Explosive rape and sexual abuse allegations continue to rock both Gidimt’en and Unist’ot’en Camps

Explosive rape and sexual abuse allegations continue to rock both Gidimt’en and Unist’ot’en Camps

Please be aware that those who committed these rape allegations still walk free, they have not been arrested or charged, because of the protection provided by both Gidimt’en Checkpoint and the Unist’ot’en camp.

For some insane reason both camps have decided that not talking about it will make the problem go away.

What started out as rumours a year ago has now broken open into a online war between the victims and a spineless leadership that refuses to anything about it. Late last fall we wrote an article based on information we received, back then we heard that allegations of rape were made against Alberto Castillo, part of those accusations included that a young woman was left to fend for herself with both Frank Alec, Molly Wickham and Freda Huson all refusing to help this young lady, the story goes she has to find her own way back home to Winnipeg where it ate her up so much she took her own life. The object of our story was to get these so called leaders to go to the RCMP in an attempt to get justice, but it appears that they hate the RCMP enough to allow preditors off the hook as long as they just leave the camps involved. See these articles as our references. Molly Wickham admits to sexual violence at Gitdimt’en Checkpoint and Rape and death cover up by Molly Wickham and Frank Alec (chief Woos)

Despite Molly’s public statement, there is no evidence that indicates the perpetrators suffered anything beyond being banished from the camp, in fact were not even certain that they are even banished as we recently saw in a photo shoot taken at the drill pad protest site as recently as the fall of 2021.

Those allegations were never addressed by either of the camps to our knowledge, and it has now exploded into a war between victims and camp leaders, who by the way have become independently wealthy in their roles as leaders of these camps by way of GoFundMe and international cash awards like the Right Livelihood Award who awarded Freda “her fearless dedication to reclaiming her people’s culture and defending their land against disastrous pipeline projects.”

The accusations went much deeper, also named in the allegations are Warner Naziel who claims the stolen Smogelgem title, so it begs the question now if he was the aboriginal leader chosen to look after Molly’s camp and as per Molly Wickham’s quote of “perpetrated violence towards both indigenous and non indigenous women”? She claims to have taken immediate action, yet we all know that Warner Naziel is free as a bird, and running around like none of this ever happened, and the same goes for Alberto Castillo.

Then comes the question to the Office of the Wet’suwet’en, they claim Warner Naziel is now a Hereditary Chief, so how do rape allegations fit in with the integrity of the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs?

One of the people who came forward have publicly stated that they are aware of 7 victims over the last two years.


Also called out was a loud mouth from the Trans Mountain Pipeline who came here to stand in solidarity with Freda and Molly, her name is Kanahus Manuel for protecting another man accused of being a sexual predator by the name of Raz Simone to get others to attack his victims online and even physically. (Note these are allegations)

Next came allegations that a Bunky/Walter Eco-Halk for lewd and lascivious acts against a minor (child under 16).

An important interjection here, most of the people in camps have alternative names for legal protection from the law, so they may differ in real life or in a courtroom.

The accusation that Warner Naziel a repetitive sexual preditor is no longer allowed in these camps and attacks and vilifies anyone who tries to hold him accountable for his actions. (See red slides in the previous article) In the case of Alberto Castillo that the leadership was complicit in hiding or covering up the claims made by his victims.

Next a young Haisla woman also came forward, and Molly was heard laughing about the accusations, then the accusation that the well known let me quote “Anne Spice (she/they) is a Tlingit member of Kwanlin Dun First Nation, a queer Indigenous feminist and anti-colonial organizer, and a PhD candidate in anthropology at the CUNY Graduate Center.”


Annie Spice and Alberto Castillo’s wedding with Molly in attendance.

Annie Spice is also one of those leading the charge to remove the statue and name Ryerson from the university claiming that it was the fault of Egerton Ryerson that her grandfather was horrible abused. The accusation is about as crazy as we breathed the same air therefor he is guilty.

OK you might think why are we talking about Annie Spice here? The following again is an allegation, not a proven offence, Annie Spice a self professed queer and feminist (that is not a problem with us) married Alberto Castillo an American male, in order to keep him in Canada. That would be an a criminal offence to marry a man just for immigration entry into Canada. Now they both left the camp together, because of the allegations, then she took a job teaching children or young adults as a respected university professor who is keeping her silence about the man she married, am I the only one who has a problem with that?

The story does not end there, we are not sure where it will end, but we will add to this article when we find more. It reminds me of the quote. Morpheus: “You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

We will take you down the rabbit hole if you care to follow to know the truth. Watch for updates on this story.

The next name that comes up is very likely also an alias name is Jesse Strongitarm with an allegation of multiple rapes on youth that visit the Unist’ot’en Camp and Healing Center.

The only person we are aware of that uses that same name “tzekwi” is Redsun Tzekwi who was in the Unist’ot’en Camp during this time frame, see below. Her real name may actually be Victoria Redsun and we are grateful for her coming forward.

"Now you know the rest of the story"
brought to you by
"Two Feathers"




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  1. Lurking behind the accusation of “genocide” that resulted from the federal inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women is the RCMP statistic that 70% of murdered indigenous women were victims of status men, in many cases their own partners.

    In 2016, the MMIW inquiry was granted $53.8 million for its operations with an additional $38 million to complete the final report. Some people profited big time from this inquiry the same way that Wickham et. al. are profiting from GoFundMe
    money pouring in from the US along with Tides and other US foundation money.

    This is in contrast with the current Freedom Convoys which have many Status and Metis participants in Canada who first had their GoFundMe stopped by the federal government and now have attempted to halt the GiveSendGo funding that is pouring in.

  2. I find it interesting that the funding for this “Healing Centre”comes for First Nations Health Authority.. I believe they were granted $400,000.00

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