Karla Tait – Blockader Profile

Karla Tait – Blockader Profile

They say first impressions can be lasting impressions, such is the case for me regarding Karla Tait, the first two things that come to mind is the abuse of the word doctor in front of her name the second is Karla awarding the so called healing center with taxpayers dollars, in reality using her government job to award her own pet project funding, then observing that the entire healing center was nothing more than a con job created for only one purpose, that being stopping the CGL pipeline.

Keep in mind these so called “land defenders” are all just pawns of Franklin Lopez The secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family.

Quote from the Smithers Interior News Jan. 21, 2020

“The Unist’ot’en Healing Centre was built with the assistance of settler supporters working hand in hand with us to fund and construct the infrastructure that allows us to provide self-determined culturally rooted, land-based healing programming by, and for, Indigenous Peoples,” said Clinical Director of Unist’ot’en Healing Centre and Unist’ot’en House Member Karla Tait, Ph.D.

NOTE: Regarding the quote above, no mention is made that the “Ph.D.” is false representation, she holds no such credentials valid in Canada.

practicing without a license

All the song and dance that goes into the visual media support of self created claims, that even other Unist’ot’en do not support.

A British Columbia civil servant has a surprising second job – she is a director at the Unist’ot’en camp originally created to block any pipeline that might be planned for a North West corridor. Her government employer is monitoring the situation, just weeks after $400,000 in public funding was announced for the camp. Veteran journalist Stewart Muir assembled a number of facts about the situation.Read it here.

Recently she was questioned in social media about this, regarding about the outcome of this incident below is her response.

Tait, a psychologist by education, is described as the Unist’ot’en Healing Centre’s Director of Clinical Service.

Reading that again reminds me also of how often these people like to switch illegal criminal actions, suddenly they are justified and the law is the criminals. But guess who calls the police to protect their own rights the second they feel violated? To this date we have no confirmation as to what happened to the $400,000 in provincial government monies allocated last to the protest camp.

In an online report Jan. 22, the National Observer stated: “‘The healing centre is “the fruition of decades of planning and de-colonizing work,’ Dr. Tait said in the statement. The community and its supporters have poured more than $2 million into the construction of the centre, and the institution recently received a $400,000 grant from the First Nations Health Authority to continue to run land-based trauma and addictions treatment programming.” We are going to screenshot the entire clip in case the National Observer removes or alters its contents, keep in mind that the National Observer is part of the Tides Foundation, they are joined at the hip.

Be sure to read it all, because its our tax dollars that are paying for this charade. According to this article the money WAS PAID OUT.

In summery, we still do not know what happened to tax payers dollars.

Before we close, we also want to share the (all in the family) disclosure that they rarely ever share with media for very obvious reasons.

All participants in the Unist’ot’en Camp in one form or another. Doris Rosso, Freda Huson, Brenda Mitchell, Helen Mitchell, Catherine Michell and Karla Tait are all in the same family.


Important Related Articles

(Interview with Karla) Aboriginal Entitlement – Pipeline Blockades
January 23, 2020 Chief Knedebeas (Warner William) offer to allow LNG through Unist’ot’en land  Revolving promises, double speak
February 11, 2020 Law without Consequence
February 29, 2020 Unist’ot’en Healing Center has no doctor – Dr. Karla Tait is not qualified
August 2, 2020 INVASION is a new PROPAGANDA film by an American activist Sam Vinal and Michael Toledano
November 8, 2020 Roadblock Idiots – Or is it us that are idiots?
November 26, 2020 Chatelaine has the wrong Wet’suwet’en Women Of The Year
December 2, 2020 Terrorism charges linked to Freda and Molly’s call to action.
December 3, 2020 Digging for Truth a must read
February 15, 2021 The Abused Truth on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIW)
October 8, 2021 GoFundMe – Gold diggers – this needs to stop.
November 14, 2021 Yintah – a documentary film about the Wet’suwet’en Nation
November 29, 2021  War by Anarchists on Society
December 3, 2021   Taylor Bachrach sandbags RCMP in Parliament  Cody Molly Logan Colin
December 4, 2021   Memory Lane – Like peas in a pod.
December 6, 2021   Did CBC just team up with a terrorist?
December 11, 2021   Violent RCMP Raid on the Wet’suwet’en? When and where?
December 14, 2021   Nathan Cullen’s letter of concern regarding RCMP Violence
December 17, 2021   The fallacy of “Land Back”
December 20, 2021  Where are our Wet’suwet’en leaders?
December 21, 2021  The case for a permanent RCMP station on the Morice West Forest Service Road
December 22, 2021  Molly and her gang once again occupy the drill pad site.
December 28, 2021  Anarchist Stool Bus – We uncover the down and dirty – Dec 2021

The rest of the story can be found in our 2022 articles, check there for more related articles.


#buildthatpipe #Wetsuweten #TidesCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPstanddown #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #NoTrespass #WedzinKwa #DefendTheYintah #RCMPAreMercenaries #WouldYouShootMeToo #LandDefenders #WaterProtectors #RiseUp #LightYourSacredFires #landback #blockade #takeaction #istandwithwetsuweten #decolonize #landdefenders #protectthesacred #gitxsanterritory #yintahaccess #pipeline

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