Freda Huson was without question the mastermind, original blockaders who helped found the Unist’ot’en with her partner Warner Naziel. For all intensive purposes the Unist’ot’en never really existed until the blockaders needed a name. Prior to that date somewhere around 2005 or earlier, the clan name was Gil_seyhu and there were three house groups in it. Yex T’sa, Yex T’sa Wilk’us and Kayex. The name of that house group was the Dark House or Yex T’sa Wilk’us but not as catchy as using Unist’ot’en.
Keep in mind these so called “land defenders” are all just pawns of Franklin Lopez The secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family.
To sum it up in a nutshell the Unist’ot’en as a people is the creation of Warner and Freda, it never existed before they coined the name, there was a similar name used by a original Hereditary Chief Sylvester William during the the Delgamuukw hearings, it was the name Oonis to d’en family ( Tiljoe, Laytons, Joseph) also meaning the Dark House clan.
They acquired a (BC Goverment paid for) prebuilt log cabin and set it up on what they thought was the pipeline path in 2009.
Note Waner and Freda are no longer together as a couple and Warner moved out of the Unist’ot’en Camp.
Yex T’sa Wilk’us was known as the “Dark House” with Chief Knedebeas (Warner William) as the head of his House Group. Note there are 3 Hereditary Chiefs, one for each house group. The Unist’ot’en as said above was a creation of collaboration back around 2005 or possibly even earlier.
Freda and Warner at that time were a couple, and together planned to blockades the pipeline in 2008. we want to point out Warner Naziel was not a member of that clan, Warner is a member of the Owl House of the Laksamshu (Fireweed) clan, so he was always taking a supporting role until his falling out with Freda.
A good primer on the Unist’ot’en was written by one of their members here I am a Wet’suwet’en man from the dark house. This is an important read as it explains how a man stole a woman’s Hereditary Title meaning that Warner William has a stolen blanket (title and property) as well. The writer goes on to say quote “Most of the 5 have been fierce loggers with huge capital and machines killing and hauling logs since the 60s and 70s and well into the new millennium. They have made millions of dollars logging trees, sitting on board with Canfor and benefiting. Did anyone else in the house group benefit? NOPE. When the forest and range agreements were signed back in the 80’s where were the 5? Oh logging! Why the sudden interest in pipeline activism?” I want to jog your memory on how both Adam and Warner complain about the moonscaping of land out on the Morice West Forest Service road and areas subject to the blockaders.
Freda has come close to becoming an elder at the age of 57 she will be a senior soon, it could account for her not being so active these days, the wisdom of age setting in. She is a wing-chief of the Dark House Clan, she also claims to be known as Chief Howilhkat, my memory is fallible but I do not recall the legitimacy of the potlatch required to get that name. Too many names today are picked by those wanting them and they bypass all cultural protocall and lay claim to those names. Do not take that as me making an accusation, its a observation.
Despite having been completed many years ago the Unist’ot’en Healing Centre never really got off the ground and was surrounded in controversy over Karla funding the centre with government money while working for the government.
Freda (below) in collaboration with the mastermind Franklin Lopez creating chaos to harm Canada
Then you see them post stuff like this and acting like her hereditary chief Warner William (Chief Knedebeas) was one of the primary logging contractors and this sort of thing was a normal occurrence, but hey it does not fit their narrative.
Now look at what her hereditary chief Warner William (Chief Knedebeas) logged next to the Morice River.
Important Related Articles
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The rest of the story can be found in our 2022 articles, check there for more related articles.
"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

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