Justice Michael Tammen “The actions of the accused were a clear attack on the rule of law.”

Justice Michael Tammen  “The actions of the accused were a clear attack on the rule of law.”

INTRO: With all due respect to Judge Tammen, I will pull age over rank in my opinion piece. So let me start with the most important words Judge Tammen got right “The actions of the accused were a clear attack on the rule of law.”

Somehow the complicit media, forgot why we were in the courtroom in the first place, or by intent, these reporters want to fight the climate wars as the rightful demagogues of today’s society. Media no longer reports, they now dictate, and its why Canada is in such a horrid state of decline. To punish local workers by reducing the sentence should never be an option.

If police officers did wrong then punish them for what they did, a separate case a separate charge, its downright outrageous that Judge Tammen would make society pay for their wrong doing. When you stop punishing crime, its an attack on law abiding citizens. The three that brought the “abuse of process” charges should have done that separate from their convictions, the charges they faced were a result of crimes they committed, not the errors or injustice brought on by a few officers after the crimes were already committed.

Each one of those criminals had and has the rights to file charges against the officers in question, it should never be a free “Get of of Jail Card”

Not sending these 3 criminals to jail will result in a Pandora’s box of legitimized attacks on all aspects of Canadian law, all under the pretext of  faux-Indigenous land defenders dreamed up by professional American environmentalists at a fancy restaurant in San Francisco. Now look below, Smithers Interior news highlighting how domestic terrorists are the victims here. Of the 6 highlighted article 3 are making these domestic terrorists the victims here.





The mainstream media or “woke” media shifts all focus from the crimes committed to focus on the mistakes or wrongdoings of a few RCMP officers. I have often said most Judges, this one included lives in a world of law, someone akin to Alice in Wonderland, and have no clue in regards to the harsh realities of what officers faced out there on the Morice River Road. I do understand enough about law that many of the relevant factors like the burning of police cars and destruction of CGL equipment is non admissible because regardless of how many residents know who were behind it, proving it is another issue. See A law for them and a law for us. is this what Canada has degraded into? Let me start with a walk down memory lane, a local perspective.

Nobody charged, nobody convicted, who cares right?


Again, nobody charged nobody arrested, so who cares right?

Let’s look a bit more closely. look at the next 2 videos.

Now ask yourself where did I see this camo gear before?

Dan Mesic, where have I heard that name before? And it all points to connections with Nathan Cullen and the local NDP. (Check out the link) Dam Mesec was there, and thier is very little doubt that he does not know who the people in this photo, where they brag about taking back the CGL camp, and running CGL security out. He needs to be held accountable.

Now here is another eye opener. And you think its a coincidence they are all dressed in the same gear? The last one is a Molly’s camp video production.


The magnitude of what all went on out there seems to have been deliberately lost with the help of Mainstream Media, by putting all the blame on RCMP. And their victims, workers who were legally and honestly working for a living, it appears none of that matters anyone, the villain is now the RCMP. What about the honest workers who suffered at the hands of these terrorists? Would you dare suggest their human and charter rights are void because they are working on a pipeline? What the hell is wrong with our media, whose side are they on? Is this the price we pay for left wing goverment subsidies? Clearly it does not fit in with the WEF agenda and the media turns on our nation, on our right to govern, and demonizes our judicial system. (Well, that is until they need some protection)


Case in Point  – Molly’s Camp at 44K on the Morice

and lets not forget a few others like this one.

While we drive down memory lane locals will not forget this message put out by Molly and her gangsters out at 44k of the Morice. This is their footage intended to encourage people to join in committing illegal activities. This is and was an attack on our nation, our laws and our freedoms,  let’s not use RCMP to forget what these criminals did to us. Pay special note how this group is without question, intentionally interfering with and RCMP investigation. The acts in this video show how important it is to put the guilty behind bars for a long time, not whitewash what they are doing and encourage others by suggesting crime pays. Imagine all these crimes and only 3 people being sentenced? Does anyone other than me see something wrong here?

Keep this in mind when you see our local media defending the terrorists. Please remember these words,  Justice Michael Tammen  The actions of the accused were a clear attack on the rule of law.”


Of greater concern here is the sheer number of people who were arrested by RCMP at a cost of over 20 Million Dollars, we are talking about 70 arrests of persons intentionally breaking the law and causing harm to legitimate business. Let me quote the Vancouver Sun “The B.C. Prosecution Service, which typically has the final say on who gets charged with criminal offences in the province, declined an invitation of the court to press charges. Crown prosecutors said they could not prove nine of the protesters were aware of the injunction when they were arrested. Three others, however, were captured on video having the injunction read to them.” 

Have you ever heard so much bullshit? I do not buy it nor should the residents who suffered from this abuse.  You are suggesting RCMP are not able to do their job, or simply did not do their job?  I suggest conspiracy here, there should be a public inquiry into this scandal.

Never in Canadian history have I ever witnessed such blatant interference of our justice system. This is 100% on the heads of the BC NDP, what we really need is a criminal investigation into the decision making of the BC Prosecution Service to see if the BC NDP is involved with a conspiracy to manipulate the law. It was so bad in fact that Justice Ward Branch spoke to this very issue of letting everyone off the hook. Are we about to witness the same in regards to Molly Wickham, Shaylynn Sampson, and Corey Jocko. Note we did not join the media in using their theatrical names.


In a B.C. Supreme Court ruling earlier this month, Justice Ward Branch said the B.C. Prosecution Service is “not the sole arbiter of the public interest.”

“While the BCPS has expertise in assessing and pursuing criminal offences, the court undoubtedly has its own expertise in protecting the administration of justice and ensuring respect for the courts …” Branch ruled.


Now we have Judge Tammen once again appearing to attack the RCMP to finish the job the B.C. Prosecution Service failed to complete.

Before we go one I want to demonstrate what RCMP officers must endure, are they not protected as humans and somehow using the race card allows attacks on our officer of the law? For the record it is not sovereign land, the RCMP attend this reserve on a regular bases by request of band members.  Keep in mind this is from the Trans Mountain Pipeline, but it clearly demonstrates typical activist behaviour. The officers here are doing what they are required to do, and this is the abuse they end up getting from people like this. Kanahus Manuel. is the one speaking in this video.


Now we are talking about this exact same person here. Let me quote. Kanahus Manuel and the Tiny House Warriors were awarded the Carole Geller Human Rights Award for their role as Secwe̓pemc land defenders, taking action to protect their unceded lands – Secwepemcúĺecw. then this one. Kanahus Manuel wins 2019 Eugene Rogers Environmental Award.  Keep in mind that if anyone who was not indigenous did this, or spoke like this to a police officer, we would be arrested. The NDP have turned our province into a 2 tier justice system, a law for indigenous, and a much tighter law for non indigenous.


Now I ask you to listen to the following audio recording, of what the media still to this day will not admit to. Its almost as if the media is complicit in the crime being committed.

The Media Didn’t Tell The Whole Story on the RCMP First Nation Raid in BC


Alex is joined by Tom Korski, the managing editor of Blacklock’s Reporter. Tom fills Alex in on memo’s obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter that show the whole story to the RCMP raid of the BC First Nations protest was not revealed, until now that is.

Let’s get talking


Much of the Abuse of Process” stems or begins with the video below.

In the video, Sleydo’ can be heard saying, “Bring it on motherf–kers.”


Make special note that that not once did CBC tell viewers that this camp was created on land cleared by Coastal Gaslink and being prepared for installing a drill pad site. The occupation in itself was an act to block or slow down, and intentionally cost the pipeline more money, and I sure hope that this will result in civil litigation against Molly Wickham and her accomplices include John Ridsdale.

Disregard the content warning, its part of the terrorist propaganda tactics. Refer to the audio recording above to learn the officers were there for over an hour trying to reason with the people inside, to no avail.


  The following is just more food for thought, and my own ramblings in  (In Blue)

The following are verbatim titles in local mainstream press.


Judge rules RCMP remarks racist, but B.C. pipeline protesters’ convictions will stand
Judge finds RCMP breached Charter rights during arrests at Wet’suwet’en pipeline blockade
B.C. Judge finds RCMP violated Northwest B.C. pipeline protesters’ Charter rights

Then one that was substantially different in title content as well.

Smithers judge reduces sentences for Coastal GasLink protesters


The abuse stems around comments caught on tape (Quote below from Interior News.)


Tammen said audio recordings captured police laughing and comparing the women protesters to “orcs,” monstrous characters from “The Lord of the Rings.”

He said the racist comments breached the Charter rights of Wet’suwet’en hereditary Chief Sleydo’ Molly Wickham and Shaylynn Sampson who were arrested by the RCMP on Wet’suwet’en territory near Houston, B.C.


“A B.C. Supreme Court judge has found RCMP officers made “grossly offensive, racist and dehumanizing” remarks about Indigenous women who they had arrested in 2021 during a blockade of Coastal GasLink pipeline construction.

The judge said both women had red hand prints painted on their faces, “a symbol of respect and solidarity” with missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.


While certain officers were guilty of loose lips in terms of today’s world where a police officer could be charged with abuse if he farted in front of these people,  let’s be serious here folks, I agree what they did was not becoming of a police officer, however in the context of their environment completely understandable. I believe Judge Tammen is far too removed from the reality of what was going on out there to make this an issue. Also there is a clear disregard for facts, the number of officers guilty to the hundreds of officers not guilty and doing their job, putting their lives on the line, is a disgusting display of ignorance by the press.


Quoting Judge Tammen “He said the racist comments breached the Charter rights of Wet’suwet’en hereditary Chief Sleydo’ Molly Wickham and Shaylynn Sampson, who were arrested by the RCMP on Wet’suwet’en territory near Houston“.

Let me be extremely clear here. Judge Tammen is saying that officers joking about “orcs” between themselves and recorded by the protesters is “grossly offensive, racist and dehumanizing  ” leaves me say really?   What planet do you come from? Has anyone heard what these hoodlums out there call us?


Case in point in regards to protester behaviour, above is just a few examples, we have collected literally dozens on these videos posted online by these same protesters. We documented over 400 articles showing how abusive these protesters were. Our website is a testament to their obnoxious behaviour.


Even using their own footage with their propaganda attached, its easy to see, that if you or I yelled “Get your fuckin gun off me” while being arrested does not reflect the behaviour of an innocent woman. She is a self admitted anarchist, not a Wet’suwet’en land defender.


Both women in the above video are the subjects of this court hearing, both are Gitxsan and the courts never questioned this fact.


What really bothers me most is the absence of the facts Judge Tammen did not bother to question.

Somehow the judge himself fell into that group of people who simply buys aboriginal claims without putting them to a truth test. If he did he would have made some very important discoveries, that the blockaders were led by almost no Wet’suwet’en at all. Of the three people on trial here, none of them are Wet’suwet’en, two are Gitxsan and the third is a know agitator and hater of Canada as a nation his name is Cory Jocko, the man in the above video. We have collected over 110 videos where they pretty much incriminate themselves.


More quotes

The judge found that there was no evidence that racist attitudes were “encouraged or condoned” by police leadership, two of whom were “genuinely shocked and disgusted by the comments made by their fellow officers.”

Tammen also rejected claims that police used excessive force or employed “unnecessary resources” to dismantle the blockade.

“The police were unaware of the number of protesters they might encounter,” Tammen said. “They were not engaged in a simple peaceful demonstration akin to a sit-in, but rather wanton destruction of property, including vehicles and infrastructure. Police did not know if the protesters were armed nor if they were violent.”


Judge Failed

The judge assumed the identity of Molly Wickham is correct, he never questioned or made Molly Wickham prove she was Wet’suwet’en
The judge never asked Molly how much money she made from her antics, how many millions? And it is most certainly relevant.
I view the conduct as extremely serious involving racism directed towards Indigenous women, that is a group that has been systemically disadvantaged through all sectors of the criminal justice system for generations,” said Tammen.

In my humble opinion this was a political echo as opposed to defining just how this fact becomes truth. There should not be any race card involved in our justice system, either by accused or by the legal profession inclusive of our judges. As a community these criminals divided our community by first and foremost playing the race card to intentional invoke race hate.


Molly Wicham said the headwaters — known today as the Morice River— are sacred to her clan, which it has a duty to protect, that the salmon in the river are integral to the Wet’suwet’en way of life and the community relies on the health of the fish to pass on traditions to future generations. Prior to the start of the CGL Pipeline, any claims made that it was sacred are false, the words sacred are part of the battle against the pipeline. The Judge failed to address that point. Why was this not challenged in court?

Also from the say article. She said that her role as a spokesperson is not about her personal beliefs but about upholding her responsibilities to the yintah (territory) and future generations, and she was not making decisions alone. Not true, the Office of Wet’suwet’en got involved after the blockading started. If fact the rejected the original plea for help by Freda Huson and Molly originally joined that camp, and it was because they could not agree on so many issues Molly set of to start her own camp.

Then remember the in the following video where Molly goes rogue, and proves her objectives are anarchist and not Wet’suwet’en.

Tammen said it would be inappropriate to stay court proceedings, but found that some of the accused’s Section 7 rights— life, liberty, and security of person — were breached during the police raid. CBC News · Posted: Feb 18, 2025 1:40 PM PST 

Tammen said these rights were breached when several police officers on two different audio recordings were captured comparing Sleydo’ and Sampson to orcs and ogres for wearing red hand prints painted over their mouths — a symbol that represents missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. CBC News · Posted: Feb 18, 2025 1:40 PM PST 

The judge agreed with the defence that the police officers’ “comments were grossly offensive, racist and dehumanizing,” and amounted to a breach of their Charter rights. The Canadian Press

The Crown’s suggestion of an apology, Tammen said, was not adequate to convey “judicial condemnation.” The Canadian Press . Does the judge think that by rewarding the criminal activities of those charged, that it serves as a means to punish the public, so that the public will blame the police, for what inevitably comes round to the crimes criminals committed?

From the same article. She is in fact refuting the courts own jurisdiction, and the Judge did not even blink.

Sleydo’ said the RCMP unit that enforced the injunction, now known as its Critical Response Unit, acts as “unaccountable mercenaries for private industry.”

She said the case was a “showdown” between Wet’suwet’en law and colonial law, and hopes Tammen’s decision will “assist other land defenders in the future.”

“I refuse to allow the colonial courts to dehumanize and criminalize me,” she said. “I belong to my land, my ancestors and my people.”

From the same article.

The judge found that there was no evidence that racist attitudes were “encouraged or condoned” by police leadership, two of whom were “genuinely shocked and disgusted by the comments made by their fellow officers.”

Tammen also rejected claims that police used excessive force or employed “unnecessary resources” to dismantle the blockade.

From the same article.

“The offending conduct here was serious. It involved the calculated, prolonged and well organized attack on a court order,” he said. “The actions of the accused were a clear attack on the rule of law.”

“Criminal contempt by its very nature poses a threat to the rule of law, without which there would be anarchy.”




Sleydo’ said her family lives a traditional lifestyle, and their home does not have running water or electricity, and she relies on the land to survive.  Her bail conditions restricted access to her traditional territory, allowing her to be in the area for cultural activities only and not within 75 metres of the pipeline and work sites.  The entire goal was to block the pipeline, there were no cultural nativities she ever attended before setting that goal. (CBC News · Posted: Sep 04, 2024 5:39 PM PDT)

There is so much more to tell, its all published on this website, I want to put something forward again. Neither the courts or the press have ever had the guts to question the legitimacy of Hereditary Chiefs, as one Hereditary Chief told me, that everyone who gets a name in the feat hall is a chief, and everyone of those names is hereditary. There are very few Wet’suwet’en that actually have no name at all. When media or courts talk about Hereditary Chiefs they are actually referring to the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs that run the Office of the Wet’suwet’en  and leave out all the Hereditary Chiefs east of Smithers. The problem is both courts and press simply take for granted that these are not stolen titles.

There is only one reason for this websites existence, if the entire campaign would have been a result of local resistance, as opposed to outside interference, we would have been part of that movement. We are and always will stand as a testament of unity between the Wet’suwet’en Nation and the local non indigenous people living in Smithers, Telkwa, Houston and Burnslake. This website is a collaboration between Wet’suwet’en and its non aboriginal allies.

A must read if you have not already seen this.   The real people behind the CGL Blockades

Before I close one last thought. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at Revenue Canada to see what Molly Wickham declared as income we all saw all those GoFundMe, are they tax exempt?  Recall the story we ran called Million Dollar Molly? I wonder if Revenue Canada ever double checked her income, and this article was written a few years ago.

"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

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