The Eco Cultists use mob mentality, they hold themselves free of any responsibility, they are the most irresponsible degenerates ever to come out of civilization.
Happy New Year folks, we were sort of hoping that we could ignore the external forces (eco radicals from outside of the Bulkley Valley) however we understand their agenda and feel its due for a calling out of those radicals and what they intend to do. Let us start with the story about the cost of policing. Clearly the agitators, the criminals, and the anarchists feel their hands are tied, so their greatest need right now is to find a way, either from outside public pressure, or political manipulation, is to get the police to stand down so that criminal activities can once again make headlines that have massive payoffs in GoFundMe accounts. Also read The Eco Cult Collaborative for a better understanding on how they play this game against the public.
So lets go directly to the source of this attack, there is a bit of chronology involved here, starting with a story written by Amanda Follett Hosgood (an approved journalist by the Wickham sisters) please read Journalists or Promotional Agents? for an explainer on the so called journalism by Amanda Follett Hosgood. The article in question is “RCMP Has Spent Almost $20 Million Policing Wet’suwet’en Territory” written in the left wing NDP rag called The Tyee. This article was written back in August of 2021 but obviously some people felt a need to exploit this story even more, as they remain desperate to get the police out of there as they are 100% handicapped from committing criminal actions against Coastal Gaslink.
Please read Journalists or Promotional Agents?. This article is key to understanding the difference between genuine journalism and propaganda writers. If a report needs to be “Wickham” aproved, its not reporting, its pure propaganda, regardless of your credentials.
In her “Wickham approved” article Amanda says quote “The spending included the costs of two separate police raids — in January 2019 and February 2020 — on blockades put in place by Wet’suwet’en and their supporters who oppose the Coastal GasLink pipeline.” They cannot even maintain a 1/2 dozen Wet’suwet’en at those camps, and its no secret hundreds of Wet’suwet’en are working for and on the Coastal Gaslink pipeline, so this is not a case of poor journalism, its the intentional and deliberate act of lying, intentionally being deceitful to accomplish the intended goal of misleading the public.
Not satisfied that her story gained enough traction Amanda Follett Hosgood would proceed to write another one on October 18th 2022 “RCMP Spending on Pipeline Conflict Reaches $25 Million” its almost laughable how Amanda refers to the attack on CGL employees as now being only an “alleged attack” right out of Molly’s handbook, then used the alleged attack as a reason to claim harassment on the part of the RCMP monitoring the anarchists activities.
Now moving on to the “parrots” the ones using her story to make or create their own manipulations based on police costs. Next comes Matt Simmons whose wages are paid by the tax payers under the Local Journalism Initiative a grant courtesy of Justin Truedeau, imagine Justin paying the medias costs and forwarding the bill to us tax payers. But then set that aside, he is writing for the Narwhal, formerly known as DeSmog Canada, where the lines between fact and fiction were often so blurred it was difficult to separate them. Not just any mainstream media but a dedicated eco cult, American funded website dedicated to stop the heartbeat of Canada.
Matt Simmons is another “Wickham sisters” approved journalist, please read Journalists or Promotional Agents?. Matt Simmons also brings out the hay wagon when he parrots the complaint about policing costs, also for the same reason, they cannot go on a crime spree with police watching their every move, so he writes an article called “A year after RCMP raids on Wet’suwet’en territory, the Coastal GasLink conflict isn’t going away” ” A special unit of the force keeps a constant presence as construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline continues”
Once again its clear money is not their prime concern, its the freedom to commit criminal acts against the pipeline that is the primary concern. Now if you think we hit the pinnacle of absurd, we have not even come close until you read what Amnesty International wrote! staggering indeed, you have to see it to believe it. I don’t ever recall seeing such a bunch of senseless idiots like the ones that are now working at/for Amnesty International its the safe haven of criminals international. The original intent of Amnesty has been poisoned from the inside. They are not defending the Wet’suwet’en Nation, they are working for a handful of terrorists.
Again we have a group of people, that completely ignore the real Wet’suwet’en in favor of defending criminals and radical anarchists, and they have now turned this 180 degrees to the criminals becoming the victims here.
Next we have CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) who runs a entire series promoting the anarchist theme, one might think the CBC has shares in a broken Canada. The first rule of journalism is press independence, a journalist should be there to document and record history, their job is not to write the narrative. The facts as presented by CBC show a large number of articles written by Brett Forester a reporter with CBC Indigenous in Ottawa. He is a member of the Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation in southern Ontario who previously worked as a journalist with the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. Bret lived/lives in the camp with the anarchist rebels who are there for only one reason, that being to interfere with the building of the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline. Brett Forester is another Wickham sister approved embedded so called journalist. Please read Journalists or Promotional Agents?.
Two stories that come to mind that really cross over from fiction to reality is that Brett Forester knows first hand how few members of the Wet’suwet’en Nation are really part of this anarchist group stationed out at Molly Wickham’s pallet city. But his job is to change fact to fiction, making it appear that the Wet’suwet’en people are the ones behind this anarchist movement. Back in Oct 21, 2020 Chantelle Bellrichard of CBC News reported (parroted from the Tyee) RCMP spent more than $13M on policing Coastal GasLink conflict on Wet’suwet’en territory – Hereditary chief calls expenditures a ‘tremendous waste of money’
Imagine that “Wet’suwet’en hereditary chief Na’moks said the police costs on the file were “a tremendous waste of money.” He said he’d like someone to take responsibility for the amount of force the RCMP brought to the territory to enforce an injunction against unarmed people.” This coming from a man who should be in jail for criminal negligence with a firearm shooting on his neighbors property while on a regular habitual drinking spree in the tiny village of Hagwilget. But its either too much work, or too telling for the CBC reporter to share that the Hereditary chief in question has a very recent criminal record. His real name in real life is John Ridsdale. Also see Wet’suwet’en Chief Na’Mox – John Ridsdale to plead guilty on 4 criminal charges and John Ridsdale got a suspended sentence & probation of three years. and Did John Ridsdale outwit the judge?
Next is the Brett Forester story “RCMP, Coastal GasLink deny conspiring to intimidate, harass Wet’suwet’en members” let me quote Brett “The RCMP, Coastal GasLink and Forsythe Security, named as defendants in a lawsuit three Wet’suwet’en members launched last June, all deny the allegations.” Now name those 3 and keep in mind these are the three that the media refers to as the Wet’suwet’en Nation. How revealing Brett inadvertently admits there are only 3 people there, that can actually make the claim they are Wet’suwet’en.
There are only 3 Wet’suwet’en members in Molly’s camp, herself and the two former homeless people.
So correct me if I am wrong but the first two Janet Williams and Lawrence Bazil are former members of the Smithers tent city or homeless people, am I wrong here folks, please please tell me I am mistaken, tell me that both of these people were never alcoholics living on the street. Please tell me that what we were told is wrong. The next person on the list is the chief agitator Molly Wickham. Let’s recap, Janet Williams and Lawrence Bazil have become the face of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, and Molly Wickham built them a cabin on her pallet blockade at 44K.
The only thing stranger than fiction, seem to be the facts.
As for the homeless camp, I will spare you the drunken video clips, but if you read back far enough you will find will find them. It makes it very difficult not to call this vexatious litigants. A vexatious litigant is, by definition, someone who repeatedly files unfounded legal actions for improper purposes, which could include harassment. I am however surprised the court was willing to play along as opposed to throwing it out of court..
Reflecting again, reading back at the top where she writes “Amanda says quote “The spending included the costs of two separate police raids — in January 2019 and February 2020 — on blockades put in place by Wet’suwet’en and their supporters who oppose the Coastal GasLink pipeline.” now the admission that amounts to two homeless people plus Molly are the only Wet’suwet’en members involved.
Its almost nauseating how these people can spin truth to suit their needs and it seems funding is only one call away, just call “The Eco Cult Collaborative”
"Now you know the rest of the story"
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"Two Feathers"
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