Remembrance Day – The War to End all Wars

Remembrance Day – The War to End all Wars –  Pt.3

Two pointers you need a lot of time there are several hours worth of footage to watch and the other is a Kleenex alert. Some of the footage below is high charged with emotions, please lets respect those involved and listen to what the message in them is.

In this final article a three part series, brings us to some very touching and heartfelt video. Molly Wickham gets an education in  Wet’suwet’en War Veteran history. Her actions can only be seen as defiling the graves of our dead, when you see her stunting on video for GoFundme and calling on people to go to war.

On behalf of this website, I am very grateful and humbled by the video I was privileged to watch and share with you. I will post an short intro to each video to explain why we posted them. The videos were released to us with the understanding they will be used to bear witness to one and all of what was said this Remembrance Day in 2020. At the very bottom of the page we will post a video made by Molly, Cody, Molly’s sister and the young lady who holds down their camp.

BC-North Editor

The videos were released to us with the understanding they will be used to bear witness by one and all regarding what was said this Remembrance Day in 2020

Below is a written transcript of the video portion where Rita George speaks in both her native tongue as well as in English. If you wish to save time you can read it and verify her spoken words with the video. NOTE: The videos are very long, however we have a copy of the written text (in English) by Rita George below the videos.

Molly Wickham Cody and crew continue to be an embarrassment to the Wet’suwet’en  Nation. Watch as she makes a big point of honoring and respecting elders and compare that to what she herself does in the these last two articles. She is completely self serving, and its all for the press, everything she does is meaningless other than for GoFundMe and the stageing for the press to get her funds flowing. She has zero regard or respect for her elders. In the video below Molly show her outrageous arrogance, her complete disrespect, while pretending that she and her Stellat’en First Nations sister Jennifer speak on behalf of the Wet’suwet’en  Nation, when in fact she has no rights at all to speak as an adopted member.

"Now you know the rest of the story"
brought to you by
"Two Feathers"




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  1. Why would this be of any interest to anyone on this website? What is your stake in this if your not Wetsuweten? Why is it made public?

    • If you read the article, you can see that the message needs to be heard by all of the Wet’suwet’en Nation. Likewise after everything done to put it in the news intentionally by Molly, Freda and their mostly non aboriginal supporters, it needed to be publicly countered.

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