Cody Merriman is an interesting character who seems to play chameleon at lot, he likes to pretend he is a Wet’suwet’en, even a Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief, a Haida, a Namgis First Nation, and a general all round very good bullshitter. (pardon the expression but it fits) In reality he has only a tiny amount of First Nations blood in him, he is mostly made of us the settler he condemns in everyone else.
Keep in mind these so called “land defenders” are all just pawns of Franklin Lopez The secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family.
But far be it from him not to use all aboriginal privilege to hunt fish and use every economic advantage reserved for First Nations people. Its sort of his golden lotto jackpot to claim it, however its not enough so he fights for more privilege.
We do know he has a small amount of Haida First Nations blood in him, as best as we could obtain is that his mother is either 1/2 or 1/4 or possibly even less Haida First Nations, so Cody hardly qualifies as a First Nation person as more than 90% of his blood is Caucasian. If we get new information or a correction we will post it. These people go out of their way to cover up their real identity’s, mostly due to having reasons to hide it that have everything to do with their past not fitting into their present day agendas.

Now watch the video Molly tells police “These are MY Territories” with Rob Alfred and Cody Merriman pretending to be Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs.
Below is a page from a blog Cody Merriman used to have online, we did manage a screen grab before it was made to disappear. We are guessing this was before he decided on what aboriginal clan he was going to come out of the closet as.

All those dreams were flushed as in the first year he met Molly Wickham and both decided to follow a much different path, especially once Molly was pregnant and Cody not having anything substantial as a career, that is when environmentalism as a career became their option. As far as we can see back it appears they met some time in or before 2010 when Molly was also going to the University of Victoria and became pregnant, Molly gave birth to her first child in Dec 2010.
Dating as far back as 2014 this couple stole a cabin at McBride Lake and made it their own private home, in the name of environmentalism, and even back at that time long before anyone in the Gitdumden Clan ever heard about these proposed projects, Molly was already claiming to speak for them. That was back in 2014, she was not even illegitimately adopted into the clan until sometime in 2019-20.
we have never seen verification that Cody Merriman ever completed the University degrees he was working towards.
Next is a video of Cody Merriman Jan 3oth 2020 below the video we will post the written text by Rita George his wife’s great aunt and “Gidimt’en” matriarch. Regarding the property, the structres are illegal and on crown land contrary to the law. Listen to Molly’s bullshit, you have destroyed over 10 Thousand dollars of her property. What she or Cody is failing to tell is they built this intentionally on land that CGL was permitted to use as property. The video does an exemplary job of exposing just how rude and arrogant this couple really can be.
*It is illegal to use, occupy or build structures on Crown land without prior approval. Penalties of up to $100,000 or the seizure of improvements, goods or materials may apply. The person responsible also could be billed for clean-up costs.
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"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"
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