It was not that long ago when the mainstream press was so hot under the collar about the arrests of two less than credible journalists. At that time our viewpoint was seeing all this take place in our backyard, while the press was seeing it as a hot ticket to more sales for their respective employers. See our article Journalists or Promotional Agents? Where Michael Toledano got to hide behind the skirts of the CBC all the while participating in the crimes being committed. The same went for Amber Bracken, hiding behind the anarchist website of the Narwhal. Be sure to read The Media Didn’t Tell The Whole Story on the RCMP First Nation Raid in BC its mostly not even our story.
In reaction to our story (from a hometown hic) – Ian Harvey who has written for The Toronto Sun, National Post, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Macleans, Readers Digest and many other publications. Made the following comments on this very issue.
“Claims they are journalists are suspect. I have been a journalist for 45 years and I would not sign on under these conditions.
These are the restrictions the “journalists” were working under. In which case they were no longer journalists but in fact PR agents IMHO.
“All media requests must be sent to Jennifer Wickham (Molly the ringleader’s sister) through email or phone. All reporting must center,, prioritize and uplift Wet’suwet’en voices and sovereignty (which in this case means the Hereditary Chiefs’ version not the band councils and majority who voted for CGL). Reporting focusing on or using non- Wet’suwet’en voices (supports, etc) must be FIRST approved by Jennifer Wickham. Failure to respect Media Protocol could result in being banned from reporting on Wet’suwet’en stories.”
So in a nutshell, if you want a spot inside the camp, you have to write what these anarchists want OR else! That is not reporting, its collaborating.
“Laurie Gail Hamelin, a reporter with the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, has been reporting on the Unist’ot’en protest against Coastal Gas Link. Earlier this month a judged approved an injunction against them for blocking the Morice River Bridge. Other Wet’suwet’en clans have also stepped in to protest.
In a Facebook post, user Dini Ze Smogelgem (Adam Gagnon), Hereditary Chief of the Laksamshu Clan, one of the five clans of Wet’suwe’ten Nation, also known as Warner Naziel, posted a photo and circled Hamelin’s name, saying she had been banned from reporting on the standoff with CGL after she wrote an article quoting Helen Michelle, who claims to be a hereditary chief.” MyPGNow“
Once again we have another less than credible reporter flaunting credentials that are hardly deserving. Quoting Ricochet Media (another anarchist website)
“Her most notable work has appeared in publications and on networks including National Geographic, Al Jazeera English, the Guardian, VICE, ELLE Canada, the Toronto Star, the New York Times, Huffpost, Indian Country Today Media Network, the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network National News, and CBC Indigenous. Brandi won a Human Rights Reporting award from the Canadian Association of Journalists in April of 2019 for her work with the CBC’s Beyond 94 project tracking the progress of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Her debut memoir, Our Voice of Fire, is forthcoming with House of Anansi in 2022.”
With credentials like that who would have guessed she dove right into bed with one side of the story abandoning every ounce of credibility she ever had as a journalist.
Now lets review some of the points in the Code of Ethics from the Canadian Association of Journalists
Conflict of interest
- As fair and impartial observers, we must be free to comment on the activities of any publicly elected body or special interest group. But we cannot do this without an apparent conflict of interest if we are active members of an organization we are covering, and that includes membership through social media.
- We lose our credibility as fair observers if we write opinion pieces about subjects we also cover as reporters.
- We carefully consider our political activities and community involvements – including those online – and refrain from taking part in demonstrations, signing petitions, doing public relations work, fundraising or making financial contributions if there is a chance we will be covering the campaign, activity or group involved.
- We do not allow anonymous sources to take cheap shots at individuals or organizations.
- We disclose to our audiences any biases that could be perceived to influence our reporting.
Now that we have covered the difference between a journalist and a promotional agent, the next video in which Brandi Morin is the speaker, shows she is a promotional agent for this anarchist camp. This is one of more than 40 cases of where we have Brandi speaking as a promotional agent for this illegal camp.
Listen to the voice of the speaker in this video, its Brandi Morin.
one more
This is article two of three stories today. Also read RCMP statement – Gidimt’en Camp has been used as a base of operations committing criminal code offences. in regards to the illegal building on this land.
"Now you know the rest of the story"
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"Two Feathers"
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