Now we fully understand why John Ridsdale and Molly Wickham so badly desire to have less surveillance in the Bulkley Valley. In local news we read “‘Trend of escalating violence’: Coastal GasLink decries pipeline sabotage claims on anarchist site.” It also begs another question, why will Black Press not call it what it is “Domestic Terrorism?”
This story is the exact reason why security needs to be intensified, and the entire road should become an exclusion zone where only those who have a previously authorized pass can enter the zone, and or sections of road that is listed on that authorization. There should be no exceptions for anyone, including chiefs without a authorized photo ID pass. It also proves why there should not be any exceptions for a Chief or Chiefs with current or past criminal records.
Here is a perfect example of where the RCMP should have checkpoints and everyone entering should acquire a photo ID pass to enter, and on each pass should be a list of zones they are permitted to be on.

Further it is high time to start suing the Tides Foundation and every organization that its linked to funding terrorism, and groups using these funds to attack a fully licensed and approved project by means of our legitimate goverment, should also be considered terrorist groups that should be dismantled. The first of such groups that comes to mind is the Skeenawild Conservation Trust, West Coast Environmental Law, Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition and the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition for their blatant involvement in undermining our democracy.
If it was illegal for citizens to send donations to the “Freedom Convoy” then surely to God it should be illegal to fund any person or groups connected to the terrorism that has been going on for several years now on the Morice River roads and roads connected to these roads.
Next we see a post from Ellis Ross, and oddly it seems both Nathan Cullen and Taylor Bachrach need to be pressured into responding as neither of them have done so to date. Nathan has however made a pitch to save the northern spotted owl and justify shutting down more logging.
That brings us to the next point, these ecoterrorists are playing word games, obviously fearing severe criminal charges so they added we committed these acts or not, leaving it quite obvious that or not means the entire intention was to create a means to stall the project even more. They did NOT provide a single (one tiny item) of proof that they did anything at all to give their claims credibility. But I did wonder why the first person on twitter to know the article even existed was Michael Toledano my guess was he posted this within minutes of the article being posted online. I am not saying anything by that, people can make their own mind up on why he found it so fast. What we can confirm is has ongoing connections with Franklin Lopez who is largely connected to the the Montrèal Antifa in 2016, and was the creator of the Wetsuweten “land defenders”
They are co writers in the films INVASION is a new PROPAGANDA film by an American activist Sam Vinal and Michael Toledano and Yintah – a documentary film about the Wet’suwet’en Nation. So these two spend a fair bit of time together and Franklin Lopez who owner of subMedia is also the primary producer of videos for the local blockaders. A case of if the glove fits?
That brings me to my last point, I will include a screenshot. Why does the writer talk about I quote “Cracked concrete or rusted and patched pipes can lead to small leaks and large-scale spills, which is why every action, whether genuine or falsified, is being brought to the attention of the public long before the pipeline is operational.” Does the writer even know that the pipeline will not carry any product that will spill? Oil can spill, but natural gas never spills, and this pipeline was made for natural gas, so it begs the question, was the writer that stupid, or was it part of a copy paste he/she/it copied from somewhere else? This paragraph suggest to me the entire article is a hoax, an intention to delay and increase the cost of a project, and if I am wrong and the pipe blows up, those who did it should be charged with murder in the first degree.
The entire text is copied below is both a extortion attempt, to force CGL to pull the pipeline out of the ground and re=examine it, and or too add to costs, and an admission of committing a terrorist attack. (or not) as you can see in the ending of shier statement.
Over the past few months, several sections of the coastal gaslink pipeline have been vandalized. Financially, the consequences of each act were minor: a few holes in the pipeline here, some corroded welding seams there, damaged concrete here. Our goal was to contribute to the small delays in a project that was already well over budget.
- We drilled holes less than a penny wide in a section of pipe that had not yet been lowered into the trench. We covered the holes with fiberglass film, which temporarily prevents leaks in the pipes, but only lasts a few months. We know that welded sections of coated pipe are assessed before being lowered into the trench. After the trench is backfilled, they are tested under pressure. The holes were sealed in the hope that they would pass the first pressure test, but will have to be excavated and repaired before the pipeline is completed. This occurred during the last week of October on section 8 of the pipeline, between Kilometers 610 and 613.
- Between 585 and 588 kilometers of the pipeline, we found a section of pipe that had been dug out, so we damaged the coating at the joints by chipping and sanding it off in less visible places. This coating is needed to protect the pipe from corrosion and rust. We did this in early November. We liked this approach because the damage is not visible, but can still have a significant long-term structural impact if corrosion and rust show up, so it will need to be fixed.
- We drilled very small holes and filled them this time with an epoxy putty, somewhere between Kilometers 605 and 608 of the pipeline route (that’s in section 8.) We did this in the second week of November. We weren’t sure if the sealant would withstand the pressure test, but decided it was worth a try since this sealant is easier to source and use than the fiberglass coating.
- At the end of November, we drilled and filled holes in the pipe string before it would be lowered into section 6 of the pipeline between Kilometers 486 and 489.
- In early December, we chipped and busted the welds on a section of pipe that had not yet been lowered into the trench between Kilometers 606 and 609.
- We damaged the protective coating on a section of pipe by chipping and grinding, and chipped a welded seam on several sections of pipe before they were backfilled between Kilometer 377 and 380 of section 5 of the pipeline. This work was performed in early January.
- Near Kilometer 27 of North Hirsch forestry road we damaged welds and coating on a pipe section in the middle of January.
- We poured hydrochloric acid on the concrete pipes we knew were meant for the tunnel under Wedzin Kwa and used a concrete drill inside the pipe to weaken them even further. The concrete pipes are designed to protect the pipe itself from the pressure of the surrounding soil. Given the heightened security and surveillance of concrete pipe storage, we can’t say when this happened.
- In early December, we grinded and chipped the coating on the welded seams of the pipe sections between Kilometers 598 to 601.
- In mid February, we scraped and chipped large portions of the pipe coating of the string between Kilometers 626 and 629.
Or is that in fact what happened? Only some of these activities have actually taken place. We waited to share this information all at once, complete with some additional false reports, so the only way to know where repairs are really needed is to excavate and re-examine all the above-mentioned pipes. Cracked concrete or rusted and patched pipes can lead to small leaks and large-scale spills, which is why every action, whether genuine or falsified, is being brought to the attention of the public long before the pipeline is operational.
While we would prefer to write only completely honest report backs, we also believe that we should be resourceful and use every means at our disposal to delay construction as best we can. We apologize to those involved in the struggle for not being able to give you an accurate picture of what we have really accomplished. CGL we wish you all the best in your treasure hunt.
"Now you know the rest of the story"
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"Two Feathers"
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