There is a saying if you tell a lie often enough people start believing it. Bear with me as this will be a long article, with a lot of evidence attached. Evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the Molly Wickham is not a Hereditary Chief, she has no right to speak on behalf of the Gidimt’en Clan.
Duped media, duped crown prosecutors fell into a pattern of submission, going back to when prosecution lawyers back in 2019 in Supreme Court held in Prince George, dared to question those arrested in regards to their aboriginal linage. this resulted in “Radical” public circles, howls and screams by protesters as to how dare you question. Then would you believe it both crown lawyers and media all put blinders on in regards to a rightful question. This all in spite of the well known fact that almost all the protesters and anarchists out there were non aboriginal. Is this how our press gets sucked into their diatribe?

More happened at that case as well let me quote “The intervention request came Monday from a B.C. Supreme Court judge in Prince George. Madame Justice Church agreed with a defence application, stating it is in the “public interest to invite the Crown to intercede.” quote from CBC
Who is the crown in BC? Crown Counsel appear in court as agents for the Attorney General for British Columbia. The Attorney General has overall supervisory authority over prosecutions that fall within the province’s constitutional responsibility. Could that explain why charges were dropped against 70 people arrested for breaking the law? Crown prosecutors said they could not prove nine of the protesters were aware of the injunction when they were arrested. Food for thought but we are off track here, so we will continue in regards to Molly Wickham.
So just why are crown prosecutors (hired by the NDP Goverment) so deathly afraid to question aboriginal status? Likewise why is the mainstream media so afraid to question aboriginal status? Why are aboriginals so deadly afraid of being questioned about their aboriginal status? Seriously only those who have something they want hidden would not be proud of who they were.
Aboriginal status should be a source of genuine pride, unless you have something to cover up.
We are writing this because someone needs to wake up crown prosecutors and the mainstream media.
If crown prosecutors were worth a lick of salt and not treating this case like kindergarten lawyers. the would have already known the Wet’suwet’en people submitted all known hereditary names during the Delgamuukw land claims and the name “Sleydo” or any similar names were not listed, so it was invented by Gidimt’en pro protest supporters. In a nutshell the fact is “Sleydo” is not a Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs name, is a child or baby name as shown below.
Before nonnative contact, a Wet’suwet’en heir began their journey to becoming a hereditary chief while still inside the mother’s womb. Elders, Shaman’s and Chiefs would often feel the womb of an expectant mother and determine if the baby was destined to be a future Chief or Shaman. From the time of birth the child would be groomed or tutored to be a wise, strong and responsible leader. The child would start off with the following succession of feast names:
Birth name
Baby name (editors interjection, this is where Molly Wickham’s name Sleydo’ is at.)
Child’s name
Adolescent name
Adult name
Sub Chief name
Wing Chief
Head Chief name
Before a person received a high-ranking chief name, they would have to travel into the wilderness to live with the animals for an extended period of time. They would learn the ways of the animal world before returning to the community to assume a Chief name. When they returned, they would have to demonstrate what they have learned. This exercise exposed the prospected chief to the human world as well as the animal world. Thus ensuring he or she had the utmost respect for both.
Now that we have laid out how both Crown Prosecutors and Media can verify that Molly Wickham also referred to as Sleydo is NOT a hereditary name meaning she is not a Hereditary Chief, we can now go on to prove she is not even Wet’suwet’en.
Next I want to share something very significant with you. The adoption of Molly Wickham into the of the Casyex House Territory, the Grizzly Bear House was done by a woman known as Mable Forsythe is the mother of Lucy Gagnon who is married to Alphonse Gagnon who has a brother named Adam Gagnon and a sister name Jane Tommy who has a son name Warner Naziel. Also known as holding the stolen title of Smogelgem Then in a not so legitimate adoption, Mable Forsythe adopted Molly Wickham who is the sister of Jennifer Wickham. Mable Forsythe has been adorned by the NDP and the Smithers (NDP led) Town counsel, has herself a lot of skeletons in her closet, that we won’t wake up unless pressed to do so. Its amazing what you can find when you research history far enough back. Last but not least we will include the involvement a a known blockade crusader also Gitxsan by the name of Violet Gellenbeck and her involvement in creating this fiction figure of Sleydo. The links we provided on those names are significant and should be followed up.
Next piece of evidence comes from Canada Action.
Rita George: Wet’suwet’en Matriarch Speaks Out
“I want the world to know why I stepped forward is, as a Matriarch, is if I don’t say anything now, the world will think that the Matriarch are behind all these protestors that’s going on. And, none of the Matriarch were contacted.
What’s happening out there is not right. We didn’t give our permission for the young woman that[s] repeatedly saying that she’s representing the Wet’suwet’en Bear Clan, and she didn’t even contact us, and we were surprised to hear her saying that she was representing the Gidimt’en Clan, which is the Bear Clan. And, we felt that wasn’t right because it’s not right without our permission that she’s out there saying she’s representing us.
The Matriarch, some of them are really sick, some of them are up to 87 years old, they’re not even contacted. And without their permission, things are happening and its really hurtful. It’s not the way of our ancestors. Our Ancestors have in the past, any dispute they have, they talk it over, peacefully, respectful, love, and all that is not there.”
Rita George also stood in front of Mable Forsythe who adopted Molly, and at no time did she ever dare stand up and defend Molly’s behaviour while Rita George was speaking. As a matriarch herself she is still lower in rank than Rita. After all it was Mable Forsythe who completely broke with Wet’suwet’en customs in adopting Molly for political purposes. Molly Wickham as a adopted member of the Casyex House Territory, the Grizzly Bear House. We were fortunate enough to get a copy of this very significant and important speech by Rita George Gulaxkan (The Bear That Sleeps All Winter Long known and trained as a knowledge keeper of the Wet’suwet people. See this page for more details. The following was read face to face with Molly Wickham and Mable Forsythe at the cenotaph in Houston BC . The original transcript is here.

Molly and spouse
On Woos- Cas Yikh- you have been blocking Woos territories and not allowing Woos house members to go to their territory: Woos and the Late Topley Sam, and the Late Roy Morris, Morris Lake – Widzin Bin We usually pick up Huckleberries and spent the weekends at Widzin Bin. We enjoyed the beautiful colours of the Green Lake that is why it’s called Widzin Bin in Wesuwit’en.
Molly you have very little understanding of our language-you barely started to learn it. You just started to learn the meaning of our territories. Your spouse is from Haida Gwaii he has no rights. He is necidildes but he has no right to speak on behalf and does not own anything on Witsuwit’en territories. You have been doing things for 4 years now and haven’t received correction and you continue to do what you want and overstep all the chiefs and matriarchs to try make a name for yourself.
So many Witsuwit’en disagree with you and all that you do. You need to hear correction. We understand what you are trying to do but you doing everything wrong and making it up as you go along. You need to continue to uphold Witsuwit’en ways and Witsuwit’en traditions.
I am 80 years old and we need to step forward because you are our niece we have every right to correct you and we need to tell you that so much of what you are doing is wrong.
Our ancestors used the territories for fishing, hunting and trapping. They used medicinal plants to heal sickness. There are 5 different clans: Bear, Caribou, Frog, Killer Whale, and Beaver. They respected each other and never criss crossed into different clan territories.
To visit, they invited each other. Through death, the hereditary chief names, territories are handed down to well-groomed chiefs with their clans after one year.
A little baby name was given to you. You jumped to the back row where chiefs who have been groomed for many years. You needed to be groomed before speaking on behalf of the Gidimt’en. You needed to earn everything: name and territory with respect. You do not even respect your own matriarchs. You may fool everyone that you are representing the Gidimt’en. Where did you come from to say that you are “representing us”? You do not represent us. Everyone-including and especially you- are grabbing names without being groomed. This is why our feast hall system is falling apart- because of people like you. You needed to be groomed for many years and you were not.
Remembrance Day:
Nov 11th: Our Aboriginal veterans went to War from1939-1945. They fought for our freedom. Where is that freedom? You are trying to control all of us and you are trying to control everything and you are fooling so many people. David Alec- Nestah- was a WWI veteran- one of the most respected soldiers- a sniper. When the soldiers came home, all of them had nowhere to go because they were enfranchised and could not return to the reserves. They had to live off reserve. They became non-status Indians. I am one of them, as I married a veteran and I lost my status. We all depended on the territories David Alec himself a beautiful cabin by the lake by the lake. That is the cabin you occupy. His descendants have every right to that cabin but do not know how to get back as you moved in there and have been squatting there for a few years.
Molly: you are disrespecting the family of a veteran and his livelihood and you are disrespecting hereditary house members of Cas Yikh. They and their families belong here. You were adopted without following protocol and you are trying so hard to make a name for yourself and at the same time you are making things up as you go along and being very disrespectful and not following Witsuwit’en ways.
You need to respect the true descendants of David Alec. We are asking you to back away and respect the true holders of that cabin. You moved in and continue to squat there. All of what you do is shameful. You are trying to uphold Witsuwit’en ways but you are doing so many things wrong. For example, all of our business was conducted in the feast Hall- you have been collecting so much money from GoFundMe that is not our way! This is another reason why chiefs need to be groomed for many years before speaking on our behalf.
I am saying the truth- have respect!
No respect:
You have no respect for our ancestors who won the Delgamuukw Gidsdaywa court case. Any disputes would be dealt with in the Feast hall and all our ways would be followed. Again- you are doing so many things wrong! Nobody blockaded in the old days, we lived our ways and that is how we were protected in our territories. You are fighting with so many Witsuwit’ten and so many Witsuwit’ten do not agree with your ways but you continue to do all that you do.
We know that developments and logging changed our territories but when our own Witsuwit’ten strat turning the territories into ugliness- that is wrong: old ugly shacks, squatters, and people now starting to claim Witsuwit’ten territories as their own. That is why our ancestors did not bring people from outside our territories to live on the territories- now people who aren’t even Witsuwit’ten turn Witsuwit’ten people away from their own territories. Shameful!
The ancestors: “They will carry on the name, strength, and the power of the land. They will hold the truth.”
You have so much to learn before you can do that.
Comrade: Late Andrew George Sr. wrote at David Alec’s funeral: “Comrad Dave. You have a Supreme Sacrifice- went to our home to our almighty God, together with 400,000 Canadian Service Men and women whom paid supreme sacrifice for our freedom, may you rest in peace. Lest We Forget.”
The same words echo for Andrew George Sr.
I have a heavy heart at 80 years old with what is happening with our Feast System and with the hereditary chiefs that allow these shameful things to go on. If I don’t come forward, something bad will happen.
Our Feast system has strict laws. Late Mable George, Brian George and myself were adopted out of Spookws into Winlits- Gisdaywa House. (Tomas George)Were you really adopted in the ways of our laws? As matriarchs, we weren’t even consulted. Your grandmother was Witsuwit’ten but you mom’s father was from Eastern Carrier and your father is non- Witsuwit’ten- more reason why you needed to be groomed and learn so much about the Witsuwit’ten before even trying to speak on our behalf.
My late sister married Freddy Augusta- from Stellaquo. You have your degree and you are trying to use that to gain power and to make a name for yourself. You are to call yourself a matriarch. You have so many more years of learning and so many more years of grooming before you call yourself this. Instead of calling yourself a matriarch, Witsuwit’ten need to see you as a matriarch-and we don’t. You talk to the media as though you own our territories and you speak on behalf of all Witsuwit’ten. You need to learn so much more before you do that!
As your great Aunt, I am asking you to step back. I have had my hereditary name for 66 years. I am known and respected among the Witsuwit’ten as a matriarch. I have always followed our Witsuwit’ten culture with love and respect. I lead my family. We can no longer allow this to go on. Nobody can take away our culture and C’in K’ikh. But your conduct and actions are going against our ways. C’in K’ikh is our culture- our footsteps.
Let me tell you. You have spoiled your future because you think that you can have a degree and come to Witsuwit’ten territories and claim all the power and knowledge- is wrong! You are taking away from our hereditary system and our feast system—pipeline or no pipeline. This is not about the pipeline—this is about how you are conducting yourself.
Aboriginal veterans went to war to end wars and you are trying to start a war. Nobody can take away our culture and Ken Ka’h, elders footprint in our territory.
All copyrights to this transcript belong to its author Rita George ©
Before we move on I am sure some of you read her say Molly’s mother is Wet’suwet’en, however we uncovered more on this as well in discussions with other Wet’suwet’en matriarchs. We discovered that there are literally dozens of cases where family lost track of their linage, an honest mistake, but none the less its still a mistake. More on this mistake, years ago in large part to blame was goverment policies and the forced use of surnames, and a lack of available resources to check ancestors, outside of memory, this resulted in a lot of errors over the years and only now is coming to the surface. Its not that hard to see that when Canada imposed a patrimonial system in the mid 1700’s, families started following the males and last names that were no longer aboriginal but names became colonial. It was not until the late 70’s when they were working on land claims that the matrilineal system was reactivated, however with the amount of inter clan marriages, almost all families related to their clan based on a paternal system. If you feel I am wrong, do the research for yourself, its really easy to uncover this truth.
For the sake of all the very good people in this family, please respect what we are writing, there are a lot of very good people that are related to Molly and Jennifer, but you would never know it from the way those two treat their family. Molly and Jennifer have very much disrespected their own matriarchs, so we must show continued support for them as they were caught between what government did to them, and now the abuse done to them by these family members. For that reason getting the facts correct was important to us.
Maternal lineage verified by Garry Patsey through a family member. He verified that the family lineage is in fact Gitxsan and not Wet’suwet’en as previously presumed.
- Emily Augusta had a daughter named June Wickham
June Wickham (nee Augusta) had two daughters
Molly Wickham and Jennifer Wickham - Christine Patsey married Burns Lake Tom. Christine was Gitsxan on the maternal side (her mother was Gitxsan) So by way of matrilineal rule, her children will all be Gitxsan.
- Christine Patsey was the mother of Emily Augusta, who had a daughter named June Wickham (nee Augusta) who had two daughters named Molly Wickham and Jennifer Wickham.
- Molly’s grandma is Emily Augusta (nee Isaac)
Or another version of the same information.
- Molly’s and Jennifer are the daughters of Don Wickham a white man who married June Wickham (aboriginal) whose maiden name is Augusta.
- June’s parents on her fathers side was Eastern Carrier specifically Stellat’en First Nation. His name was Freddy Augusta.
- On June’s mother’s side was Emily Augusta, her maiden name was Isaac
- June’s mom Christine Patsey married a Burns Lake man with the surname of Tom. Christine is half Gitsxan and half Wet’suwet’en. June was born into the house of Spookws or also known as the Dora Wilson Kenny house group.
Complicated? Somewhat but both crown lawyers and mainstream media should have little problem in verifying our findings.
NEXT: Let us examine how Molly got the baby name “Sleydo” a non hereditary name as we have already established.

The date here is very significant, March 2nd 2019, we will add some of the photos from this collection by Carla Lewis Photography.
History was indeed being made when the Gagnon Family (all Gitxsan by matrilineal rule) Let me bring your attention to this story, we have screenshot excepts from it. Scroll down to where Gary Naziel speaks. This was no ordinary potlatch or feast hall ceremony, it was the bastardization of the Wet’suwet’en feast hall traditional system. It was being abused to install illegitimate people into legitimate office, all for the sake of legitimizing their illegal blockades. Likewise it was part of a concerted effort to take over control of the Wet’suwet’en Nation. I want to reiterate that the quote below is only a small part of what was exposed by Gary Nazeil, I highly recommend reading the article in full. Its too large to repost here.

One cannot overlook the role that Violet Gellenbeck played in this hijacking of the feast hall system. Years ago we did an article called “Fake Wet’suwet’en takeover?” That goes into greater detail. Below Violet makes the stunning revelation that the Bazil Family is actually Gitxsan and not Wet’suwet’en.
Below is a video speech by Violet Gellenbeck in support of the blockers. Note the same faces over and over, this was the illegal stripping of titles that belonged to 3 matriarchs.

Its a very sad state of affairs when there is so much exploitation of hereditary names, these radical protesters have turned Wet’suwet’en upside down on its head and change the rules whenever it suits them, there is no longer even a concern about what nation you are from, pick one, its ok to be anything you want. As long as both Goverment of British Columbia and Canada fall for it, that is all that matters.
The next photo tells a lot, standing beside Molly is Violet Gellenbeck (for the record now deceased) and standing on the other side her illegitimate adoptive mother Mable Forsythe

The next photo is astounding, it makes me question just how stupid our goverment really is, how stupid crown prosecutors really are, how the NDP allows this stuff and puts blinkers on to hide the truth, all in the name of a fictitious display of reconciliation.
Look at the date of this photo (below), dated Dec 13th 2018, that is the date the photo was posted so it was taken prior to that date. Now look back at when Frank Alec negotiated with the Goverment of Canada. (February 29, 2020) How can Frank Alec be listed as a herditary chief even before he was given that title. These radical do not care about Wet’suwet’en traditions.
This is not how Wet’suwet’en Law works, this is the bastardization of Wet’suwet’en Law
"Now you know the rest of the story" brought to you by a "Bulkley Valley Grandpa"

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