I have often said that politics is the rear door of a vulture, left wing blames right wing, right wing condemns left wing and the public gets the crap that comes out of the back door, while the front of it feeds on your wallet.
If only we had politicians that cared about our people and stopped catering to special interest groups that trade their support in exchange for shafting the public. Let’s look at where that leaves us, the voters.
It would be fair to say that the NDP leads the pack, mostly thanks to the work of Nathan Cullen who did a fantastic job at holding the Liberal government in Ottawa accountable for its actions, now retired he handed over a pretty resounding lead to Taylor Bachrach.
Major Taylor Bachrach, unknown to many people is Taylor did not simply slide into the majors seat, it was the teamwork of a number of environmental organizations all with links to the American Tides Foundation, at a time when the right(wing) lost interest in politics, leaving the door open to allow almost 100% of the positions in municipal office to be taken over by a highly organized environmentalist movement.
Where there is easy money, there is environmentalists, and the American Tides Foundation is the largest political manipulator on the planet earth today.
The old school Conservatives were getting too old and with nobody to hand off the party to, the result was anyone could grab the party reins and that just what happened.
The people who are conservative preferred to mind their own business (literally) as apposed to defending and protecting the business interests of the Bulkley Valley.
Our seniors are now shaking their heads in disbelief, they are shocked, and not afraid to say so, and refuse even to admit they were party workers in the past. The absence of local business men and women taking an interest in our riding is also appalling. This will result in an epic backfire for local businessmen all round. There are already many complaints about Smithers and Terrace not being growth friendly towns that seem stuck in the past as opposed to building towards a better future. Mind you this is what a few decades of NDP can do to a riding, you become used to feeding on handouts as opposed to being leaders.
Working hand in hand we have the Save the Bulkley, the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, The Dogwood Initiative, Skeena Wild, Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research, Skeena Knowledge Trust, Canadian Freshwater Alliance, and not to forget Sierra Club where Major Taylor Bachrach came from. Each and every one of those groups has ties to the American Tides Foundation who is committed to shutting down all Canadian industry. Taylor Bachrach worked as a Communications Director for Sierra Club BC before he joined the municipal race for major in Smithers.

The environmentalist arm reaches so far it controls even the Smithers Public Library and it appears as a very pro-environmentalist support group on the taxpayers dime, to the sheer joy of our left wing town counselors.
Most of the organizations above have cross membership where they scratch each other’s backs and all of them are guilty of trying to use aboriginal rights to turn BC into a park shutting down pretty much all industry. I hope I live long enough to see them eat crow when aboriginal ownership of industry voids every effort they made to date. Maybe then there will be the jobs we need to keep our kids local, instead of shipping them out of BC to get work.
An Indigenous-led group called Project Reconciliation has announced it could be ready as early as next week to make a $6.9-billion bid for majority ownership of the the Trans Mountain pipeline. 340 Indigenous communities across British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan could choose to share ownership in an expanded pipeline shipping crude oil from the Alberta oilsands to the west coast and from there to overseas markets.
Soon we will see just how supportive environmentalists really are regarding aboriginals, or show clearly that aboriginals are just a pawn in a rich stakes game.
Keep in mind none of the organization above endorsed the LNG, or any industrial resource project, they simply object to everything other than cash handouts.
Alternate political choices? Pardon my view on this one, the Conservative Party elected someone that in my view insures that we vote Mr. Suit and Tie over tattoos and sculls. Good lord what were they thinking? Was this a rigged vote? If I was an NDP strategist and had the Genie’s lamp, this is the jackpot of wishful dreams. I am so shocked pardon me for asking “Where the hell have all the Conservatives gone?” There used to be a lot of upstanding business folks who worked together to get one of their finest speakers elected to protect jobs and business here in the north.
Now all the real Conservatives are walking around with sunglasses on looking like men in black pretending they never heard of the right wing conservative party.
Next we have the Christian Heritage Party of Canada, now there is a joke worth a shoutout, listen to them talk about jobs (then insure they won’t happen) talk about making change (then insure it won’t happen) you divide the right and insure the left a victory, then claim you’re doing what’s best for our country. You could as an alternative, join the Conservatives, lead the conservatives, influence the votes and make a difference. Seriously what is the difference between voting for this party verses spoiling your ballot? Not much, the one difference it makes is that it provides a platform to preach, as if that could not be done by practicing what you preach.
Next we have the Green Party, yikes who will the sucker be? Look at the list of environmental parties; you will only be splitting the left wing vote. They have all traded their support with the NDP here, but then again we know that’s the one thing you have in common with the Christian Heritage Party, it’s the platform to preach environmental ideology, and will probably also be funded by the Tides Foundation through other channels call local organizations.
Then we have the radical right, no matter how tempted one might be to vote for them, few will ever admit they did or will. It’s quite sad that the local Conservatives appear to be a closed door group, and refused Conservative competition, resulting in the door opening for the radical right, the People’s Party of Canada.
Liberals? Are they even running someone in our riding? The first thing that comes to mind would be the “U Lied Factor” unless making pot legal was worth all of the lies made in the last election.
So in summary all we have to choose from, is the crap that flows out of turkeys rear end, unless we get a well known, well respected independent, who supports life for the working family, someone on our side, someone who opposes fleecing us with more taxes, like the carbon tax, then telling us it’s good for us. Protecting our natural resources is good, but it’s done nothing to alleviate poverty. Without jobs, regardless of your DNA, poverty kills, and jobs give people food on the table and a roof over their heads, as well as self-dignity.
"Now you know the rest of the story"
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