Above Photo: Anarchist Soldier – Molly Wickham
Molly Wickham is one of Freda and Warner’s first recruits along with her husband Cody Merriman. Dating as far back as 2014 this couple decided to squat in a cabin that did not belong to them at McBride Lake and made it their own private home, in the name of environmentalism, even back at that time long before anyone in the Gitdumden Clan ever heard about these proposed projects, Molly was already claiming to speak for the Gitdumden Clan. As far back as 2009 during her University years she was already involved in activism, and panned her thesis around “A Tale with Two Endings” She did complete her University degree and was already on parade in Smithers with he child and husband in 2012.
Keep in mind these so called “land defenders” are all just pawns of Franklin Lopez The secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family.

Back in 2014, she was not even illegitimately adopted into the clan until sometime in 2019-20. These people are unbelievable, how they switch from Stellat’en First Nation to Wet’suwet’en then do the ceremony years later. Today you now have her sister Jennifer also claiming to be Gitdumden Clan, to fit the narrative without even having an adoption.
*It is illegal to use, occupy or build structures on Crown land without prior approval. Penalties of up to $100,000 or the seizure of improvements, goods or materials may apply. The person responsible also could be billed for clean-up costs.
Wickham said she fears the practice of questioning Indigenous identity in a colonial court setting sets a “dangerous precedent.” Quote from the Narwhal
Really? I wonder why?
In fact it should be a standard rule that as part of your identification you must show this card. We are seeing far to much abuse by people who wish to belong to any band across Canada as a matter of convenience.
Molly Wickham, had her educations including university paid for by the Stellat’en First Nation. Stellako is located 160 kilometers west of Prince George, B.C. Stellat’en (people of Stella)
Its important to understand who exactly Molly’s and Jennifer are in relationship to the roles they play in today’s Wet’suwet’en affairs. The following will explain just how Wet’suwet’en they really are or are not.
Neither Molly or Jennifer grew up on Wet’suwet’en territories and are relatively speaking newcomers to the area.
For the sake of all the very good people in this family, pleased respect what we are writing, there are a lot of very good people that are related to Molly and Jennifer, but you would never know it from the way those two treat their family. Molly and Jennifer have very much disrespected their own matriarchs, so we must show continued support for them as they were caught between what government did to them, and now the abuse done to them by these family members. For that reason getting the facts correct was important to us.
Molly’s and Jennifer are the daughters of Don Wickham a white man who married June Wickham (aboriginal) whose maiden name is Augusta.
June’s parents on her fathers side was Eastern Carrier specifically Stellat’en First Nation. His name was Freddy Augusta. On June’s mother’s side was Emily Augusta, her maiden name was Isaac, and her June’s grandmothers name was Paddy Isaac with her maiden name being Tom. So to recap, June’s mom Christine Patsey married a Burns Lake man with the surname of Tom. Christine is half Gitsxan and half Wet’suwet’en. June was born into the house of Spookws or also known as the Dora Wilson Kenny house group, and adopted into unnamed non aboriginal household where she self reports to have been abused. We cannot deny that or confirm it so be that as it may.
Speaking to other family members, it was no secret that Emily, (June’s mother) had drinking (alcohol) issues, at that time when June was taken by social services due to the drinking issue. We cannot excuse the government of that day either, because government of that day failed to recognize the kids were safe and being looked after by the grandparents. Witnessed by other relatives.
By rules of matrilineal family Christine was Gitxsan on her mothers side and Wet’suwet’en on the fathers side, so both Molly and Jennifer Wickham by matrilineal rules are Gitxsan, even if that constitutes only a bloodline of a mere 12.5% Having said that its not what we are seeing, what we are seeing today is that whatever tribe gives you the most benefits, that’s the one you yourself choose to be. We have never seen anyone actually apply historical backed rules to this situation, its all about what is in it for me, and or GoFundMe.
In perspective Molly and Jennifer are 50% white settler, 25% Stellat’en, 12.5% Gitxsan and 12.5% Wet’suwet’en.
One issue that stands out is if Molly and Jennifer made the claim we are white immigrants, it would be accepted as truth, if they both claimed they were Stellat’en nobody could argue that point, then if they chose to say they were Gitxsan nobody could challenge that, so now we have them claiming they were born Wet’suwet’en, who could argue the point? Imagine having citizenship to four separate nations. Somehow one element is forgotten here, they are cashing in on a protesters dream, to never work for a living, and to get rich anyways.
Does anyone other than me see there is something very wrong with this picture? Imagine if we allow abusive aboriginals to claim indigenous rights and title to all parts of Canada, what happens to the rights of honest law abiding local First nations members?
There is so much more history people need to be aware of, the following are important evidence of her out of control behaviour.

No violence occurred at Wet’suwet’en blockade One of the most successful fallacies perpetrated by these two couples with the help of SubMedia (subverted media) is the claim that everything done by police is violent, they are all victims in a Disney like porrayal of a non existent Indian tribe and the women are all Pocahontas and about to be devoured by white society.
Canadian courts do not have any jurisdiction on Wet’suwet’en territory Imagine this if you can, does she actually believe this or is this part of the spin? We suggest based on her sucess as spinning lies has such a phenomenal track record of duping the public it turned her into a millionaire.

Today Molly works in partnership with Franklin Lopez the secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family. A must see video is this one, where she admits her partnership with the devil incarnate. One cannot fully appreciate just how evil this man is unless you open the link and read his background information. He is using First Nations as his weapon to harm society.
Racist Molly rants again, the venomous diatribe pours out of her mouth in social media. After reading that we question if she is losing her sanity? Remember there was nobody at the camp, and nobody in Houston ever reported being attacked by pipeline workers. Its pure vivid imagination or hallucination.
Important Related Articles
January 16, 2019 Molly Wickham breaches bail conditions.
April 11, 2019 Time to speak up: STN, NTBB, BLB, Stellaten, Nadleh, hello everybody
April 22, 2019 Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs – Popcorn Box Titles
June 9, 2019 Rude Radical Aboriginals – Unist’ot’en Exposed Molly exposed by one of the protestors.
June 28, 2019 The End of the Wet’suwet’en Tradition Disrespecting the deaths of so many young women, over 20 of them, mostly from First Nations who support CGL
June 28, 2019 Pictures worth a million words
August 29, 2019 Kweese War Trail Debunked – A shameful history
October 15, 2019 “Molly Wickham is not a Wet’suwet’en”
December 23, 2019 The Victim Cult Painting themselves as the victims to create victims.
December 28, 2019 The Guardian Gimmick – Written by Two Obstructionists
January 9, 2020 What exactly is unceded land? An in-depth look into the problem.
January 15, 2020 Dangerous Criminals or Peaceful Protestors? What the UN did not tell you.
January 15, 2020 Duping the RCMP and Press with Fake Hereditary Chiefs
January 23, 2020 Chief Knedebeas (Warner William) offer to allow LNG through Unist’ot’en land Revolving promises, double speak
February 5, 2020 Bands Authority vs. Hereditary Chiefs Authority regarding Land Claims
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February 25, 2020 Lady Chainsaw aka Kat Roivas, arrested at Unist’ot’en Camp gets out of jail
June 14, 2020 Unist’ot’en Environment Site Assessment Scam
August 18, 2020 Lighting the fire of Racism
October 17, 2020 Intentional violation of the B.C. Supreme Court Injunction by Molly & Jennifer Wickham
November 8, 2020 Roadblock Idiots – Or is it us that are idiots?
November 16, 2020 Molly Wickham gets correction from a highly respected Wet’suwet’en “Gidimt’en” matriarch. – Pt.1
November 16, 2020 Molly Wickham gets a lesson in Respect for Elders – Pt.2
November 16, 2020 Remembrance Day – The War to End all Wars – Pt.3 A must read and see article.
December 2, 2020 Terrorism charges linked to Freda and Molly’s call to action.
December 5, 2020 In defiance of Wet’suwet’en elders, Molly continues to violate Wet’suwet’en laws.
December 6, 2020 How high can you pile moose manure? It depends on how cold it is.
February 15, 2021 The Abused Truth on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIW)
February 24, 2021 Respecting the Wet’suwet’en culture.
September 9, 2021 Molly Wickham strikes again
September 26, 2021 Gitumden Clan (Wolf/Bear) Molly you do not speak for our clan.
September 27, 2021 Chiefs in Crisis – Local Update
September 28, 2021 Gidimt’en Checkpoint – Nobody is Listening
October 1, 2021 Morice 63 km Blockade Update
October 8, 2021 GoFundMe – Gold diggers – this needs to stop.
October 9, 2021 RCMP arrive at drill pad site access road.
October 11, 2021 Sleydo – Molly Wickham’s Little White Lies
October 12, 2021 The “real” Gidimt’en Clan are in mourning
October 15, 2021 Invasion – Our local communities under attack.
October 17, 2021 Lessons learned from protest camps
October 29, 2021 Wet’suwet’en – Respecting our ancestors
November 3, 2021 Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) in the Bulkley Valley – Welcome Back
November 8, 2021 Our Sacred Headwaters – a Human Portable Outhouse
November 14, 2021 Yintah – a documentary film about the Wet’suwet’en Nation
November 17, 2021 Office of the Wet’suwet’en inciting Domestic Terrorism
November 18, 2021 Press Release from the Gidimt’en Clan
November 19, 2021 Anarchists and Warriors – A confession by Molly Wickham
November 22, 2021 Insurrection – List of players in the Bulkley Valley
November 24, 2021 Rape and death cover up by Molly Wickham and Frank Alec (chief Woos)
November 26, 2021 Screaming roosters or loud chickens?
November 27, 2021 Million Dollar Molly GoFundMe a fortune.
November 29, 2021 War in the Woods – Daily Update
November 29, 2021 War by Anarchists on Society
December 3, 2021 Taylor Bachrach sandbags RCMP in Parliament Cody Molly Logan Colin
December 4, 2021 Memory Lane – Like peas in a pod.
December 6, 2021 Did CBC just team up with a terrorist?
December 11, 2021 Violent RCMP Raid on the Wet’suwet’en? When and where?
December 14, 2021 Nathan Cullen’s letter of concern regarding RCMP Violence
December 17, 2021 The fallacy of “Land Back”
December 20, 2021 Where are our Wet’suwet’en leaders?
December 21, 2021 The case for a permanent RCMP station on the Morice West Forest Service Road
December 22, 2021 Molly and her gang once again occupy the drill pad site.
December 28, 2021 Anarchist Stool Bus – We uncover the down and dirty – Dec 2021
The rest of the story can be found in our 2022 articles, check there for more related articles.
"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"
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