Adam Gagnon fakes a second eviction.

Fallen trees across a roadway are shown in this photo from the RCMP. Handout/RCMP

This footage is actually McElhanney surveyors doing work for CGL in the area of the 27 Km camp near the RCMP detachment on the Morice River Forest Service Road. Adam has not been seen in the Morice River camp (Hooligans Hotel) since he left it in early January,   Adam has only been as far as the 27 Km camp set up by mostly white supporters.

What follows is a Adam taunting police that he would not disclose who has been removing survey markers. Listen to Adam mocking the police in complete disregard of the law. His confession alone on this video is grounds for arrest, a blatant contravention of the Supreme Court order that he also again was made to read and agreed to understand by going past the police blockade.

The law not only provides for the establishment of survey markers but also for the consequences of removal or tampering with them. It is illegal to remove or tamper with an official boundary marker. Tampering with boundary markers can result in fines up to $10,000


The next video confirms what we have said about Adam and sprouting wings like a tooth fairy full of fiction. Listen at the 1 min mark in the video. “Snow and fallen trees block the road from vehicles passing, and the only way to access the camp is by hiking  3 to 4 kilometers  and getting picked up by someone from the nearest camp.” That being the 44 kilometer mark where Molly set up a camp. The Hooligans Hotel at the Morice River bridge is another 22 kilometers.

As the road is indeed not passable, neither CGL or McElhanney surveyors could have been in that area.

Indeed it is disturbing that these hoodlums are now destroying legal surveyors work, this continuation of breaking Canadian law sets a dangerous precedent if it is allowed to continue unchecked. Given that now white people (non aboriginals are breaking the law, with the approval of the Office of Wet’suwet’en, one must be asking for how long will this be allowed before they are labeled a criminal organization led by John Ridsdale?

The Hooligan’s Hotel have already admitted they are not in contact with the 44 kilometer camp, in other public statements made by them.






"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

1 Comment

  1. Why shouldn’t he strut around? Its obvious to him that no one will do anything to him and he is just awaiting Cullen to come in, order the RCMP off of the land and tell Horgan the only solution to the problem is to tell Coastal Gas Link to either change their route on the pipeline to go through Watson Lake or Dease Lake to respect Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs or kill the project. Every day I read what is happening, I lose more respect for politicians and believe more and more that the government will capitulate and give the hereditary chiefs everything they want, including kicking CGL out, closing the backwoods to non Indigenous people unless they have a special Wet’suwet’en fishing or hunting license and their traditional territory as a form of government above provincial and municipal government.

    What this protest is doing is going to be carried off double as bad for TMX. And if you think Adam is rude and violent, just wait until you get a look at Kanhaus Manuel who will be one of the ringleaders for that

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