We are “taking back the land of our forefathers”, “to live off the land like they did”, “like they did since time immemorial”.
What a load of horse manure.
1. Time immemorial equals going back as far as we remember, that could be the 1960’s for most of the Hooligans out on the Morice River Roads. Time immemorial also equals the truth can be as rich as your imagination, because ZERO evidence exists to support the claim.
2. Your not taking it back from your forefathers, your taking it from your neighbors, who lived on that land, unlike you and your parents. (its called theft)
3. Live like your forefathers, not even a close second. You are 100% reliant on OIL and Gas pipelines, your as much in love with oil and gas, as are the investors in Alberta. These blockaders are more dependent on OIL and GAS to the point they owe their existence to OIL and GAS. The camp itself would not exist today but for THEIR use of OIL and GAS.
And then we have GO FUND ME. Who says being a radical does not pay well?
Unist’ot’en Camp Legal Fund $363,592.83
Justice for Unis’tot’en Land Protectors $76,751.00
Indigenous Life School Fundraiser $1,127.00
Wet’suwet’en Access Point on Gidimt’en Territory (Molly GoFundMe) $230,378.00
Support the Likhts’amisyu spring build $3,920.00
Tsayu Land Defenders $1,024.00
For a total based on today’s date of $676,792.83
In addition there are also many untracked or less traceable ways to make donations.
TOTALLY OIL AND GAS DEPENDENT the Unist’ot’en tell the rest of us they are blocking OIL and GAS to protect us, nothing could be further from the truth.
All of the people, ground support, the building materials, the trucks, roads, power generators, ATV’s, snowmobiles, chainsaws are all here due to the very energy they condemn. They want the rest of us to go green but they cannot exist without the very oil and gas they condemn.
They want you and me to stop using fossil fuels, but its perfectly fine that they use them. They call the place a healing center and the only track record they have is one they refuse to speak about, they have the dubious distinction of using an alcoholic for their fund raising, but let him slide back into the hole he was in before the blockade was renamed healing camp.
See for yourselves.
"Now you know the rest of the story"
brought to you by
"Two Feathers"
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