange out to the press when they interview these guys like CBC did, to ask them that exact question. Are you here breaching the Supreme Court Injunction at the request of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council? We already know that answer is NO. They are here to make a name for themselves.
Oct 23rd 2021
This is a different kind of report, as elders (Wet’suwet’en) have been calling for an end to infighting, and clearly they are referring to the for and against the pipeline battle. They seriously believe the infighting is the primary cause of the deaths of so many elders today, they are not pointing fingers but we will, Molly and Adam are the primary promoters of the fight against CGL today. Freda seems to have dropped off the radar, and we won’t comment on what we believe to be the reason. We won’t go as far as naming names, but COVID is running wild throughout both for and against camps, its even reached into the circle of Hereditary Chiefs. Let’s see if they listen, or do what they have always done, invent their own laws and history.
Speaking of evil look what this man (Warner Naziel) posts. Note the intentional racist comments he makes.

Look at who Warner Nazeil and Adam Gagnon align themselves with, one of the worst “Potty mouthed” vulgar women in the protest industry. Kanahus Manuel. The voice in the video is that of Kanahus Manuel.
If you watched the video, you might recall the saying, birds of a feather flock together. Shilo in a Instagram post attributes Kanahus Manuel as the person who brought him and his wife Eve Saint together.

Oct 22nd 2021
Not much to report today, we did read a CBC article that sort of exposes that the intent of the Mohaks arrival here was less about stopping the pipeline and more about being a PR stunt to help promo their careers. The also used the occasion to make comments perpetuating myths like “You can drink from this river … the actual river we’re protecting,” said Staats, a singer and songwriter.” even though several protesters ended up getting “Giardiasis, popularly known as beaver fever.” in 2019. These two said they plan to return, let me remind readers to push MP’s to add all people who violate Supreme Court injunctions to Canada’s no fly lists.
Oct 21st 2021
Today Adam Gagnon posted a new video, made up of yesterdays news (some was from the day before) Funny how Adam says they took ownership of the one backhoe, then in the same breath says CGL removed the machines that were already scheduled to be moved anyways.
Also we have reports of other vandalism that took place to at the 66km mark, the bridge wasn’t damaged but materials for safety upgrades were, as well other reports of equipment being sabotaged.
Molly and her goon squad are have now been furnished with VHF/UHF radios, guess they forgot to hide them when doing their daily social media updates.
Also rumour has it the Mohawk’s are having a hard time living the bush life and without police action they might prefer heading home. Obviously they never came with any intent to sit out here for the winter, life back home must be a lot sweeter. Now confirmed both Logan Staats and Skyler Williams returned to Ontario.
Oct 20th 2021
Molly makes a desperate plea for boots on the ground, could have a lot to do with advise given by Rainforest Flying Squad organizer Shawna Knight who is at that site. Her Fairy Creek partner may be getting a 20 Thousand Dollar contempt of court fine. So it looks like organizers getting arrested will cost Molly dearly so she needs people to fall for her.

Is there any connection between the influx of outsiders invited to the territory by Woos and Co., and the surge in COViD cases?
I will be quite honest, we cannot say where it came from, but be certain it only spreads by people who travel. Nobody is immune, be it for or against the pipeline. There are those who make claims but they are simply using COVID as a cover for their intentions.
This is incredible! Can you imagine what would happen if a CGL person pushed a “land defender” once? Lawsuits, racism accusations, etc. This protest has gone way beyond non violent protests and into actions that are more identified as terrorist and plain bullying. But then again, these people believe they are above all laws, so its no surprise
the interesting comment Adam makes is “He says the company will have a chance to have the equipment returned in a case before the Gitxsan Court.” I thought it wetseutwen not gitxsan? Are they one and the same nation now?
The number of Wet’suwet’en supporters willing to go out there is so low they can only pull off these stunts by bringing in outsiders.
They know they can do this because Horgan and Trudeau are on their side secretly and neither have the courage to stand up to these lawbreakers. The decline of Canada continues and wont be stopped until every clan rules their territory and we have 200+ mini nations in BC and the actual province will be the Lower Mainland and Victoria, which is the only area that Horgan and his minister Murray Rankin care about
I especially love the photo of the protestor cuffed with zip ties claiming they were so tight they caused injury. Lol. The least they could have done was actually tighten them up for the dramatic photo effect to support the story they try to portray.