Shay Lynn Sampson is one of two Gitxsan full time shit disturbers, who are taking ownership of Wet’suwet’en affairs and in doing so are breaking the rules about not interfering in the affairs of other nations. These double standard hypocrites are in it for the public attention they get the notoriety, and the opportunity to live 100% free of a job and get the luxury of travelling like a rock superstar. This quite innocent looking young lady is anything but innocent, she is a full time activist even outside of the Wet’suwet’en or Gitxsan families as en eco-radical youth leader.
Keep in mind these so called “land defenders” are all just pawns of Franklin Lopez The secret operative behind the internal war in the Wet’suwet’en family.
I apologize for using the term “shit disturbers” but there is no better description of these people. “a person who enjoys causing controversy or upsetting people” Collins English Dictionary
Completely shameless, talking to universities as if they actually were Wet’suwet’en, supporting the tiny contingent of real Wet’suwet’en people who are behind these blockades. The only way this small group, the chiefs included can maintain any sort of presences is to bring in every person they can that is willing to be a fall guy/gall and get arrested to make the appearance that this is all coming from the Wet’suwet’en Nation. Look at the extremely high percentage of those arrested were not even First Nations people, and many of them were from the Fairy Creek Protest Camp.
They call themselves “land defenders” we call them employees of the Franklin Lopez who created the “Land Defenders” a project funded by the Tides Foundation. To fully understand how this land defender project works, you need to understand how Franklin Lopez created this hideous plan to create a racists anarchist wing within the indigenous community.

Important Related Articles
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November 3, 2021 Community-Industry Response Group (C-IRG) in the Bulkley Valley – Welcome Back
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November 17, 2021 Office of the Wet’suwet’en inciting Domestic Terrorism
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November 22, 2021 Insurrection – List of players in the Bulkley Valley
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December 14, 2021 Nathan Cullen’s letter of concern regarding RCMP Violence
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#buildthatpipe #Wetsuweten #TidesCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #RCMPstanddown #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #NoTrespass #WedzinKwa #DefendTheYintah #RCMPAreMercenaries #WouldYouShootMeToo #LandDefenders #WaterProtectors #RiseUp #LightYourSacredFires #landback #blockade #takeaction #istandwithwetsuweten #decolonize #landdefenders #protectthesacred #gitxsanterritory #yintahaccess #pipeline
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