Anarchist Stool Bus – We uncover the down and dirty – Dec 2021

Anarchist Stool Bus – We uncover the down and dirty.

Last Update: Dec 28th 2021

Since our daily “War in the Woods” ended we have had numerous requests asking us to counter a lot of the outright lies being told by the radical activists. The problem is there are so many of them telling whoppers we could hardly justify our efforts until today, we decided to add some comedy at their expense. We will take a few of their wildest lies and add them to our collection as we go along. We will show you who won the Stool Masters Award and why they earned that prestigious position.


And the award goes too….. for being so full of…..

Added Dec 28th 2021

Today steaming stoolie award goes to the Nathan Cullen and the NDP Goverment for what appears to be government interference with the criminal justice system. We have long wondered why so many criminal cases were being dropped against aboriginal and non aboriginal anarchist blockaders. Now we discover that the provincial prosecutors office appears to be working with and for the blockaders.

The following is a quote from Kelowna’s Castanet News “CN Rail wins right to privately prosecute Northern BC rail blockade participants

CN Rail has won the right to privately pursue criminal charges against three people who participated in a 2020 rail blockade in Northern B.C., despite the fact that provincial prosecutors declined to get involved.

The ruling cements the B.C. Supreme Court’s ability to enforce court injunctions, with or without the participation of Crown prosecutors, who unsuccessfully fought the decision.

Its a sad day for justice when our Provincial Goverment interferes with the law of our nation, and even sadder when the provincial prosecutors office is complicit with what appears to be an obstruction of justice. What the hell is going on with our government John Horgan?

When will our political leaders start acting on behalf of the people they were lected to serve instead of supporting the criminal factions that are trying to destroy our nation?






Added Dec 21st 2021

Today’s steaming stoolie award goes to the CBC Reporter, Brandi Morin. If ever you wanted to talk about the credibility of CBC in covering stories, this one takes the cake, in this case the stoolie award.

We do not need to put words in her mouth, she does that perfectly all by herself. Yep according to Brandi Morin police can shoot to kill protesters at their own discretion, try top that one CBC.

Brandi Morin – CBC Reporter

Added Dec 20th 2021

Franklin Lopez (without his mask)

Today’s steaming stoolie award goes to the man behind the entire Wet’suwet’en family rift, the primary agitator, the number one Canadian terrorist in Canada today, this is who Molly Wickham has chosen as her mentor and partner in her war against Canada. We unmask this unscrupulous immigrant who lives in Montreal, Canada. One might ask why the masks? Well we can assure you it has nothing to do with COVID and everything to do with the people behind those masks not being Wet’suwet’en.

Added Dec 18 2021

Today’s steaming stoolie award goes to Warner Naziel, the fake chief who loves quoting the words UNDRP/DIRPA. Has he even read the UN agreement that Canada signed? And if he read it did he read in in full? Obviously he does not seem to know of  Article 46 in UNDRP that clearly gives Canada continued sovereignty over all lands inclusive of aboriginal lands, and the right to protect the best interests of all its citizens, not just the aboriginal citizens.

Warner likes to use the UNDRIP/DIRPA title quote, as if the contents have some magical wording that makes him exempt of our nations laws.

Has Warner Naziel even read the UNDRIP agreement he likes to refer to?


Article 46
1. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, people, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act contrary to the Charter of the United Nations or construed as authorizing or encouraging any action which would dismember or impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political unity of sovereign and independent States.
2. In the exercise of the rights enunciated in the present Declaration, human rights and fundamental freedoms of all shall be respected. The exercise of the rights set forth in this Declaration shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law and in accordance with international human rights obligations. Any such limitations shall be non- discriminatory and strictly necessary solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for meeting the just and most compelling requirements of a democratic society.




Added Dec 13 2021

Todays hot and steaming stoolie award goes to Avi Lewis, a delegate from Powell River and filmmaker who ran for the NDP in the recent federal election, for his quote below. Not unexpected nobody corrected him at the NDP Convention, and Nathan Cullen sat mum on the subject. In this case silence equals complicit. “Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.”  ― Mahatma Gandhi

Avi Lewis:  “Make no mistake, the devastating colonial violence of removing Wet’suwet’en land defenders from their territory — violence explicitly authorized three years in a row by the solicitor general of this province — that violence will be necessary as long as we are forcing fossil fuel projects through without consent.”

Wow, did we not just prove that story to be completely false? Violent RCMP Raid on the Wet’suwet’en? When and where?

And where does he get off on suggesting an almost all white gang of protesters has more authority on Wet’suwet’en land, than the Wet’suwet’en Nation that approved this natural gas project? Most of the aboriginals were from Ontario, and the majority of protesters were not even aboriginal.

Emergency resolutions also passed related to climate change and the adaptation of infrastructure and to RCMP violence in the enforcement of the injunction allowing the Coastal GasLink pipeline to be built on Wet’suwet’en territory.

Speaking in favour of the latter resolution, Stikine MLA Nathan Cullen said the northern RCMP have said they are conducting a review and that he agrees the government needs to redouble its efforts so that differences can be reconciled before they get to the point of enforcement.

Added Dec 10 2021 – Golden stinkers of the day.

Today our first winner is not local, but an organization that pretends to be Canadian, its not even an organization at all but yet another project of the Tides Foundation aka the American industries arm for getting rid of competition in the natural resources sector. The Tides Foundation exists so the Americans can control world oil, gas as well as all resources. The new phony player on the block is the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition who are behind the stunts aimed at chasing investors away and playing the “Shut down Canada” game. Behind the scenes is the American Democratic Party as we proved in our recent article “Did CBC just team up with a terrorist?” If you have any doubts, skip down to our second image a screenshot from the Tides Foundation website.

Note this is an all whites protest pretending they are there because they care about us? They care about the Wet’suwet’en? What a sinking load of crap, you are using our Wet’suwet’en Nation to do the bidding of the Tides Foundation.

Concerned citizens? Now that’s a stinker deserving of an award.

So to the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition, we know you are full of sh….. and award you with first place in today’s golden floatie awards.

Our second place winner in the Golden Floatie Award goes to Kia Nagata also known as the man behind the Dogwood Initiative. Still living with his mom in Kispiox with his kids still living on the other side of the province, he is the perfect example of the man who keeps using the word reconciliation. Not for himself of coarse but for his objectives as an environmentalist extremist. So for the next winner of the full of you know what he sure deserves this award as the man who spends a lot of time coaching the players next to the bridge in Hazelton, and that is all about blocking whatever to stop the CGL project, or to harm its timeline.

You really have to hand it to Andrew Weaver, he sure nailed it this time, we live in an era of lunatic fringe environmentalism. We already have the most stringent laws anywhere in the world to protect our environment, so obviously its not more regulation they want, its a complete destruction of what pays the bills to keep Canada and British Columbia alive. Its not about protecting aboriginals, its not about changing society to improve it, its about creating absolute chaos, the dream of every anarchist out there.

Even Molly has now declared herself as an anarchist as her face of a Wet’suwet’en is showing that she is not really one of them.


Added Dec 10 2021 – Golden stinkers of the day.

The first award for today goes to a lovely lady with a very charming smile, Brandie Morin, but at least for me that is where the charm ends. Brandi Morin is now a CBC reporter/contributor who really is today’s champion in the golden floatie awards. (Note: I am using the term Indian, not with disrespect but absolute respect for Jody Wilson-Raybould.)

Lets look at why, watch her video here as she laments about an Indian who lives next to the Wet’suwet’en, that he has no right to talk about the Wet’suwet’en and that he should mind his own business, while she is an Indian that lives in Alberta, defending a white man who has a yacht that has a bigger carbon footprint that the entire Hiasla Nation.

Leonardo DiCaprio – Toys for rich boys. (These selfish SOB’s want to save the planet for themselves)
A lady you say? With the mouth of a logger out in camp?

Brandi Morin took the short cut into journalism without having to do the normal training everyone else does in gratitude for her tireless campaign against everything Canada stands for in particular in shutting down the resource industry that feeds the Canadian economy. Unlike Ellis Ross who has an incredible track record lets compare these two for credibility.

Ellis worked full time as a taxi boat operator until the Haisla Nation Council requested that he become their first full-time councillor. Ellis served in this position for eight years, from 2003 to 2011. In 2011, Ellis was elected Chief Councillor of the Haisla Nation, and was re-elected by acclamation in 2013. Ellis Ross was first elected MLA for Skeena in 2017, and re-elected in 2020. He has served as the Official Opposition critic for Environment and Climate Change Strategy, and as Official Opposition critic for LNG and Resource Opportunities

Now lets look at Brandi Morin’s contribution to society or her own Cree Nations.

The last 10 years Brandi has specialized in sharing Indigenous stories, is published/broadcasted with Al Jazeera English, the National Observer, the Toronto Star, Power & Politics, CTV National, CBC Newsnet, the New York Times, Huff Post Canada, Elle Canada, Vice Canada, the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network National News, CBC Indigenous.

In a nutshell she has never served her own people, unless you wish to call activism with a keyboard and camera a service a worthy contribution that makes her so distinguished. Try find a story she wrote that uplifts society, her entire career is that of an activist, taking the bullies path to change as opposed to taking it to the people for the people.

For her blatant hypocrisy in denying the Wet’suwet’en nation a right to be part of the conversation about their own nation, her outrageous hypocrisy in calling out Ellis Ross, and somehow thinking that her own interference in Wet’suwet’en affairs is somehow a privilege of entitlement by a woman who does not even live on the pipelines path. She is the clear cut winner of today’s Golden Floatie Award. When you have an agenda facts no longer matter, like 100% of First Nations approved the CGL project and she has the gall to suggest we must follow a half dozen radical Indians.

The second award goes to a pair of very worthy recipients, lets review the Likhts’amisyu (Fireweed) Clan Facebook and Twitter account. They deserve the golden floatie award for many reasons.
You would think that they would feature their head Chief Kloum Khun (Alphonse Gagnon) after all he is the older brother of Adam Gagnon and the uncle that moved Warner up the ladder as a wing chief. But nope, nothing about the clan or the head chief just a picture of Warner Naziel featuring himself on a social media channel. His own chief dressed in civilian cloths and himself featured as the Hereditary Chief.

The two accounts were supposed to be all about the clan but it turns out it only ever features stories about Adam and Warner and or whatever they are mad at, or let me correct myself, its more about what Adam does and Warner only talks about. The golden boy Warner is Adam’s little nephew that is all talk an no action.

Imagine the gall of this man Warner who has never been elected or served his own people, wanting to use a stolen birthright to demand respect and entitlement from his own people most certainly deserves a golden floatie award. Warner’s expectations are that a few chiefs (half dozen or so) that bought their titles with money they got from elected band councils in the name of creating work for community members, like ownership of logging companies that had lucrative contracts with Canfor and Houston Forest Products. Read the bottom half of Fake Chiefs and Deadbeat Dads and on the topic of stolen titles read Memory Lane – Like peas in a pod. Look at the house Adam lives in and ask the question of where that money came from. Truth be told at least the elected members intend to spread the wealth while a half dozen manipulative chiefs want to horde it for themselves, look at the gifts handed out by the Office Chiefs to buy support over the years.

Ask why the few that have Chief connections, are so well to do while at the same time poverty is still so rampant? Its time to question who was in control of the purse strings over the years. You might see a glaring connection there regarding those who have and those living in poverty.

When have they ever served the people, but then again most of the chiefs are figure heads earning a large stipend, do some homework, most of them contribute little to nothing to the work done there other than dancing in the streets in protest of something. In closing they literally fear their own people, they live in fear of what they might vote for, and still the run for the very office they claim is so evil, their own bothers and sister, they are definitively full of ……… and deserving of a golden floatie.

Dec 09 2021 – Golden stinkers of the day.

Today the award goes to the Wickham family for pulling the wool over the eyes of the media, who are either to lazy, too stupid, or simply are so far up the asses of environmentalism they have no desire to speak or write the truth, even if all the facts are readily available. To some degree I forgive the press as they are so very gullible and mostly too lazy to do research.

Our first story today is about their attempt to taint the RCMP with a false hit and run story. See the image below and follow along.

Pretending to be the victim of an RCMP hit and run (imagine the gall right next to the RCMP police station) they did the face blur not us.
This one is on you Molly and Jennifer Wickham, , we have the video evidence, it did not happen.

OK now let’s complete the story, watch how the RCMP drive right through on one of their own videos (now no longer online that we know if) but as we have said before, we always take copies as evidence. Listen to the voice that says there goes my baby girl. Yep that is the voice of a Stellat’en, inlaw maiden family name “Augusta” now look up Molly’s geneology, we have it posted here. “Molly Wickham is not a Wet’suwet’en” let me quote regarding Molly’s mother “June’s parents on her fathers side was Eastern Carrier specifically Stellat’en First Nation. His name was Freddy Augusta.” No that man laying there is only the sidekick of the one talking on the video. Watch the video, the man is standing, at no point when the police drive through does he fall, and after the police are gone he is still standing next to the sidewalk, at no time was he ever near the middle of the road where the photo shows him to be.

Was the reason the video an picture story went dead was it was too obvious it was a staged event?


OK now our second story today is also a Wickham family story. Molly and Jennifer are promoting another GoFundMe account, first things first. Gidimt’en Checkpoint is a Facebook Page run by the Wickham sisters Molly and Jennifer are daughters of June Wickham. The golden floatie in this one is the line about ancient allies. Does anyone hear voices in their head when you read the name Chief Spookw?

Well Molly and Jennifer are the daughters of June Wickham, who by genealogy (don’t forget the matrilineal rule here also applies) is a daughter of Christine Patsey who is from the House of Spookw. Oh and lest you forgot, that makes Molly and Jennifer (Gitxsan) if you follow the matrilineal rule and both Gitsan, Wet’suwet’en and Stellat’en all follow matrilineal birthright. So this GoFundMe is for her own family, that deserves another golden floatie award.

Added Dec 08 2021 – Golden stinkers of the day.


Our response to what they said.

We said. “We have spent the last few weeks behind blockades” Not true, you were there on and off, you went back to Ontario on occasion, look at all the fossil fuels you burned doing that. “watching as lands are destroyed” You were far to busy hiding in the bushes, waiting for police to show up. “our people stolen from their homes” Wow you build a tiny box cabin on the drill pad site (it was mostly hauled in) and you call that a “home” and called getting arrested for breach of the law as “stolen” what a joke. “Attack dogs” Hey guys we watch YOUR videos and there is only one police dog, where are all the rest? “Police coming with guns” What did you expect them to come with? Dildos and whips? “dropping from helicopters” OMG its raining men! You idiots, they flew police in because you destroyed the road in. “to take our brothers and sisters” now that is really communist talk, people that are not your family are not brothers and sisters, hell most of them were white folks. “Tortured. Beaten. Chained” Wow that so thick it will hardly flush down the toilet of outright lies.


Our response

Antoinette Austin (father is a white guy btw) and sister of Adam and Alphonse is the real name of this dzakeze hagwilowh @ atelerx666

That said thinking can we a two edged sword, we can tell you Antoinette Austin that there is no man camps out there, they no longer exist on our planet, not sure about yours though. As for the CGL Camps, they have septic trucks that haul the human excrement away. Now ask your brother about where does the human excrement from his colony at Parrot Lake go? Where does the human excrement from all the protesters out there go? Well we can tell you, we recently did a story on Our Sacred Headwaters – a Human Portable Outhouse



#buildthatpipe #Wetsuweten #TidesCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPstanddown #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #NoTrespass #WedzinKwa #DefendTheYintah #RCMPAreMercenaries #WouldYouShootMeToo #LandDefenders #WaterProtectors #RiseUp #LightYourSacredFires #landback #blockade #takeaction #istandwithwetsuweten #decolonize #landdefenders #protectthesacred #gitxsanterritory #yintahaccess

"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

1 Comment

  1. Avi Lewis is a guy. Married to Naomi Klein, the well known left-wing intellectual. Naomi’s brother is Seth Klein, who happens to be my neighbour. Very good guy, totally committed to climate change. Next time I see him I will bring up his brother-in-laws language. Which I totally disagree with and I think contributes to our polarized politics, which in turns inhibits resolution.
    Respect. The first Wet’suwet’en word I have learned – Wiggus. That is the key to solving our current political problems

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