No that was not a typo in the title.
Some truths about radicals today are so blatantly bazaar, you cannot make make up stuff like this.
Unist’ot’en supporters come in all sizes, shapes and colors, not to mention professional backgrounds. Although we are quite sure this one is using a stage or made up name, and we do not have her real name, is or might be at the blockades today, and has possibly also been at the Unist’ot’en Camp in the past.
She is a long time supporter, so we thought we would introduce you to the type of people that gravitate towards the Unist’ot’en and Wet’suwet’en chiefs.
So who is Madeleine Xanthine? Lets do a show and tell (screenshot style) and Freda seems to be quite close to this lady as well.
OK with further adieu, introducing Madeleine Xanthine
I tell you truthfully I did not make this stuff up, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
From her Facebook Page
Now last but not least, we have other feedback from readers worth sharing.
The following was sent to us via email.
The easiest thing to harvest and prep in all of nature’s. Easier the growing food, hunting or trapping. If you can’t supply your own firewood when you are already in the forest, and your solution is get other people to donate it and drive it to you in a truck, are you at all capable of living off the land?”
"Now you know the rest of the story"
brought to you by
"Two Feathers"
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Every single item on those lists are the result of progress and adapting to a changing lifestyle. Nothing, not one thing, comes from Wet’suwet’en efforts. “Whitey and corporations invented, manufactred and provided ALL that stuff. All of it. They even ask for donations of wood? What, too lazy to go get their whitey chainsaw, jump in the whitey truck using whitey fuel, drive on a road built using whitey construction machinery and actually do some (ugh ) work? They give Natives a bad name.