First things first, why is Warner William listed as one of the Blockaders.
Blockades is by design, and not a consequence of industry or CGL, blockades is the “Ways and Means” an objective to steal lands from other First Nations and bypassing the system of negotiations.
To fully understand the “how to” of implementing of this plan you need to first understand the background of this plan. A must read is Wet’suwet’en Land Claims Overlap. as it explains the problem that the Office of Wet’suwet’en aka the Wet’suwet’en Five have as the core of their problems.
In 2009 Don Ryan was invited to speak to the Office of Wet’suwet’en where he delivered the following advise on how to proceed with land claims. Feel free to prove me wrong.
He said the following, we will highlight the key points in dark red.
“The issues for us on the treaty table are a competing claim. You have people on the treaty table discussing these issues, and Carrier Sekanie is claiming the same thing in Prince George.
The band councils are doing different things. We must sit and talk to them and bring everyone together. There will be tension on these fronts. You have a situation where pipelines and competing claims must be sorted out.
The treaty process is not the right path for us.
This process takes your title away from you. We need to be aggressive as to what we can do on the land. I can quickly take you through the treaty process. They have a formula and figure how much they will offer you in cash. Our neighbors in the Nass signed a treaty, speak to them and they will tell you the same story. $750,000 per person is what they will offer you. When they give you that money, you will not own the land.
They will also offer you land and that will be around Moricetown. They also have a formula, one section of land. They are still trying to get you off the land. I’m interested in discussing the options with you.” Don Ryan 2009
Then later on in 2009 the following.
The Unist’ot’en camp has been endorsed by five prominent Wet’suwet’en house chiefs, part of a hereditary system of 13 house groups that fall under five clans. The five men (with their Indigenous title, followed by their house group and clan) are: John Ridsdale (Na’Moks) from Rafters on Beaver House under the Tsayu clan; Warner William (Knedebeas) from Dark House under the Gilseyhu clan; Jeff Brown (Madeek) from Where it Lies Blocking the Trail under the Gitdumden clan; Ron Mitchell (Hagwilnegh) from House of Many Eyes under the Laksilyu clan; and Warner Naziel (Smogelgem) from Sun House under the Laksamshu clan.
The name Warner William is almost synonymous with logging the Morice, and sitting on board of the Canfor Corporation.
The following from an article that has now been read over 31 Thousand times, because its so incredible, read the full article here. Wolves in Fancy Blankets
My husband is the late Larry Tiljoe, a member of the Witset Band, Gilseyhu Clan and Unistoten “family” line. The Tiljoe family have lived and worked, off reserve, in the Houston area their entire lives. Larry’s father is Russell Tiljoe, Russell’s father was Alex Tiljoe, the late Chief Namox. Larry’s mother Elsie, is the granddaughter of Christine Holland, the late Chief Knedebeas. Elsie and Larry both hold trapline rights along the pipeline within Knedebeas territory and the family has a long standing and significant connection to the land in and around Houston and the Knedebeas territories.
“In 1993, we started a silviculture business, Nadina Mountain Contracting, located within the Morice Forest District. Our goal was to become a sustainable First Nation contractor who harvested, replanted and rejuvenated the areas we harvested. We managed our contracts and ensured their successful completion and established solid working relationships with local forestry industry key players. We were employing people from Moricetown to Burns Lake, both Native and non-Native. We were employed full time managing the land in forest health, building our business. Then the Office of the Wetsuweten of the Hereditary Chiefs came along.
The OW, situated an hour east of Houston, took over ALL the forest related activities earmarked as First Nations. We were forced us to work under the OW for contracts within our own forests; the OW took a portion of the contract value for the “service”. The OW’s lack of knowledge in forest health and neglect in their financial responsibilities continually caused our business to suffer hardship which rippled to our banker, our employees, and our suppliers. Logging has been acceptable to the OW within their territory and during our time under the OW we noticed the work was cornered by individual OW hereditary chiefs like Chief Kloun Khun – Alphose Gagnon, Chief Knedebeas – Warner William, and Chief ? Adam Gagnon. They established their own companies and or employed down their own family lines. The OW chiefs negotiated contracts including the values and awarded contracts to themselves. The OW wanted ALL the work for the OW. We were forced out of our own forest district to the forest district an hour east of Houston.”
Then yet another from another member of the Unist’ot’en family
I come from a long-house culture that claims to listen to all families within a house group. NOT JUST ONE! This is not the way Wet’suwet’en practice kinship. NOPE. The hijacking of female names is yet another outright disregard for tradition. I was taught that my house chief was matrilineal handed from the oldest female to the oldest female. How is it that a man now carries that name. It was never to go to a man. The level of hypocrisy has also been quite galling. Most of the 5 have been fierce loggers with huge capital and machines killing and hauling logs since the 60s and 70s and well into the new millennium. They have made millions of dollars logging trees, sitting on board with Canfor and benefiting. Did anyone else in the house group benefit? NOPE. When the forest and range agreements were signed back in the 80’s where were the 5? Oh logging! Why the sudden interest in pipeline activism? Money, power, and plain old greed. The paper trail for these hooligans who live on my land is long since known, but now I have learned about go fund me pages totally $300 000 who made the decision to beg? I was raised that that was a no starter. You work an honest day for your wages and never rely on anyone. YUCK and shame. Also it has come to my attention that one of the 5 is both roadblocking and clearing the right of way for the pipeline now isn’t that just awesome? Unbelievable and the rest of the family turns a blind eye. Go figure.
You hear so much bullshit about pristine wilderness, just look at google maps of this area. There is no reason whatever to believe that in any way shape or form the river is actually be threatened. If working on the land was such a big threat, then why is there so much silence on the issue that Alphonse Gagnon (Chief Kloum Khun) Adam Gagnon (wing chief) Warner William (Chief Knedebeas) and Fred Tom (Chief Gisday’wa) all made their living and fortunes logging the Morice River watershed.
Watch this next video narrated by Adam Gagnon. Staggering to believe that they would blame Canadians for what these chiefs did. Telling lies has become their new trademark because the media never has the guts or brains to question what the claims they make, the bigger the lie the more amusing it is to watch the media retell it as truth.
Then this quote, “The plaintiff, Mr. Gagnon, resides in Moricetown, British Columbia. A lifelong resident of the area, he is a Wing Chief of the Fireweed Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation. He is also an experienced carpenter, road builder, and logger. Mr. Gagnon was Acting General Manager of the defendant, Wet’suwet’en Enterprises Ltd (“WEL”) for the year 2000, and is a past president of WEL’s board of directors.” and this one “ In 2002, WEL negotiated the sale of 15,000 cubic meters of such logs to HFP with the intention to subcontract most of the various tasks required to deliver the finished logs to HFP (falling, bucking, loading, and transport). The season during which this was to be completed was set from August 1, 2002, to June 30, 2003. The areas to be logged were identified, the rate that HFP was to pay was specified, and a written agreement between WEL and HFP was completed on October 21, 2002.” Is part of a lawsuit where Adam sues the the Office of Wet’suwet’en and the company they own called “WET’SUWET’EN ENTERPRISES LTD” Read it in full here, you cannot make stuff like this up!
Today Adam and Warner stand together as if this never happened.
Recall all the noise about CGL not having site assessments, yet no site assessment is needed here.

OK don’t leave yet, this is what they did with it, without any need for an “Environment Site Assessment.”
See the next shot, really you cannot make this stuff up, as much as it might be fun doing so.

Let us not forget why they are there, to STOP Natural gas and Propane development.

Important Related Articles
See Debunking Unist’ot’en Land Claims
Whose land is it? Nutseni or Unist’ot’en?
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December 7, 2019 Office of Wet’suwet’en – Disclosure One
December 7, 2019 Office of Wet’suwet’en – Disclosure Two
December 7, 2019 Office of Wet’suwet’en – Disclosure Three
December 7, 2019 Office of Wet’suwet’en – Disclosure Four
December 7, 2019 Office of Wet’suwet’en – Disclosure Five
December 7, 2019 Office of Wet’suwet’en – Disclosure Six
January 1, 2020 Victory for local citizens in the B.C. Supreme Court against Wet’suwet’en obstructionists.
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January 7, 2020 Stolen Titles – Unist’ot’en – CGL Eviction
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February 22, 2020 Fake Chiefs – Duped and Gullible Press – Supreme Court Evidence
February 28, 2020 Office of Wet’suwet’en dupes the press again.
March 1, 2020 Open letter to Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs after Tsayu clan meeting
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November 27, 2021 Million Dollar Molly GoFundMe a fortune.
November 29, 2021 War in the Woods – Daily Update
November 29, 2021 War by Anarchists on Society
December 3, 2021 Taylor Bachrach sandbags RCMP in Parliament Cody Molly Logan Colin
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December 6, 2021 Did CBC just team up with a terrorist?
December 11, 2021 Violent RCMP Raid on the Wet’suwet’en? When and where?
December 14, 2021 Nathan Cullen’s letter of concern regarding RCMP Violence
December 17, 2021 The fallacy of “Land Back”
December 20, 2021 Where are our Wet’suwet’en leaders?
December 21, 2021 The case for a permanent RCMP station on the Morice West Forest Service Road
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December 28, 2021 Anarchist Stool Bus – We uncover the down and dirty – Dec 2021
The rest of the story can be found in our 2022 articles, check there for more related articles.

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