First things first, why is Fred Tom listed as one of the Blockaders.
Blockades is by design, and not a consequence of industry or CGL, blockades is the “Ways and Means” an objective to steal lands from other First Nations and bypassing the system of negotiations.
To fully understand the “how to” of implementing of this plan you need to first understand the background of this plan. A must read is Wet’suwet’en Land Claims Overlap. as it explains the problem that the Office of Wet’suwet’en aka the Wet’suwet’en Five have as the core of their problems.
In 2009 Don Ryan was invited to speak to the Office of Wet’suwet’en where he delivered the following advise on how to proceed with land claims. Feel free to prove me wrong.
He said the following, we will highlight the key points in dark red.
“The issues for us on the treaty table are a competing claim. You have people on the treaty table discussing these issues, and Carrier Sekanie is claiming the same thing in Prince George.
The band councils are doing different things. We must sit and talk to them and bring everyone together. There will be tension on these fronts. You have a situation where pipelines and competing claims must be sorted out.
The treaty process is not the right path for us.
This process takes your title away from you. We need to be aggressive as to what we can do on the land. I can quickly take you through the treaty process. They have a formula and figure how much they will offer you in cash. Our neighbors in the Nass signed a treaty, speak to them and they will tell you the same story. $750,000 per person is what they will offer you. When they give you that money, you will not own the land.
They will also offer you land and that will be around Moricetown. They also have a formula, one section of land. They are still trying to get you off the land. I’m interested in discussing the options with you.” Don Ryan 2009
Then later on in 2009 the following.
The Unist’ot’en camp has been endorsed by five prominent Wet’suwet’en house chiefs, part of a hereditary system of 13 house groups that fall under five clans. The five men (with their Indigenous title, followed by their house group and clan) are: John Ridsdale (Na’Moks) from Rafters on Beaver House under the Tsayu clan; Warner William (Knedebeas) from Dark House under the Gilseyhu clan; Jeff Brown (Madeek) from Where it Lies Blocking the Trail under the Gitdumden clan; Ron Mitchell (Hagwilnegh) from House of Many Eyes under the Laksilyu clan; and Warner Naziel (Smogelgem) from Sun House under the Laksamshu clan.
How can one not ask the question in regards to these blockaders who all condemn the oil and gas industry, yet how many of them now drive pickup trucks worth between 50 to 100 Thousand Dollars? Has anyone done a count? How many gas and diesel trucks and cars are now owned by the Office of Wet’suwet’en, they have an entire fleet of vehicles that require oil and gas.
Keep in mind these so called “land defenders” are all just pawns of Franklin Lopez The secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family.
Watch the video and Molly ranting making all kinds of racist accusations, lashing out against everyone, in spite of what her own matriarch Rita George who completely outranks Molly as Wing Chief for Fred Tom said about the mess Molly and her gang are making out there. In fact Rita George ordered them to clean it up and they have never complied. Go to this YouTube video and skip forward to the 10 min mark and listen to her tell Molly to clean up the mess they are leaving behind. Click Here
Setting the record straight
“Alfred Joseph, whose traditional name is Gisday’wa, was a Wet’suwet’en chief, “knowledge holder,” carver, teacher, orator and noted defender of Wet’suwet’en rights.” are words spoken about a man who was a true leader in his time. Sadly today its getting very hard to fill the shoes of our elders, especially if your personal history includes being remembered for long history battling with alcoholism. Something I would never have talked about if not for the content of this mans rants in this recent video production by Brandi Morin ( A Tides production under the name of National Observer)
The following video we hear from Fred Tom, who also does NOT follow Wet’suwet’en tradition of one year of silence while learning to the wisdom of being a Hereditary Chief. Recall the book the Office of Wet’suwet’en created for School District 54. Chapter 2 page 20 you have the following declaration.
OK Watch the video, and I will post a clarification based on the time stamps.
The video below is from Brandi Morin as published on social media.
Note: Fred Tom driving a very expensive and relatively new truck that runs on the same OIL and GAS that Fred is opposed to. Fred Tom would never have made it there to the CGL work camp without OIL and GAS. These guys have no idea in regards to how stupid they appear to those who do know the difference. There is so much obvious and incredible staged shock and awe and tears in this video.. The irony is not lost in the poor acting job done in this promo video by Brandi Morin. Listen to a man who knows the bottom of a bottle better than he knows about the crap out here. Like a mad man making insane accusations, and this is what they refer to as ‘Wiggus Tset At’awt At’en’ Respect First ?
If this man is a Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief then he is also one of those people who are making a mockery of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, how could anyone respect a man who speaks this way to another human being who is only doing their jab?
Note that they show the area being used without telling the public (intentionally) that all of this will see full remediation by Wet’suwet’en contractors, meaning the area will be completely cleaned up and replanted once the pipeline is completed. They pretend that it will be left a mess, as it once was decades ago.
You hear Tom complaining look at the big area they cleared, tiny compared to the areas they cleared when Tom was logging here. Tom has a history as well, not one we will disclose here, but locals all know what it is. Who put Fred Tom up to this staged event? Fred Tom was one of the people who made his living working out here, yes out here working as a logger in many of the logged off areas out here. You hear so much bullshit about pristine wilderness, just look at google maps of this area. There is no reason whatever to believe that in any way shape or form the river is actually be threatened. If working on the land was such a big threat, then why is there so much silence on the issue that Alphonse Gagnon (Chief Kloum Khun) Adam Gagnon (wing chief) Warner William (Chief Knedebeas) and Fred Tom (Chief Gisday’wa) all made their living and fortunes logging the Morice River watershed.
Note the edited in tears and sobbing. End of the edited in tears is at the 2:42 where the next edited in clip begins. This sobbing is dubbed into the middle of this video production. Imagine that, its so obvious its a injected sobbing and they think people are too stupid to notice that?
They find a CGL employee and decide to harass this man as if he owns the camp.
Fred starts in on the CGL employee about young people going missing. This man who has and might still have a serious drinking problem, has the gall to make the accusation “You guy’s don’t give a shit do you?” I am sure Alfred Joseph must be rolling over in his grave, as his name went from respect, all the way down to this. My advice to Fred from one elder to another, you will never be respected until you yourself show respect to others, something that Alfred Joseph was known for.
Fred Tom asks the employee if he is one of the people responsible for missing or murdered women, someone should ask Fred if during a drunken stupor he himself might have been guilty of the same? With Fred Tom’s history balling the bottle, its hard to imagine how he was ever chosen to replace Alfred Joseph as the new Chief Gisday’wa. It begs the question of how he was talked into this very staged event by the Tides Foundation’s Brandi Morin.
Fred Tom says this is bullshit, this is my land. Wow, from a respected name Gisday wa, we now have this? This former or alcoholic is now the owner of all this land? Is the word former alcoholic correct or was this the rants of a drunken man? Was he sober when shot this video, his anger makes this a legitimate question. Actually he is not the owner, if the owner is anyone at all it belongs to Chief Woos “Darlene Glaim.” But there is more, Fred Tom is from the Gitdumden Clan, and then you have Freda Huson declaring the same land belongs to the Gil_seyhu house in particular the Unist’ot’en (Dark House) so it begs the question are they really this illiterate and confused or has lying become the ways and means to fight industry?
Fred Tom asks the employee if I went and did this behind your house, how would you like it. What an idiot, this man is simply earning a living doing a job he is paid to do and is somehow expected to put up with this idiots interrogation. He follows that up with another really ignorant and racist comment that “Oh I forgot, you guys don’t have a place of your own.” No respect results in no respect.

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December 7, 2019 Office of Wet’suwet’en – Disclosure Six
January 1, 2020 Victory for local citizens in the B.C. Supreme Court against Wet’suwet’en obstructionists.
January 5, 2020 Inventing Wet’suwet’en law
January 7, 2020 Stolen Titles – Unist’ot’en – CGL Eviction
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March 1, 2020 Open letter to Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs after Tsayu clan meeting
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July 2, 2020 Hereditary chiefs skating on thin legal ice another must read story.
August 1, 2020 Not all Hereditary Chiefs names are passed on to better men, the name Gisday’wa is no exception.
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November 16, 2020 Molly Wickham gets correction from a highly respected Wet’suwet’en “Gidimt’en” matriarch. – Pt.1
November 16, 2020 Molly Wickham gets a lesson in Respect for Elders – Pt.2
November 16, 2020 Remembrance Day – The War to End all Wars – Pt.3
December 2, 2020 Terrorism charges linked to Freda and Molly’s call to action.
February 23, 2021 A question of Legitimacy in the Office of Wet’suwet’en
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November 14, 2021 Yintah – a documentary film about the Wet’suwet’en Nation
November 17, 2021 Office of the Wet’suwet’en inciting Domestic Terrorism
November 18, 2021 Press Release from the Gidimt’en Clan
November 19, 2021 Anarchists and Warriors – A confession by Molly Wickham
November 22, 2021 Insurrection – List of players in the Bulkley Valley
November 24, 2021 Rape and death cover up by Molly Wickham and Frank Alec (chief Woos)
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November 29, 2021 War in the Woods – Daily Update
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December 6, 2021 Did CBC just team up with a terrorist?
December 11, 2021 Violent RCMP Raid on the Wet’suwet’en? When and where?
December 14, 2021 Nathan Cullen’s letter of concern regarding RCMP Violence
December 17, 2021 The fallacy of “Land Back”
December 20, 2021 Where are our Wet’suwet’en leaders?
December 21, 2021 The case for a permanent RCMP station on the Morice West Forest Service Road
December 22, 2021 Molly and her gang once again occupy the drill pad site.
December 28, 2021 Anarchist Stool Bus – We uncover the down and dirty – Dec 2021
The rest of the story can be found in our 2022 articles, check there for more related articles.
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